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Çalışmamızda C.coggyria (Duman ağacı), M.communis (Mersin bitkisi), T.spicata (Karabaş kekik) bitkisine ait metanol ve saf su ekstrelerinin in vitro çalışmalarla L929 fibroblast hücreleri üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Hücre morfolojisinin incelenmesi için hematoksilen eozin boyama yapılmıştır. Ekstrelerin sitotoksisitesinin belirlenmesi amacıyla WST-1 testi kullanılmıştır. Apoptoz ve nekrozun belirlenmesi için double staining-ikili boyama yöntemi kullanılmış ve WST-1 ile apoptoz ve nekrozun belirlendiği konsantrasyonlara bağlı olarak xCELLigence-Gerçek Zamanlı Hücre Analiz Sistemi'nde bitkilere ait su ekstreleri uygulanarak hücre proliferasyonu belirlenmiştir. Buna ek olarak mikronükleus testi ve Salmonella AMES testi ile bitki ekstrelerinin genotoksik ve mutajenik etkisinin olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Yara iyileşmesinde önemli rol oynayan kollajen tip I, tip IV, fibronektin ve elastin protein ekspresyonları western blot, immunositokimyasal ve immunohistokimyasal yöntemlerle belirlenmiştir. In vitro deney sonuçlarına bağlı olarak in vivo deneylerde kullanılan ekstrelerin konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. In vivo çalışmalarla bitki ekstrelerinin deri irritasyon, göz irritasyon, sensitizasyon, akut sistemik toksisite, yara modellerinin incelenmesi, yanık modellerinde histopatolojik incelenmesi, klinik biyokimya ve hematoloji ölçümlerine bağlı değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Agregasyon ve hemoliz testi ile bitki ekstrelerinin kan ile etkileşimi araştırılmıştır. In vitro deneyler sonucunda C.coggyria (Duman ağacı) bitkisine ait su ve metanol ekstrelerinin M.communis (Mersin bitkisi) ve T.spicata (Karabaş kekik) bitkilerine ait ekstrelere göre toksik etkisinin olmadığı, hücre proliferasyonunu artırdığı belirlendi. Ayrıca C.coggyria (Duman ağacı), M.communis (Mersin bitkisi) ve T.spicata (Karabaş kekik) bitkilerine ait su ekstrelerinin genotoksik etkisinin olmadığı belirlendi. In vitro deneyler sonucunda C.coggyria (Duman ağacı) bitkisine ait su ekstresinin in vivo deneylerde daha fazla iyileşme gösterdiği belirlendi. Kan ile etkileşim deneylerinden agregasyon testi sonuçlarına göre; C.coggyria (Duman ağacı), M.communis (Mersin bitkisi), T.spicata (Karabaş kekik) bitkilerine ait su ekstrelerinin agregasyona neden olmadığı, T.spicata (Karabaş kekik) bitkisine ait su ekstresinin hafif hemolitik etkisinin olduğu belirlendi. İn vitro ve in vivo yapılan deneyler sonucunda özütler arasında en iyi etki gösteren C.coggyria (Duman ağacı) bitkisinden yara yanık iyileşmesinde kullanılmak üzere ürün geliştirilmiştir.
In this study, the effects of methanol and pure water extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree), M.communis (Mersin tree), T.spicata (Karabas tree) on to L929 fibroblast cells were investigated in vitro studies. Hematoxylin eosin staining was done for examination of cell morphology. The WST-1 test was used to determine the cytotoxicity of the extracts. Double staining method was used to show apoptosis - necrosis and the cell proliferation was determined using xCELLIGENCE-Real Time Cell Analysis System depending on the cöncentration of apoptosis and necrosis determined by WST-1. Finally, the genotoxic and mutagenic effects of the plant extracts were investigated using the micronucleus and Salmonella AMES test. Collagen tip I, collagen tip IV, fibronectin and elastin protein expressions, which play an important role in wound healing, were determined by western blot, immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemical methods. Concentrations of extracts subject to in vivo experiments were determined based on in vitro test results. In vivo studies included skin irritation, eye irritation, sensitization, acute systemic toxicity, wound healing models, burn models, clinical biochemistry and hematology measurements. Aggregation and hemolysis tests were conducted for the evaluation of hemocompatibility. As a result of in vitro experiments, it was determined that water and methanol extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree) plant had less toxic effect compared to the extracts of M.communis (Murt tree) and T.spicata (Karabas tree). It also increased cell proliferation. Water extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree), M.communis (Murt tree) and T.spicata (Karabas tree) plants had no genotoxic effects. As C.coggyria (Duman tree) plant extract showed better results in vitro it was tried in vivo. Aggregation results obtained from the experiments of the blood interactions; Showed that water extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree), M.communis (Murt tree) and T.spicata (Karabas tree) did not cause aggregation and the water extract of T.spicata (Karabas tree) had low hemolytic effect. As a result of in vitro and in vivo experiments, a product in liquid or spray forms was developed for use in wound and burn healing, using the C.coggyria (Duman tree) that showed the best effects among the other extracts.
In this study, the effects of methanol and pure water extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree), M.communis (Mersin tree), T.spicata (Karabas tree) on to L929 fibroblast cells were investigated in vitro studies. Hematoxylin eosin staining was done for examination of cell morphology. The WST-1 test was used to determine the cytotoxicity of the extracts. Double staining method was used to show apoptosis - necrosis and the cell proliferation was determined using xCELLIGENCE-Real Time Cell Analysis System depending on the cöncentration of apoptosis and necrosis determined by WST-1. Finally, the genotoxic and mutagenic effects of the plant extracts were investigated using the micronucleus and Salmonella AMES test. Collagen tip I, collagen tip IV, fibronectin and elastin protein expressions, which play an important role in wound healing, were determined by western blot, immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemical methods. Concentrations of extracts subject to in vivo experiments were determined based on in vitro test results. In vivo studies included skin irritation, eye irritation, sensitization, acute systemic toxicity, wound healing models, burn models, clinical biochemistry and hematology measurements. Aggregation and hemolysis tests were conducted for the evaluation of hemocompatibility. As a result of in vitro experiments, it was determined that water and methanol extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree) plant had less toxic effect compared to the extracts of M.communis (Murt tree) and T.spicata (Karabas tree). It also increased cell proliferation. Water extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree), M.communis (Murt tree) and T.spicata (Karabas tree) plants had no genotoxic effects. As C.coggyria (Duman tree) plant extract showed better results in vitro it was tried in vivo. Aggregation results obtained from the experiments of the blood interactions; Showed that water extracts of C.coggyria (Duman tree), M.communis (Murt tree) and T.spicata (Karabas tree) did not cause aggregation and the water extract of T.spicata (Karabas tree) had low hemolytic effect. As a result of in vitro and in vivo experiments, a product in liquid or spray forms was developed for use in wound and burn healing, using the C.coggyria (Duman tree) that showed the best effects among the other extracts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyomühendislik, Bioengineering, Varikosel, Varicocele ; İnterleukin 10, Interleukin 10