Steroid verilerek yara iyileşmesi bozulan ratlarda karnitinin kolon anastomozu iyileşmesine etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZETSolgun B, Steroid verilerek yara iyilesmesi bozulan ratlardakarnitin'in kolon anastomozu iyilesmesine etkisi, KırıkkaleÜniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi,Kırıkkale, 2008Kolon anastomoz kaçagı, yüksek mortalite ve morbidite ileseyreden, kolorektal cerrahinin major komplikasyonudur. Cerrahi tekniktekisorunlar yanında anastomoz kaçagı için birçok risk faktörü bulunmaktadır.Yas, yandas hastalık varlıgı, malnutrisyon, enfeksiyon, preoperatifradyoterapi, kollajen doku hastalıkları, steroid kullanımı ve immun sistembozuklukları ile immun sistemi baskılayan ilaç kullanımı yara iyilesmesinibozar. Söz edilen risk faktörleri yara iyilesmesinin basamaklarını farklıasamalarda etkileyerek yara iyilesmesini bozmaktadır.Steroidler, inflamatuar yanıtı baskılarlar ve yara iyilesmesinibozarlar. Steroidler, monositlerin makrofajlara dönüsmesini, ayrıcafibroblast proliferasyonunu engelleyerek kollajen üretimini azaltırlar.Proteinler üzerinde katabolik etki göstererek, sentezini azaltıp, yıkımınıartırarak negatif azot bilançosuna neden olmaktadır.Karnitin, yapı olarak aminoasitlere benzemekle beraber hiçbirproteinin yapısına girmedigi için, gerçek bir aminoasit olarak kabuledilmeyen kuaterner bir amindir. Temel fonksiyonu, uzun zincirli yagasitlerini mitokondri içine tasımak olan karnitin, oksidatif kaynaklardangelen enerjinin, etkin sekilde regülasyonundan sorumludur. Bununyanında yapılan son çalısmalarda dokudaki steroid reseptörleri üzerindenetkili oldugu ortaya konmustur.Bu deneysel çalısmada ratlar üç gruba ayrıldı; on adet Wistar ratısham (S), on adet Wistar ratı metilprednizolon (MP) grubu, on adet Wistarratı da metilprednizolon+karnitin (MP+K) grubu olarak alındı. MP veMP+K grubundaki ratlara 14 gün boyunca günlük 8 mg/kg intramüskülermetilprednizolon verildi. MP+K grubundaki ratlara metilprednizolona ekolarak, 14 gün boyunca 100 mg/kg/gün intramüsküler karnitin verildi.Yedinci günde tüm ratlara intraperitoneal ketamin ve ksilazin ile anesteziuygulandı. Orta hat kesi ile karına girilerek pelvik refleksiyonun 2-4 cmviproksimalinde sol kolon, transekte edildi. Daha sonra tek tabakaseromüsküler sütürlerle uç uca anastomoz yapıldı. Abdominal duvar ikitabaka kapatıldı. Postoperatif 7. günde tüm ratlar sakrifiye edilerekabdominal duvarları açıldı, anastomoz yapılan segment bulunarak ex-vivoanastomoz patlama basıncı ölçüldü. Anastomoz yapılan segmentlerdiseke edilerek ayrıldı ve hidroksiprolin düzeyi çalısıldı.statistiksel degerlendirme sonucunda, anastomoz patlamabasınçları arasında anlamlı fark bulundu. MP verilen ratlarda, anastomozpatlama basıncının sham grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düsük oldugugörüldü(p<0.05). MP+K grubundaki ratlarda, kolon patlama basıncınınsham grubu düzeyine çıktıgı ve MP grubundan anlamlı düzeyde yüksekoldugu izlendi(p<0.05). Hidroksiprolin düzeyleri arasında gruplar arasındaanlamlı fark izlenmedi. Doku yas agırlıgı ve kuru agırlık degerlerinin shamgrubunda diger iki gruptan daha yüksek oldugu, MP+K grubundakidegerlerin de MP grubundan daha yüksek oldugu, sonuçların istatistikselolarak anlamlı oldugu izlendi(p<0.05). Doku su yüzdesi degerlerinin shamgrubunda diger iki gruptan daha düsük oldugu ve sonuçların istatistikselolarak daha anlamlı oldugu izlendi ( p<0.05). MP ve MP+K gruplarıarasında degerlerin birbirine çok yakın oldugu ve istatistiksel olarakanlamlı bir fark olmadıgı izlendi.Bu çalısmada metilprednizolon verilerek yara iyilesmesi bozulanratlarda yapılan kolon anastomozunda, karnitinin anastomoz patlamabasıncını düzelttigi izlenmistir. Burada karnitinin metilprednizolon ilebozulan enerji metabolizmasını düzelterek bu etkiyi yarattıgı düsünülebilir.Bunun yanında, karnitinin dokudaki glukokortikoid reseptörlerinebaglanmaları nedeniyle, MP' nin dokudaki etkilerini azalttıgı ve bureseptörleri kullanarak dokudaki matriks proteinlerinin sentezini artırdıgıdüsünülmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Rat, kolon anastomozu, metil prednizolon,karnitin
