Keratokonus hastalarında optik koherens tomografi, kornea topografisi, optik biyometri ile yapılan ön segment ölçümlerinin güvenilirliği ve tekrarlanabilirliğinin karşılaştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET AMAÇ: Ön segment parametrelerinin doğru ve kesin bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi birçok ön segment hastalığının tanısında ve tedavi planlanmasında, cerrahi sonrası tatminkar sonuçların sağlanmasında, hasta memnuniyeti ve doğru hasta yönetiminde önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada keratokonus hastalarında ve normal gözlerde kornea topografisi optik biyometri ve optik koherens tomografi ile yapılan ön segment ölçümlerinin tekrarlanabilirliği, güvenilirliği ve birbiri yerine kullanılabilirliği değerlendirildi. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Polikliniği'ne Ekim 2017- Ekim 2018 tarihleri arasında başvuran hastalar arasından seçilen 100 normal olgunun 100 gözü ve 82 keratokonus hastasının 82 gözü çalışmaya alındı. Keratokonusu olan gözler Grup 1, normal olgular Grup 2 olarak adlandırıldı. Kombine Scheimpflug kamera Placido disk sistemli kornea topografi cihazı (KT) (Sirius, CSO, İtalya), parsiyel koherens interferometri temelli optik biyometri cihazı (OB) (Nidek Al Scan, Aichi, Japonya), spektral domain optik koherens tomografi (OKT) (Nidek RS-3000, Gamagori, Japonya) ile her olguya aynı gün içinde aynı araştırmacı tarafından üç tekrarlı ölçümler yapıldı. KT ile 3mm zonda ve sim-K keratometrik ölçümleri, merkezi kornea kalınlığı (MKK), ön kamara derinliği (ÖKD), limbus-limbus mesafesi (LLM), iridokorneal açı (İKA); OB ile 2,4 mm ve 3,3 mm zonda keratometri, MKK, ÖKD, LLM ve aksiyel uzunluk (AL); OKT ile MKK ölçümleri kaydedildi. Ortak parametreler için cihazlar arası ölçüm farkı olup olmadığı istatistiksel olarak incelendi. Bland-Altman grafikleri ile cihazlar arası uyumluluk değerlendirildi. Ayrıca her cihazın kendi içinde ölçüm tekrarlanabilirliği değişkenlik katsayısı (DK) ile; güvenilirliği sınıf içi korelasyon katsayısı (SKK) ile incelendi. BULGULAR: Seksen iki keratokonus hastasının 44'ü kadın 38'i erkekti. Grup 2'de ise 51 kadın 49 erkek vardı. Yaş ortalaması Grup 1'de 30,63 ± 9,56; Grup 2'de 30,55 ± 8,76 idi. İki grup arasında cinsiyet ve yaş açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu (sırasıyla p=0,721; p=0,917). Amsler-Krumeich sınıflamasına göre keratokonus şiddeti 32 gözde evre 1, 28 gözde evre 2, 13 gözde evre 3, 9 gözde evre 4 düzeyindeydi. Grup 1'de OB 3,3 mm zondan ve KT ile 3,0 mm zondan alınan en düz keratometri ölçümleri arasında istatiksel fark yoktu (p=0,468). Fakat BlandAltman grafiklerine göre %95 uyum aralığı 0,54 mm idi. Bu aralık Grup 2'deki 0,26 mm aralığına göre daha genişti. En dik keratometri ölçümlerinde Grup 2'de OB ve KT arasında istatiksel anlamlı fark yokken, Grup 1'de tüm en dik keratometri karşılaştırmalarında anlamlı fark bulunmaktaydı (p<0,07). MKK için her iki grupta tüm cihazlar arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı (p<0,001). LLM ölçümleri her iki grupta cihazlar arasında anlamlı farklı değildi (p>0,05). ÖKD için her iki grupta ölçümler arası istatiksel fark saptandı (p<0,001). Ölçüm güvenilirliği KT ile LLM ölçümü (SKK=0,898) dışında çalışmamızdaki tüm cihazlar için tüm parametrelerde mükemmeldi (SKK >0,9). Tekrarlanabilirlik, keratokonuslu gözlerde MKK ölçümü (DK <%3) dışında tüm cihazlar için parametrelerin hepsinde mükemmeldi (DK < %1). SONUÇLAR:Çalışmamızdaki cihazların, keratokonus hastalarında LLM dışındaki parametreler için birbiri yerine kullanılmasının uygun olmadığı; normal olgularda ise MKK ölçümü dışında cihazların birbiri yerine kullanılabileceği sonucuna varıldı. Bununla beraber, çalışmamızdaki cihazların keratokonuslu gözlerde bile mükemmel derecede tekrarlanabilir ve güvenilir ölçüm yaptığını söylemek mümkündür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Güvenilirlik; keratokonus; kornea topografisi; optik biyometri; optik koherens tomografi; tekrarlanabilirlik; uyumluluk.
