Acil servisteki kardiyopulmoner arrest olgularının değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Giriş ve Amaç: Kardiyak arrestte başarılı resüsitasyon yaşam zinciri ile temsil edilen entegre koordineli eylemleri gerektirir. Erken kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon(KPR) hayatta kalımı önemli bir şekilde etkilemektedir. Çalışmamızın amacı Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı'nda kardiyopulmoner arrest(KPA) ile ilgili ilk verileri elde etmek ve sonuçlarımızı genel kabul görmüş istatistiksel verilerle karşılaştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil Servisi'ne 01.01.2006 ? 31.12.2010 tarihleri arasında başvuran kardiyak arrest olguları (intrauterin eksituslar hariç) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Acil serviste tutulan hasta kayıt dosyaları geriye dönük incelenerek, hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, olası arrest nedenleri, komorbid hastalıkları, geliş saatleri, arrest süreleri, TYD uygulanıp uygulanmadığı, KPR süresi, ilk arrest ritimleri, ROSC ve taburculuk oranları retrospektif olarak araştırıldı.Bulgular: Acil servise başvuran 108 vaka çalışmaya alındı. Olguların 66'sı hastane dışı, 42'si ise hastane içi kardiyopulmoner arrestti. Taburculuk açısından cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. 16 yaş altı arrestlerde olası arrest nedeni en sık %61.9 ile akut solunum yetmezliği, 16 yaş üstü olgularda ise en sık %36.8 ile akut koroner sendromlardı. Acil servise başvuru saatleri ile taburculuk arasında anlamlı bir farklılık yoktu. En sık ilk arrest ritmi %60.2 asistoli idi. Hastane dışı KPA'lerle hastane içi KPA'lerde ilk arrest ritimleri karşılaştırıldığında asistolide anlamlı bir farklılık mevcuttu. Spontan dolaşımın geri döndüğü(ROSC) olgulardaki ilk arrest ritimlerinden VF / nabızsız VT ile Asistoli / NEA arasında anlamlı bir fark vardı. Asistoli ile kıyaslandığında VF / nabızsız VT'de taburculukta anlamlı bir farklılık vardı. Olguların %49.07'si acil serviste, %33.33'ü yattığı bölümde eksitus oldu. %17.59 hasta ise taburcu edildi. Taburculuk oranları açısından değerlendirildiğinde hastane dışı arrestlerle hastane içi arrestler arasında anlamlı bir farklılık mevcuttu.Sonuç: Hastane içi arrestlerde taburculuk oranları hastane dışı arrestlerden yüksek bulundu. Erişkin hastalarda ilk arrest ritmi en sık asistoli olarak saptandı. Ancak asistoli ile kıyaslandığında VF / nabızsız VT'de taburculuk daha yüksek saptandı. İlk arrest ritmi asistoli olan çocuklarda erişkinlerden daha yüksek bir sağkalım vardı. Tüm yaş gruplarında olası arrest nedenleri en sık kardiyak dışı nedenler olduğu tespit edildi.Anahtar kelimeler: Acil servis, kardiyak arrest, kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon, sağkalım
Objective;Succeessful resuscitation of cardiac arrest requires an intergrated, the coordinated actions represented with life cycle. Early cardiopulmonary resusication (CPR) is an important effect on survival life. The purpose of this study was obtain to the first data about cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) in Department of Emergency Medicine at Kırıkkale University School of Medicine and to compared the results with generally accepted statistical data.Methods;In the study were included that the cardiac arrest cases (except for intrauterine excitus) admission to the hospital between 01.01.2006and 31.12.2010 dates in Deparment of Emergency at Kırıkkale University School of Medicine. The records of patients in emergency room examined retrospectively. Age, sex, the possible causes of cardiac arrest, comorbid dieases, arrival times, arrest times, applied to the BLS, the duration of CPR, initial cardiac arrest rhythms, ROSC and discharge rates were the searched parameters retrospectively.Results;108 cases of emergency deparment were admitted to this study. Cases included that %66 of cases were out of hospital cardiopulmonary arrest, %42 of ceses were in hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. There was no significant difference between gender when cases were discharged. Acute respiratory failure was the most common reason in younger than 16 years old of cases(%61,9), acute coronary syndrome was the most common reason in older than 16 years old of cases (%36,8). There was no significantly differences at time of admission emergenct deparment and discharged. The most common initial cardiac arrest rhythm was asystole(%60,2). In hospital cardiac arrest with out of hospital cardiac arrest