Sığır tüberkülozunun enfeksiyon dinamiklerine dayalı epidemiyolojik model geliştirme
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi / Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü / Mikrobiyoloji (Veterinerlik) Ana Bilim Dalı
Erişim Hakkı
Sığır Tüberkülozu(bTB) çok çeşitli konakçı ağına sahip, dünya çapında yayılım gösteren, hayvan ve insan sağlığı etkileyen, aynı zamanda ekonomik kayıplara neden olan enfeksiyöz ve zoonotik karakterde bir hastalıktır. Dünya ile birlikte Türkiye'yi de etkileyen bu hastalıkla ilgili son olarak 2011 yılında yürütülen sürveyans çalışmasında prevalans bireysel olarak % 1.4 ve sürü bazında ise % 2.5 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ancak son yıllarda mihrak sayılarında bir artış gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada; bTB enfeksiyonun Türkiye ve dünyadaki güncel durumunu belirlemek ve epidemiyolojisindeki ülkesel yayılıma etki eden risk faktörlerini tanımlamak, genelde enfeksiyöz hastalıklarda özelde bu hastalığın epidemiyolojide modellerin kullanılabilirliğini araştırmak, mevcut ulusal mücadele stratejisinin geliştirilmesine katkı sağlamak, hastalığın Türkiye'de kontrol ve eradike edilebilmesi için güncel veri sağlamak, bu hastalığa ilişkin politika oluşturma sürecine rehberlik edebilmek, hastalığının sürüler arası ve sürü içerisindeki enfeksiyon dinamiklerine ilişkin mevcut bazı epidemiyolojik modellerin kullanım olasılıklarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda; bTB hastalığı epidemiyolojisinin araştırılmasına yönelik ülkesel bir proje yürütüldü; hastalığa ait 2013-2019 yılları mihraklarının illere göre dağılım haritaları, mihrak sayıları, tazminat ödenen hayvan sayısı ve ödenen tazminat miktarının grafikleri oluşturuldu; özgün olarak hazırlanan Resmi Veteriner Hekim(72 ilden 371 adet) ve yetiştirici (61 ilden 317 adet) anketlerinin cevapları değerlendirildi; yerinde ziyaret edilen (7 bölge, 14 il, 28 mihrak işletme) Resmi Veteriner Hekimlerin ve yetiştiricilerin görüşleri derlendi; edinilen bilgiler ışığında hastalığın sorun analizi ve çözüm analizi yapıldı; hastalığın bulaşmasında sığırların sürüler arasındaki hareketlerinin ve sürü içerisindeki durum geçişinin modelleme tekniklerinin kullanılabilirliği sorgulandı.
Bovine Tuberculosis(bTB) is an infectious and zoonotic character disease having a wide variety of host networks, spreading worldwide, affecting animal and human health, and also causing economic losses. The last surveillance study about this disease, which affects both Turkey and the world was conducted lastly in 2011 and individual prevalence was determined as 1.4 % and herd prevalence was determined as 2.5 %. However, a rise in the number of outbreaks have been observed in recent years. In this study; it was aimed to determine the current status of bTB infection in Turkey as well as in the world and identify the risk factors affecting the territorial spread in epidemiology, to investigate the availability of models in infectious diseases in general and epidemiology of this disease in particular, to contribute to the development of the current national strategy, to provide actual data in order to control and eradicate this disease in Turkey, to guide the policy-making process regarding this disease, to investigate the possible usage of some substantial epidemiological models regarding the infection dynamics of the disease within the herd and among the herds. In this context; a nationally project was carried out aiming to investigate the epidemiology of bTB disease; the number and distribution maps of the outbreaks by provinces between 2013-2019 and the graphics of number of compensated animals and the amount of compensation belong to this disease were created; the answers to the originally prepared surveys of Official Veterinarians (371 from 72 provinces) and the breeders (317 from 61 provinces) were evaluated; the opinions of the Official Veterinarians and breeders visited on site (7 regions, 14 provinces, 28 outbreak farms) were compiled; problem and solution analysis of the disease were made in the light of obtained information; the usability of modelling techniques of bovines movements among herds and the state transition within the herd in transmission of the disease were questioned.
Bovine Tuberculosis(bTB) is an infectious and zoonotic character disease having a wide variety of host networks, spreading worldwide, affecting animal and human health, and also causing economic losses. The last surveillance study about this disease, which affects both Turkey and the world was conducted lastly in 2011 and individual prevalence was determined as 1.4 % and herd prevalence was determined as 2.5 %. However, a rise in the number of outbreaks have been observed in recent years. In this study; it was aimed to determine the current status of bTB infection in Turkey as well as in the world and identify the risk factors affecting the territorial spread in epidemiology, to investigate the availability of models in infectious diseases in general and epidemiology of this disease in particular, to contribute to the development of the current national strategy, to provide actual data in order to control and eradicate this disease in Turkey, to guide the policy-making process regarding this disease, to investigate the possible usage of some substantial epidemiological models regarding the infection dynamics of the disease within the herd and among the herds. In this context; a nationally project was carried out aiming to investigate the epidemiology of bTB disease; the number and distribution maps of the outbreaks by provinces between 2013-2019 and the graphics of number of compensated animals and the amount of compensation belong to this disease were created; the answers to the originally prepared surveys of Official Veterinarians (371 from 72 provinces) and the breeders (317 from 61 provinces) were evaluated; the opinions of the Official Veterinarians and breeders visited on site (7 regions, 14 provinces, 28 outbreak farms) were compiled; problem and solution analysis of the disease were made in the light of obtained information; the usability of modelling techniques of bovines movements among herds and the state transition within the herd in transmission of the disease were questioned.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anketler = Questionnaires ; Bulaşıcı hastalık kontrolü = Communicable diseases control ; Epidemiyoloji = Epidemiology ; Modelleme = Modelling ; Mycobacterium bovis = Mycobacterium bovis