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: Accurate evaluation of anterior segment parameters is important in the diagnosis and management of many anterior segment diseases, in providing satisfactory results after surgery, patient satisfaction and correct patient management. In this study, the repeatability, reliability and agreement of anterior segment measurements performed using corneal topography, optical biometry, and optical coherence tomography were evaluated in patients with keratoconus and normal eyes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 100 eyes of 100 normal subjects and 82 eyes of 82 keratoconus patients among the patients who applied to the Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology Clinic between October 2017 and October 2018 were randomly selected and included in the study. The eyes with keratoconus were named as Group 1 and the normal eyes were named as Group 2. Three repetitive measurements were performed by the same investigator on the same day using combined Scheimpflug camera Placido disc system corneal topography device (CT) (Sirius, CSO, Italy), partial coherence interferometry based optical biometry device (OB) (Nidek Al Scan, Aichi, Japan), spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Nidek RS-3000, Gamagori, Japan) devices. Keratometry in 3mm zone and sim-K, central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), limbus-limbus distance (LLM), iridocorneal angle (ICA) using CT; keratometry in the 2.4 mm and 3.3 mm zone, CCT, ACD, LLM and axial length (AL) using OB; CCT measurements were recorded using OCT. It was statistically analyzed whether there is a difference in the measurements between devices for common parameters. Inter-device agreement was evaluated with BlandAltman graphics. In addition, the measurement repeatability of each device was evaluated using coefficient of variation (CV); and reliability was evaluated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: Of the eighty-two keratoconus patients, 44 were female and 38 were male. There was 51 women and 49 men in Group 2. The mean age was 30.63 ± 9.56 in Group 1; and 30.55 ± 8.76 in Group 2. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of gender and age (p = 0.721; p = 0.917, respectively). According to the Amsler-Krumeich classification, keratoconus severity was stage 1 in 32 eyes, stage 2 in 28 eyes, stage 3 in 13 eyes and stage 4 in 9 eyes. There was no statistical difference between the flattest keratometry measurements taken from OB 3.3 mm zone and KT and 3.0 mm zone in Group 1 (p = 0.468). However, according to the Bland-Altman graphs, the 95% limits of agreement interval was 0.54 mm. This range was larger than the range of 0.26 mm in Group 2. There was no statistically significant difference between OB and CT in Group 2 in steepest keratometry measurements, whereas there was a significant difference in the steepest keratometry comparisons in Group 1 (p <0,07). There was a statistically significant difference in CCT between all devices in both groups (p <0.001). LLM measurements did not differ significantly between devices in both groups (p> 0.05). For ACD, there was a statistical difference between the devices in both groups (p <0.001). The reliability was excellent in all parameters for all devices in our study (CCT> 0.9) except for LLM measurement using CT which was (CCT = 0.898). Repeatability was excellent in all parameters for all devices (CV <1%) except for the CCT measurement in eyes with keratoconus (CV <3%). CONCLUSIONS: In our study, it was concluded that, it is not appropriate to use the devices in our study interchangeably for the parameters other than LLM in keratoconus patients; whereas in normal cases devices could be used interchangeably except for the measurement of CCT. However, it is possible to say that the devices in our study produce perfectly repeatable and reliable measurements even in the eyes with keratoconus. Key words: Agreement; corneal topography; keratoconus; optical biometry; optical coherence tomography; repeatability; reliability
