Bipolar bozukluğu olan hastaların bakım veren yakınlarında tükenmişlik sendromu ve sosyal işlevsellik düzeyleri
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bakım verenlerin kronik psikiyatrik bozuklukların seyri üzerindeki etkisi bi-linmektedir. Bakım verenlerin psikiyatrik durumu tükenmişliği, sosyal işlevselliği genellikle göz ardı edilmektedir. Biz bu çalışmada ataklar arası dönemde bile hasta-nın işlevselliğini bozan bipolar affektif bozukluğu (BAB) olanların bakım verenlerde sosyal işlevselliği, tükenmişlik, anksiyete ve depresyon düzeyleri üzerinde, hastalıkla ilgili faktörlerin etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışmaya 101 bipolar bozukluk tanılı hasta ve her birinin 2 bakım vereni ça-lışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların DSM-IV'e göre tanıları psikiyatrist tarafından SCID-I kullanılarak konuldu. Hastaların depresyon ve mani şiddetleri Hamilton Depresyon Derecelendirme Ölçegi (HDDÖ) ve Young Mani Derecelendirme Ölçegi (YMDÖ) ile değerlendirildi. Hastalıkla ilgili değişkenleri ve sosyodemografik verileri topla-mak için SKIP-TURK formu kullanıldı. Bakım verenler için tarafımızca hazırlanan sosyodemografik veri formu kullanıldı. Bakım verenlerde tükenmişlik, sosyal işlev-sellik, depresyon ve anksiyete düzeylerini değerelendirmek için sırasıyla mashlac tükenmişlik ölçeği (MTÖ), sosyal uyum kendini değerlendirme ölçeği (SUKDÖ), hastane anksiyete depresyon ölçeği (HADÖ) uygulandı. SUKDÖ puanlarıyla bakım verenlerin eğitim düzeyi arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptadık. MTÖ'de duygusal tükenmenin istatiksel olarak kadınlarda daha fazla olduğu gözlenmiştir. MTÖ'ne göre duygusal tükenme ile hastane anksiyete depresyon ölçeğinin anksiyete alt ölçeği (HADA) (p?0.01), hastane anksiyete depresyon ölçeğinin depresyon alt ölçeği (HADD) (p?0.01), bakım süresi (p?0.01), maslach tükenmişlik ölçeğinin duyarsızlaşma alt ölçeği (MÖD) (p?0.01) ve tarafımızdan hazırlanan bakım vermenin subjektif zorlanma derecesi (ÖZZOR) (p?0.01) arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Hastaneye yatış olup olmamasıy-la bakım verenlerin HADA(p=0.032), HADD(p=0.033), MÖDT(p=0.022), ÖZZOR(p=0.004), düzeyleri arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. MÖD ile HADA (p?0.01), MÖDT (p?0.01), SUKD (p?0.01), ve ÖZZOR (p?0.01) arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır. Bipolar bozukluk bakım verenlerin sosyal işlevselliğini bozan, anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerini arttıran, tükenmişliğe neden olan kronik psikiyatrik bozukluk-tur. Anahtar kelime: bipolar affektif bozukluk, tükenmişlik, sosyal işlevsellik, bakım veren
The impact of the care givers on the progress of the chronic psychiatric disorders is known. The psychiatric condition, burnout and social efficiency of the care givers are generally ignored. In this study we aimed to analyze the impacts of the patients with bipolar affective disorder (BAD), which ruins the efficiency of the patients even during mid-seizures, and the factors related with this disease, on the social efficiency, burnout, anxiety and depression levels of the care givers. 101 patients who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder and 2 care givers for each are included in the study. The diagnosis of the patients according to the DSM-IV is made through SCID-I used by the psychiatrist. The severity of depression and mania are assessed via Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). In order to collect variables and sociodemographic da-ta related with the disease, SKIP-TURK form is used. A sociodemographic data form that we prepared is used on the care givers. In order to assess the burnout, social efficiency, depression and anxiety levels of the care givers, maslach burnout inventory (MBI), social adaptation self-evaluation scale (SASS) and hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) are used respectively. We determined a statistically meaningful relationship between SASS points and education levels of the care givers. It is observed in MBI that emotional burnout is statistically more in women. According to MBI, there is a meaningful relationship between emotional burnout and the subscale of hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) (p?0.01), depression subscale of hospital anxiety depression scale (DSHADS) (p?0.01), period of care (p?0.01), depersonalization subscale of maslach burnout inventory (SMBI) (p?0.01) and subjective stress level of care giving (SSLCG) (p?0.01), which was prepared by us. A meaning relationship is found between being hospitalized or not and the HADS (p=0.032), DSHADS (p=0.033), MSDB (p=0.022), SSLCG (p=0.004) levels of the care givers. A meaningful relationship between MSD and HADS (p?0.01), MSDB (p?0.01), SASS (p?0.01), and SSLCG (p?0.01) is found. Bipolar disorder is a chronic psychiatric disorder, which ruins the social efficiency, increases the anxiety and depression levels of the care givers and causes burnout. Key words: bipolar affective disorder, burnout, social efficiency, caregiver
The impact of the care givers on the progress of the chronic psychiatric disorders is known. The psychiatric condition, burnout and social efficiency of the care givers are generally ignored. In this study we aimed to analyze the impacts of the patients with bipolar affective disorder (BAD), which ruins the efficiency of the patients even during mid-seizures, and the factors related with this disease, on the social efficiency, burnout, anxiety and depression levels of the care givers. 101 patients who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder and 2 care givers for each are included in the study. The diagnosis of the patients according to the DSM-IV is made through SCID-I used by the psychiatrist. The severity of depression and mania are assessed via Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). In order to collect variables and sociodemographic da-ta related with the disease, SKIP-TURK form is used. A sociodemographic data form that we prepared is used on the care givers. In order to assess the burnout, social efficiency, depression and anxiety levels of the care givers, maslach burnout inventory (MBI), social adaptation self-evaluation scale (SASS) and hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) are used respectively. We determined a statistically meaningful relationship between SASS points and education levels of the care givers. It is observed in MBI that emotional burnout is statistically more in women. According to MBI, there is a meaningful relationship between emotional burnout and the subscale of hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) (p?0.01), depression subscale of hospital anxiety depression scale (DSHADS) (p?0.01), period of care (p?0.01), depersonalization subscale of maslach burnout inventory (SMBI) (p?0.01) and subjective stress level of care giving (SSLCG) (p?0.01), which was prepared by us. A meaning relationship is found between being hospitalized or not and the HADS (p=0.032), DSHADS (p=0.033), MSDB (p=0.022), SSLCG (p=0.004) levels of the care givers. A meaningful relationship between MSD and HADS (p?0.01), MSDB (p?0.01), SASS (p?0.01), and SSLCG (p?0.01) is found. Bipolar disorder is a chronic psychiatric disorder, which ruins the social efficiency, increases the anxiety and depression levels of the care givers and causes burnout. Key words: bipolar affective disorder, burnout, social efficiency, caregiver
Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikiyatri, Psychiatry