Büyüme gelişim dönemindeki farklı sagittal iskeletsel ilişkiye sahip bireylerde posteroanterior sefalometrik röntgenlerin değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı; büyüme gelişim dönemindeki sagittal iskeletsel sınıf 1, sınıf 2 ve sınıf 3 bireylerde posteroanterior sefalometrik radyografiler üzerinde iskeletsel ve dişsel olarak maksiller ve mandibular transvers boyutların incelenerek karşılaştırılmasıdır Çalışmamızda Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı'na tedavi olmak için başvuran 1842 hastadan çalışma kriterlerine uyan 187 kadın 137 erkek toplamda 314 hastaya ait arşivde kayıtlı lateral sefalometrik, posteroanterior sefalometrik ve el bilek radyografileri retrospektif olarak incelenerek cinsiyet, büyüme gelişim dönemi ve iskeletsel sagittal maloklüzyon tipine göre gruplandırılan hastaların posteroanterior sefalometrik radyografileri üzerinde 6 açısal 11 doğrusal olmak üzere toplamda 17 ölçüm yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS programına aktarılıp, ölçümlerde sagittal malokluzyon grupları arasındaki farklılıklar tek yönlü varyans analizi ile sagittal malokluzyon grupları ile cinsiyet ve büyüme gelişim dönemi arasındaki ilişki ise ayrı ayrı olarak iki yönlü varyans analiziyle incelenmiştir. Sınıf 1, sınıf 2 ve sınıf 3 grupları arasında yapılan karşılaştırmalarda JR-RLO GA B6-6B, ZA-AG-LLO, AZ-GA-RLO, Maksiller oran, Mandibular oran ölçümlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Aynı gruplarda ZA-AG-LLO Maksiller oran, Mandibular oran ölçümlerinde ise cinsiyet ve büyüme gelişim dönemi etkisinden bağımsız olarak anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak çalışmamızda sagittal sınıf 1, sınıf 2 ve sınıf 3 bireylerin cinsiyet ve büyüme gelişim dönemi etkisinden bağımsız olarak, transvers yönde farklı özellikler gösterdiği, bulunmuştur. Ancak klinisyenler benzer sagittal ilişkiye sahip hastaların farklı transversal yön özelliklerine sahip olabileceğini de bilmelidirler.
The purpose of this study is comparing sagittal skeletal class 1, class 2 and class 3 individuals at growth development stage, with examining skeletal and dental transverse dimensions of skull and mandibular on posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs. In our study, lateral cephalometric, posteroanterior cephalometric and hand-wrist radiographs which are in the archives of 314 patients in a total of 187 women and 137 men who met the criteria out of 1842 patients who applied for treatment to the Orthodontics Department of Kırıkkale University Dentistry Department were analyzed retrospectively. 17 measurements were made in total which consists of 6 angular and 11 linear measurements on posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs of patients grouped by gender, growth development period and skeletal sagittal malocclusion type. The obtained data were transferred to the SPSS program. The differences between sagittal malocclusion groups were analyzed with one way variance analysis and the relationship between sagittal malocclusion groups and gender growth development period were analyzed with two way variance analysis separately. Statistically significant differences were found in the JR-RLO GA, B6-6B, ZA-AG-LLO, AZ-GA-RLO, Maxiller ratio, Mandibular ratio measures in the comparisons between groups 1, 2 and 3, There were also significant differences in the values of ZA-AG-LLO, Maxiller ratio, Mandibular ratio regardless of sex and growth period effect. In conclusion, our study showed that some transversal dimensions showed different characteristics in sagittal direction anomalies in class 1, class 2 and class 3 regardless of gender and growth period effect. However, clinicians should also know that patients with similar sagittal associations may have different transverse directional features.
The purpose of this study is comparing sagittal skeletal class 1, class 2 and class 3 individuals at growth development stage, with examining skeletal and dental transverse dimensions of skull and mandibular on posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs. In our study, lateral cephalometric, posteroanterior cephalometric and hand-wrist radiographs which are in the archives of 314 patients in a total of 187 women and 137 men who met the criteria out of 1842 patients who applied for treatment to the Orthodontics Department of Kırıkkale University Dentistry Department were analyzed retrospectively. 17 measurements were made in total which consists of 6 angular and 11 linear measurements on posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs of patients grouped by gender, growth development period and skeletal sagittal malocclusion type. The obtained data were transferred to the SPSS program. The differences between sagittal malocclusion groups were analyzed with one way variance analysis and the relationship between sagittal malocclusion groups and gender growth development period were analyzed with two way variance analysis separately. Statistically significant differences were found in the JR-RLO GA, B6-6B, ZA-AG-LLO, AZ-GA-RLO, Maxiller ratio, Mandibular ratio measures in the comparisons between groups 1, 2 and 3, There were also significant differences in the values of ZA-AG-LLO, Maxiller ratio, Mandibular ratio regardless of sex and growth period effect. In conclusion, our study showed that some transversal dimensions showed different characteristics in sagittal direction anomalies in class 1, class 2 and class 3 regardless of gender and growth period effect. However, clinicians should also know that patients with similar sagittal associations may have different transverse directional features.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, , , , , , ,