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: Accurate evaluation of anterior segment parameters is important in the diagnosis and management of many anterior segment diseases, in providing satisfactory results after surgery, patient satisfaction and correct patient management. In this study, the repeatability, reliability and agreement of anterior segment measurements performed using corneal topography, optical biometry, and optical coherence tomography were evaluated in patients with keratoconus and normal eyes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 100 eyes of 100 normal subjects and 82 eyes of 82 keratoconus patients among the patients who applied to the Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology Clinic between October 2017 and October 2018 were randomly selected and included in the study. The eyes with keratoconus were named as Group 1 and the normal eyes were named as Group 2. Three repetitive measurements were performed by the same investigator on the same day using combined Scheimpflug camera Placido disc system corneal topography device (CT) (Sirius, CSO, Italy), partial coherence interferometry based optical biometry device (OB) (Nidek Al Scan, Aichi, Japan), spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Nidek RS-3000, Gamagori, Japan) devices. Keratometry in 3mm zone and sim-K, central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), limbus-limbus distance (LLM), iridocorneal angle (ICA) using CT; keratometry in the 2.4 mm and 3.3 mm zone, CCT, ACD, LLM and axial length (AL) using OB; CCT measurements were recorded using OCT. It was statistically analyzed whether there is a difference in the measurements between devices for common parameters. Inter-device agreement was evaluated with BlandAltman graphics. In addition, the measurement repeatability of each device was evaluated using coefficient of variation (CV); and reliability was evaluated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: Of the eighty-two keratoconus patients, 44 were female and 38 were male. There was 51 women and 49 men in Group 2. The mean age was 30.63 ± 9.56 in Group 1; and 30.55 ± 8.76 in Group 2. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of gender and age (p = 0.721; p = 0.917, respectively). According to the Amsler-Krumeich classification, keratoconus severity was stage 1 in 32 eyes, stage 2 in 28 eyes, stage 3 in 13 eyes and stage 4 in 9 eyes. There was no statistical difference between the flattest keratometry measurements taken from OB 3.3 mm zone and KT and 3.0 mm zone in Group 1 (p = 0.468). However, according to the Bland-Altman graphs, the 95% limits of agreement interval was 0.54 mm. This range was larger than the range of 0.26 mm in Group 2. There was no statistically significant difference between OB and CT in Group 2 in steepest keratometry measurements, whereas there was a significant difference in the steepest keratometry comparisons in Group 1 (p <0,07). There was a statistically significant difference in CCT between all devices in both groups (p <0.001). LLM measurements did not differ significantly between devices in both groups (p> 0.05). For ACD, there was a statistical difference between the devices in both groups (p <0.001). The reliability was excellent in all parameters for all devices in our study (CCT> 0.9) except for LLM measurement using CT which was (CCT = 0.898). Repeatability was excellent in all parameters for all devices (CV <1%) except for the CCT measurement in eyes with keratoconus (CV <3%). CONCLUSIONS: In our study, it was concluded that, it is not appropriate to use the devices in our study interchangeably for the parameters other than LLM in keratoconus patients; whereas in normal cases devices could be used interchangeably except for the measurement of CCT. However, it is possible to say that the devices in our study produce perfectly repeatable and reliable measurements even in the eyes with keratoconus. Key words: Agreement; corneal topography; keratoconus; optical biometry; optical coherence tomography; repeatability; reliability
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göz Hastalıkları, Eye Diseases, , , , , , , ,