Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Öğretmen Öz-yeterlik İnançları ve Öğretim Tekniklerini Seçebilme Yeterlikleri
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Bu çalışmanın amacı beden eğitimi öğretmen adaylarının öz-yeterlik inancı ve öğretim tekniklerini seçebilme yeterlikalgılarını tespit etmektir. Araştırma nicel araştırma yaklaşımından ilişkisel tarama modeli ile tasarlanmıştır. Araştırma,2017-2018 eğitim-öğretim yılı bahar yarıyılında, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencileriüzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu öğrenciler fakültedeki farklı bölümden (Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği66,Antrenörlük Eğitimi38, Spor Yöneticiliği79 ve Rekreasyon44) öğrenciler olmak üzere toplam 227 öğretmenadayından oluşmaktadır. Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, Çapa, Çakıroğlu veSarıkaya (2005) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlaması yapılan “Öğretmen Öz-yeterlik Ölçeği” ve Fırat Durdukaya vd.(2017) tarafından geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan “Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretim Tekniklerini SeçebilmeYeterliği Ölçeği” aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Veri analizinde; betimsel istatistikler (aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma),bağımsız gruplar t-testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi, basit doğrusal regresyon analizi ve Pearson Correlation testikullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak öğretmen öz-yeterlik inancı öğretim tekniklerini seçebilme yeterliğini anlamlı şekildeyordamaktadır. Öğretim tekniklerini seçebilme yeterlik algısı ve öğretmen öz-yeterlik inancı puan ortalamalarıöğretmen adaylarının okudukları bölüme göre farklılık gösterirken; cinsiyet ve mezun olunan okul türüne göre anlamlıfarklılık göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Bu bulgular ışığında; öğretmen öz-yeterlik inancı öğretim tekniklerini seçebilmeyeterliği açısından önemli olduğu söylenebilir.
The aim of this study is to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of physical education teacher candidates and theirperception of competence to choose teaching techniques. The research was designed with a relational search model,which is one of the quantitative research approaches. The research was conducted on the third and fourth yearstudents of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Kırıkkale University in the spring semester of 2017-2018 academicyears. These students consist of a total of 227 teacher candidates (Physical education and sports teaching 66,Coaching training 38, Sport management 79 and Recreation 44) from the different departments in the faculty.Data were obtained by means of "Teacher Self-efficacy Scale" adapted by Çapı, Çakıroğlu and Sarıkaya (2005) andFırat Durdukaya et al. (2017). The validity and reliability study was conducted by means of the "Teacher Candidate'sTeaching Techniques Succeeding Sufficiency Scale" and "Personal Information Form" prepared by the researchers.In data analysis, descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation), independent groups t-test, one wayvariance analysis, simple linear regression analysis and Pearson Correlation test were used. As a result, teacher selfefficacybelief significantly predicts the adequacy of choosing teaching techniques. In addition, the ability to chooseteaching techniques and the teacher self-efficacy belief score averages differ according to the grades read by theteacher candidates. Besides, it did not show any significant difference according to sex and graduated school type. Inthe light of these findings, it can be said that teacher is important in terms of the ability to choose teachingtechniques of self-efficacy beliefs.
The aim of this study is to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of physical education teacher candidates and theirperception of competence to choose teaching techniques. The research was designed with a relational search model,which is one of the quantitative research approaches. The research was conducted on the third and fourth yearstudents of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Kırıkkale University in the spring semester of 2017-2018 academicyears. These students consist of a total of 227 teacher candidates (Physical education and sports teaching 66,Coaching training 38, Sport management 79 and Recreation 44) from the different departments in the faculty.Data were obtained by means of "Teacher Self-efficacy Scale" adapted by Çapı, Çakıroğlu and Sarıkaya (2005) andFırat Durdukaya et al. (2017). The validity and reliability study was conducted by means of the "Teacher Candidate'sTeaching Techniques Succeeding Sufficiency Scale" and "Personal Information Form" prepared by the researchers.In data analysis, descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation), independent groups t-test, one wayvariance analysis, simple linear regression analysis and Pearson Correlation test were used. As a result, teacher selfefficacybelief significantly predicts the adequacy of choosing teaching techniques. In addition, the ability to chooseteaching techniques and the teacher self-efficacy belief score averages differ according to the grades read by theteacher candidates. Besides, it did not show any significant difference according to sex and graduated school type. Inthe light of these findings, it can be said that teacher is important in terms of the ability to choose teachingtechniques of self-efficacy beliefs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İş, İşletme Finans, İktisat, Coğrafya, Tarih, Edebiyat, İşletme, Felsefe, Psikoloji
Manas Journal of Social Studies
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