Bioengineering functional copolymers. XIX synthesis of anhydride-organoboron functionalized copolymers and their ınteraction with cancer cells
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Maleik anhidritin homo- ve kopolimerlerinin yeni biyomühendislik fonksiyonel türevlerinin senthezi, (1) anhidrit-içeren makromoleküllerin [poli(MA-alt-methyl vinil eter (MVE) biyomühendislik polimeri] 2-aminoetildifenillborinat (2-AEPB) ile amidolizi, (2) alfa-hidroksi-omega-metoksi-polietilen oksit (PEO) uyumluluk ajanı ile esterleşmesi ve (3) organaoboron PEO içeren kopolimerlerin folik asit gibi hedefleyici ajanla konjugasyonu gibi yöntemlerle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sentezlenmiş oligomerlerin yapısı ve kompozisyonu FTIRATR ve 1H (13C) NMR spectroskopisi ile karakterize edilmiştir. Organobor fonksiyonal kopolimerlerin antitümör aktivitesi sitotoksisite, istatistiksel, ikili boyama ve immün boyama ile apoptotik ve nekrotik hücre indeksi, ışık ve floresan inverted mikroskop analizi gibi çeşitli fiziksel ve biyokimyasal kombine yöntemler ile araştırılmıştır. Organoboron makromoleküllerinin sitotoksik ve apoptotik/nekrotik etkisi önemli ölçüde kopolimerlerin yapısına ve kompozisyonuna bağlı olduğu bulunmuştur. Sentezlenmiş bazı kopolimerlerin 400 ?g.mL-1 derişim değerinde normal hücrelere düşük toksik, kanser hücrelerine ise etkili terapötik ilaç etksi göstermiştir.
Novel bioengineering functional organoboron homo- and copolymer of maleic anhydride (MA) were synthesized by (1) amidolysis of anhydride-containing macromolecules [poly(MA-alt-methyl vinyl ether (MVE) as a bioengineering polymer] with 2-aminoethyldiphenylborinate (2-AEPB), (2) esterification with α-hydroxy-ω- methoxy-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a compatibilizer and (3) conjugation of organoboron PEO branches with folic acid as a targetting agent. Structure and composition of the synthesized oligomers were characterized by FTIR-ATR and 1H (13C) NMR spectroscopy. Antitumor activity of the organoboron functional (co)polymers were investigated by a combination of various physical and biochemical methods such as cytotoxicity, statistical, apoptotic and necrotic cell indexes, double staining and caspase-3 immunostaining, light and fluorescence inverted microscope analyses. It was found that cytotoxicity and apoptotic/necrotic effects of organoboron macromolecules significantly depend on the structure and composition of studied (co)polymers. Some synthesized (co)polymers at 400 µg.mL-1 concentration as a therapeutic drug exhibits minimal toxicity toward the normal cells, but influential for cancer cells.
Novel bioengineering functional organoboron homo- and copolymer of maleic anhydride (MA) were synthesized by (1) amidolysis of anhydride-containing macromolecules [poly(MA-alt-methyl vinyl ether (MVE) as a bioengineering polymer] with 2-aminoethyldiphenylborinate (2-AEPB), (2) esterification with α-hydroxy-ω- methoxy-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a compatibilizer and (3) conjugation of organoboron PEO branches with folic acid as a targetting agent. Structure and composition of the synthesized oligomers were characterized by FTIR-ATR and 1H (13C) NMR spectroscopy. Antitumor activity of the organoboron functional (co)polymers were investigated by a combination of various physical and biochemical methods such as cytotoxicity, statistical, apoptotic and necrotic cell indexes, double staining and caspase-3 immunostaining, light and fluorescence inverted microscope analyses. It was found that cytotoxicity and apoptotic/necrotic effects of organoboron macromolecules significantly depend on the structure and composition of studied (co)polymers. Some synthesized (co)polymers at 400 µg.mL-1 concentration as a therapeutic drug exhibits minimal toxicity toward the normal cells, but influential for cancer cells.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Rzayev, Z. M. O., Türk, M., Karaman, G., Pişkin, E. (2011). Bioengineering functional copolymers. XIX synthesis of anhydride-organoboron functionalized copolymers and their ınteraction with cancer cells. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 39(2), 111 - 132.