ABSTRACTSolgun B, The effect of carnitine on colon anastomosis in ratsin which wound healing is impaired by steroid administration,Kirikkale University Medical School, Department of General Surgery,Specialization Thesis, Kirikkale, 2008Leakage in colon anastomosis is a major complication in colorectalsurgery and has high mortality and morbidity rates. While problematicsurgical technique is a major factor in anastomotic problems, there arenumerous other factors that effect good surgical outcome. Age, coexistingdiseases, malnutrition, infection, preoperative radiotherapy, collagenoustissue disorders, immune system disorders, drugs that alter immunesystem and finally chronic steroid administration are the factors that havebeen shown to impair wound healing. These factors have different effectson different stages of wound healing.Steroids inhibit inflamatory response and impair wound healing.They block conversion of monocytes into macrophages and supressfibroblast proliferation resulting in reduced collagen synthesis. Theyincrease protein catabolism and reduce protein synthesis.Carnitine is a quaternary amine which is not taken as a realaminoacid as it is not present in the structure of any protein. Basic functionof carnitine is to transport long chain fatty acids into the mitochondrium.Therefore, carnitine is responsible for the regulation of energy comingfrom oxidative resources. Recently, carnitine has ben shown to exert itsvarious effects via tissue glucocorticoid receptors.This experimental study was conducted in three groups, eachconsisting of ten Wistar albino rats. In Group 1 ( sham ), only colonanastomosis was performed. In Group 2 ( methylprednisolone group, MP),8 mg/kg methylprednisolone IM was given for fourteen days, and colonanastomosis was performed on day 7. In Group 3 ( methylprednisolone +carnitine group, MP+K ), 8 mg/kg methylprednisolone IM and 100mg/kg/day carnitine IM was given for fourteen days, and colonanastomosis was performed on day 7. Surgical intervention performedunder ketamine and xylasine anesthesia. After a midline abdominalviiiincision, descending colon was transected 2-4 cm proximal to pelvicreflection. An end to end anastomosis was then performed withseromuscular sutures and the abdominal incision was closed in two layers.On the seventh postoperative day, all of the animals were sacrified in allgroups and the abdominal incision was opened. The colonic segmentcarrying the anastomosis was found and bursting pressure was measuredex-vivo. The hydroxyproline contents of the resected anastomoticsegments were also measured.Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference amonganastomotic bursting pressures. Anastomotic bursting pressure valueswere significantly reduced in the MP group when compared with the shamgroup ( p<0.05). In MP+K group, anastomotic bursting pressure valueswere similar to those of sham group and were significantly higher than theMP group( p<0.05). No statistically significant difference was observed forhydroxyproline values.Tissue wet and dry weigth measurements werehigher in the sham group in comparison to the other groups (p<0.05).Tissue wet and dry weight measurements were higher in MP+K groupthen MP group ( p<0.05). Tissue water ratio measurements were lower inthe sham group when compared with the other two groups ( p<0.05).There was no difference for tissue water ratio between MP ve MP+Kgroups.In this experimental study, carnitine administration was found toincrease the colon anastomotic bursting pressures in rats , in which woundhealing was impaired by methylprednisolone. Carnitine might have causedthis effect by correcting the defective energy metabolism that was inducedby methylprednisolone. In addition to this, carnitine might have connectedto tissue glucocorticoid receptors reducing the effect ofmethylprednisolone and increasing the synthesis of tissue matrix proteins.Key words: Rat, colon anastomosis, methylprednisolone,carnitine
