Erişkin astımlı hastanın influenza aşısına yaklaşımı farklı mı?
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Giriş: Astımlı hastalarda viral infeksiyonların atakları tetiklediği bilinmektedir. Fakat influenza aşısının alevlenmeyi önlemesine yönelik çelişkili sonuçlar olmasının yanı sıra, influenza aşısı konusunda astım hastalarının tutumunu da değerlendiren bir araştırmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmada, astımlı hastaların influenza aşısına bakışlarını ve etki eden faktörleri değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.Materyal ve Metod: Astım tanısıyla kliniğimizde takip edilen hastalar ile, astım tanısı olmayan hastalara demografik özelliklerini, ko-morbiditelerini, gribal infeksiyon geçirme sıklıklarını, influenza aşısı yaptırıp yaptırmadıklarını ve aşı konusundaki görüşlerini sorgulayan bir anket uygulandı. Sonuçlar her iki grupta ayrı ayrı değerlendirildi ve birbiriyle karşılaştırıldı.Bulgular: Çalışmaya 108 (91 kadın,17 erkek) astım ve 110 (64 kadın, 46 erkek) kontrol olmak üzere toplam 218 hasta alındı. Astım hastalarında bu yıl aşılanma oranı kontrol grubuna göre belirgin olarak daha yüksekti (sırasıyla; %40.7, %8.2) ve bu hastaların yarısı her yıl düzenli olarak aşı yaptırmaktaydı. Aşı yaptırmayan hastalar incelendiğinde ise; kontrol grubundakilerin yarısının aşı yaptırmaya gerek duymadığı, %26.2'sinin ise aşının koruyucu etkisine inanmadığı görüldü. Astımlı hasta grubunda ise, kontrol grubuna yakın bir oranda (%20.3) hastanın aşının koruyucu etkisine inanmadığı görüldü. Astımlı hasta grubunda; daha önce aşı yapıldığında şikayeti olanların %66.7'si bu yıl aşı yaptırmamıştı (p= 0.02). Aşı olmayanların %53.1 oranında bu yıl gribal infeksiyon geçirdiği, aşı yapılanlarda ise bu oranın anlamlı ölçüde düştüğü ve aşının koruyucu olduğu görüldü (p= 0.00). Sonuç: Astım hastalarının influenza aşısı ve grip konusundaki bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu ve aşının koruyuculuğuna inançlarının beklenenin aksine düşük olduğu izlendi. Hastaların çeşitli etkinliklerle bilgilendirilmesinin koruyucu hekimlik açısından çok önemli olduğu düşüncesindeyiz.
Introduction: It is known that viral infections trigger exacerbations in asthma patients.There are conflicting reports on whether influenza vaccine is preventive or not. In this study, we aimed to evaluate asthmatic patient's attitude towards influenza vaccine and to determine which factors affect this attitude.Materials and Methods: A questionnaire involving data about demographic information, co-morbidities, frequency of viral upper respiratory tract infections, subject's influenza vaccination status and attitude towards vaccination had been filled for our outpatient clinic asthma patients and also for healthy controls. Results were evaluated separately for the two groups and then compared to each other.Results: For the study; 108 asthma patients (91 female, 17 male) and 110 non-asthmatic controls (64 female, 46 male) were enrolled. In asthma group, vaccination rates were significantly higher in the previous year (40.7%) and nearly half of them stated that they do regularly have influenza shots every year. Contrast to this find; half of the patients in the control group stated that they do not need to vaccinate themselves and 26.2% said that they don't believe influenza vaccine has any preventive effect. Also in the asthma group, this ratio was similar to the control group (20.3%). In asthma group, 66.7% of the patients who had side effects at their previous shots did not want to vaccinate themselves this year (p= 0.02). More than a half of the patients (53.1%) whom did not have shots had an episode of viral upper respiratory tract infection this year and this rate was significantly lower in the vaccinated group (p= 0.00). This result highlights the preventive effect of vaccination. Conclusion: We found that asthma patients' knowledge on influenza infection and vaccine were insufficient and also their belief towards the preventive features of the vaccination was low. Informing and encouraging patients about preventive medicine through various activities and meetings would be crucial.
Introduction: It is known that viral infections trigger exacerbations in asthma patients.There are conflicting reports on whether influenza vaccine is preventive or not. In this study, we aimed to evaluate asthmatic patient's attitude towards influenza vaccine and to determine which factors affect this attitude.Materials and Methods: A questionnaire involving data about demographic information, co-morbidities, frequency of viral upper respiratory tract infections, subject's influenza vaccination status and attitude towards vaccination had been filled for our outpatient clinic asthma patients and also for healthy controls. Results were evaluated separately for the two groups and then compared to each other.Results: For the study; 108 asthma patients (91 female, 17 male) and 110 non-asthmatic controls (64 female, 46 male) were enrolled. In asthma group, vaccination rates were significantly higher in the previous year (40.7%) and nearly half of them stated that they do regularly have influenza shots every year. Contrast to this find; half of the patients in the control group stated that they do not need to vaccinate themselves and 26.2% said that they don't believe influenza vaccine has any preventive effect. Also in the asthma group, this ratio was similar to the control group (20.3%). In asthma group, 66.7% of the patients who had side effects at their previous shots did not want to vaccinate themselves this year (p= 0.02). More than a half of the patients (53.1%) whom did not have shots had an episode of viral upper respiratory tract infection this year and this rate was significantly lower in the vaccinated group (p= 0.00). This result highlights the preventive effect of vaccination. Conclusion: We found that asthma patients' knowledge on influenza infection and vaccine were insufficient and also their belief towards the preventive features of the vaccination was low. Informing and encouraging patients about preventive medicine through various activities and meetings would be crucial.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz, Solunum Sistemi
Tüberküloz ve Toraks
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