to compared for initial arrest rhythms there was significantly differences for asystole. There was significantly differences VF / pulseless VT between asystole / PEA that they were initial arrest rhythms for cases with returned spontaneus circulation. There was significantly differences for out of hospital arrest compared with VF / pulseless VT and asystole. VF / pulseless VT compared with asystole there was significantly differences at VF / pulseless VT when they were discharged. %49,07 of cases were died at emergency room, %33.33 of cases were died at care units. %17,59 percent of patients were discharged. Discharged rates had significant difference between in hospital arrest and out of hospital arrest.Conclusion;Rates discharged of in hospital cardiac arrest were significantly higher than out of hospital arrest. The most common initial arrest rhythms was asystole in adults patients. VF / pulseless VT was increased at discharged rates. However in discharged rates of VF / pulseless was increased when VF / pulseless VT compared with asystole. At children that initial arrest rhythms were asystole have been higher survival than adults. İn all age groups were found to be noncardiac factors as most frequent causes of cardiac arrest.Key Words: Cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resusication, emergency deparment, survival
Objective;Succeessful resuscitation of cardiac arrest requires an intergrated, the coordinated actions represented with life cycle. Early cardiopulmonary resusication (CPR) is an important effect on survival life. The purpose of this study was obtain to the first data about cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) in Department of Emergency Medicine at Kırıkkale University School of Medicine and to compared the results with generally accepted statistical data.Methods;In the study were included that the cardiac arrest cases (except for intrauterine excitus) admission to the hospital between 01.01.2006and 31.12.2010 dates in Deparment of Emergency at Kırıkkale University School of Medicine. The records of patients in emergency room examined retrospectively. Age, sex, the possible causes of cardiac arrest, comorbid dieases, arrival times, arrest times, applied to the BLS, the duration of CPR, initial cardiac arrest rhythms, ROSC and discharge rates were the searched parameters retrospectively.Results;108 cases of emergency deparment were admitted to this study. Cases included that %66 of cases were out of hospital cardiopulmonary arrest, %42 of ceses were in hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. There was no significant difference between gender when cases were discharged. Acute respiratory failure was the most common reason in younger than 16 years old of cases(%61,9), acute coronary syndrome was the most common reason in older than 16 years old of cases (%36,8). There was no significantly differences at time of admission emergenct deparment and discharged. The most common initial cardiac arrest rhythm was asystole(%60,2). In hospital cardiac arrest with out of hospital cardiac arrest to compared for initial arrest rhythms there was significantly differences for asystole. There was significantly differences VF / pulseless VT between asystole / PEA that they were initial arrest rhythms for cases with returned spontaneus circulation. There was significantly differences for out of hospital arrest compared with VF / pulseless VT and asystole. VF / pulseless VT compared with asystole there was significantly differences at VF / pulseless VT when they were discharged. %49,07 of cases were died at emergency room, %33.33 of cases were died at care units. %17,59 percent of patients were discharged. Discharged rates had significant difference between in hospital arrest and out of hospital arrest.Conclusion;Rates discharged of in hospital cardiac arrest were significantly higher than out of hospital arrest. The most common initial arrest rhythms was asystole in adults patients. VF / pulseless VT was increased at discharged rates. However in discharged rates of VF / pulseless was increased when VF / pulseless VT compared with asystole. At children that initial arrest rhythms were asystole have been higher survival than adults. İn all age groups were found to be noncardiac factors as most frequent causes of cardiac arrest.Key Words: Cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resusication, emergency deparment, survival
Anahtar Kelimeler
İlk ve Acil Yardım, Emergency and First Aid