ABSTRACTSolgun B, The effect of carnitine on colon anastomosis in ratsin which wound healing is impaired by steroid administration,Kirikkale University Medical School, Department of General Surgery,Specialization Thesis, Kirikkale, 2008Leakage in colon anastomosis is a major complication in colorectalsurgery and has high mortality and morbidity rates. While problematicsurgical technique is a major factor in anastomotic problems, there arenumerous other factors that effect good surgical outcome. Age, coexistingdiseases, malnutrition, infection, preoperative radiotherapy, collagenoustissue disorders, immune system disorders, drugs that alter immunesystem and finally chronic steroid administration are the factors that havebeen shown to impair wound healing. These factors have different effectson different stages of wound healing.Steroids inhibit inflamatory response and impair wound healing.They block conversion of monocytes into macrophages and supressfibroblast proliferation resulting in reduced collagen synthesis. Theyincrease protein catabolism and reduce protein synthesis.Carnitine is a quaternary amine which is not taken as a realaminoacid as it is not present in the structure of any protein. Basic functionof carnitine is to transport long chain fatty acids into the mitochondrium.Therefore, carnitine is responsible for the regulation of energy comingfrom oxidative resources. Recently, carnitine has ben shown to exert itsvarious effects via tissue glucocorticoid receptors.This experimental study was conducted in three groups, eachconsisting of ten Wistar albino rats. In Group 1 ( sham ), only colonanastomosis was performed. In Group 2 ( methylprednisolone group, MP),8 mg/kg methylprednisolone IM was given for fourteen days, and colonanastomosis was performed on day 7. In Group 3 ( methylprednisolone +carnitine group, MP+K ), 8 mg/kg methylprednisolone IM and 100mg/kg/day carnitine IM was given for fourteen days, and colonanastomosis was performed on day 7. Surgical intervention performedunder ketamine and xylasine anesthesia. After a midline abdominalviiiincision, descending colon was transected 2-4 cm proximal to pelvicreflection. An end to end anastomosis was then performed withseromuscular sutures and the abdominal incision was closed in two layers.On the seventh postoperative day, all of the animals were sacrified in allgroups and the abdominal incision was opened. The colonic segmentcarrying the anastomosis was found and bursting pressure was measuredex-vivo. The hydroxyproline contents of the resected anastomoticsegments were also measured.Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference amonganastomotic bursting pressures. Anastomotic bursting pressure valueswere significantly reduced in the MP group when compared with the shamgroup ( p<0.05). In MP+K group, anastomotic bursting pressure valueswere similar to those of sham group and were significantly higher than theMP group( p<0.05). No statistically significant difference was observed forhydroxyproline values.Tissue wet and dry weigth measurements werehigher in the sham group in comparison to the other groups (p<0.05).Tissue wet and dry weight measurements were higher in MP+K groupthen MP group ( p<0.05). Tissue water ratio measurements were lower inthe sham group when compared with the other two groups ( p<0.05).There was no difference for tissue water ratio between MP ve MP+Kgroups.In this experimental study, carnitine administration was found toincrease the colon anastomotic bursting pressures in rats , in which woundhealing was impaired by methylprednisolone. Carnitine might have causedthis effect by correcting the defective energy metabolism that was inducedby methylprednisolone. In addition to this, carnitine might have connectedto tissue glucocorticoid receptors reducing the effect ofmethylprednisolone and increasing the synthesis of tissue matrix proteins.Key words: Rat, colon anastomosis, methylprednisolone,carnitine
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel Cerrahi, General Surgery