Uluslararası Andlaşmalar Hukukunda Rebus Sic Stantibus İlkesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Rebus sic stantibus bir uluslararası andlaşmalar hukuku ilkesidir. Şartlardaki esaslı değişiklikler, andlaşmanın akıbeti üzerinde etkilidir. Bu etki, andlaşmaların sona erdirilmesi, askıya alınması ve andlaşmadan çekilme temelindedir. Andlaşma şartlarında esaslı değişiklik konusu VAHS'nin 62. maddesinde düzenlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla ilke yazılı uluslararası hukukun bir parçası niteliğindedir. İlkenin andlaşmalar üzerinde etkili olabilmesi için birtakım şartların vuku bulması elzemdir: Değiştiği ileri sürülen şartlar esaslı ve öngörülemez olmalı, bir tarafın andlaşmadan kaynaklanan vecibelerini aşırı değiştirmelidir. Değişiklik tarafların andlaşmayla bağlanma rızalarının temelini oluşturmalıdır. Şartların değişmesinden olumsuz etkilenen tarafın kusuru olmamalıdır. Son olarak bu ilke sınır andlaşmalarına uygulanamamaktadır. Rebus sic stantibus ilkesi uluslararası yargı organlarında kısmen uygulanmıştır. Bilhassa Uluslararası Adalet Divanı'nın (UAD) ilkeye yönelik yaklaşımı ilkenin geleceğini belirlemektedir. Devletler de ilkeye çok kereler başvurmuşlardır. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölüm rebus sic stantibus ilkesinin anlamı ve gelişimi üzerinedir. Ama öncelikle, ilkenin uluslararası andlaşmalar hukukundaki yerine değinilmektedir. İkinci bölümde, ilkenin uluslararası hukuktaki eleştirel yeri ile özel hukuk boyutu işlenmektedir. Özel hukuk boyutuyla da incelenmesinin nedeni ilkenin ilk olarak bu alanda ortaya çıkmış olmasıdır. Uluslararası hukuk kavramlarıyla ilişkisi ve hukukîlik tartışması da irdelenmektedir. Üçüncü bölüm, "Viyana Andlaşmalar Hukuku Sözleşmesi Madde 62 ve Rebus Sic Stantibus İlkesinin Hukukî Sonuçları" ismini taşımaktadır. Burada 62. madde ayrıntılı olarak unsurları ve öngördüğü hukukî sonuçları çerçevesinde tahlil edilmektedir. Gerek bu maddenin gerekse uluslararası uygulamanın neticesi olan hukukî sonuçları ve işlevleri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Son olarak çeşitli uluslararası yargı organlarında ele alınışı incelenmektedir. Gerek Divan'daki gerekse diğer uluslararası yargı organlarındaki durumunu incelemek elzemdir. Çalışmada tümevarım yöntemiyle: Uluslarararası yargı organlarının rebus sic stantibus ilkesini kısmen uyguladığı; ilkenin uygulamada andlaşmayı değiştirme ve yeni andlaşma tesis etme işlevlerinin varlığı ve ilkenin ahde vefanın tamamlayıcısı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. "Uluslararası Andlaşmalar Hukukunda Rebus Sic Stantibus İlkesi" başlıklı çalışmamız, Türkiye'de, rebus sic stantibus ilkesinin uluslararası hukuktaki yeri konusunda yazılmış ilk tezdir.
The rebus sic stantibus is one of the international law of treaties principle. Fundamental change of circumstances have effects on fate of treaties. This effect is based on its termination, suspension of treaty and withdrawal from the treaty. The fundamenal changes of circumstances of treaty subject is regulated at the VCLT Article 62. So, the principle is a part of positive international law. Some specified conditions must occur for the principle to have affect on treaties: The circumstances that are claimed to have changed must be fundamental and unpredictable. The changes have to transform the extend of one party's treaty Obligations radically. The changes have to constitute the fundamental base of consent of bond of the parties. The party who was negatively effected from changes should not be related to the changes. Lastly, the principle can't be applied to boundary treaties. The rebus sic stantibus principle has been implemented partially at international jurisdiction institutions. Especially, approach toward the principle of International Court of Justice (ICJ) is determine its future of the principle. Moreover, states also invoked the principle several times. The study consists of three section. The first section is about its meaning and development of the rebus sic stantibus principle. But firstly, the principle's statu in international treaty law is analyzed. In the second section, the principle's position in private law and its critical dimension in international law is studied. The reason of studying in private law is it has firstly emerged in this area. After its relationship with rules of international law, its disputes (i.e. the legality) is also examined. The last section is named "Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Article 62 and Functions of the Principle of Fundamental Change of Circumstances." In this section the Article 62 is analyzed in detail around its elements and judicial results. The articles stand both on juridical functions and the results of international practice were investigated. Lastly, the handling of the principle at international jurisdiction institutions were analyzed. Therefore it is indispensable to study its status both in the Court and in other international tribunals. The induction method we reached the following results: International tribunals implemented partially the rebus sic stantibus principle. Secondly, there are revision and new treaty establishment as additional functions of the principle. Lastly, the principle is suplementary to pacta sund servanda. Our thesis titled "The Principle of Rebus Sic Stantibus in the International Law of Treaties" is the first study in Turkey about the principle's place in international law.
The rebus sic stantibus is one of the international law of treaties principle. Fundamental change of circumstances have effects on fate of treaties. This effect is based on its termination, suspension of treaty and withdrawal from the treaty. The fundamenal changes of circumstances of treaty subject is regulated at the VCLT Article 62. So, the principle is a part of positive international law. Some specified conditions must occur for the principle to have affect on treaties: The circumstances that are claimed to have changed must be fundamental and unpredictable. The changes have to transform the extend of one party's treaty Obligations radically. The changes have to constitute the fundamental base of consent of bond of the parties. The party who was negatively effected from changes should not be related to the changes. Lastly, the principle can't be applied to boundary treaties. The rebus sic stantibus principle has been implemented partially at international jurisdiction institutions. Especially, approach toward the principle of International Court of Justice (ICJ) is determine its future of the principle. Moreover, states also invoked the principle several times. The study consists of three section. The first section is about its meaning and development of the rebus sic stantibus principle. But firstly, the principle's statu in international treaty law is analyzed. In the second section, the principle's position in private law and its critical dimension in international law is studied. The reason of studying in private law is it has firstly emerged in this area. After its relationship with rules of international law, its disputes (i.e. the legality) is also examined. The last section is named "Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Article 62 and Functions of the Principle of Fundamental Change of Circumstances." In this section the Article 62 is analyzed in detail around its elements and judicial results. The articles stand both on juridical functions and the results of international practice were investigated. Lastly, the handling of the principle at international jurisdiction institutions were analyzed. Therefore it is indispensable to study its status both in the Court and in other international tribunals. The induction method we reached the following results: International tribunals implemented partially the rebus sic stantibus principle. Secondly, there are revision and new treaty establishment as additional functions of the principle. Lastly, the principle is suplementary to pacta sund servanda. Our thesis titled "The Principle of Rebus Sic Stantibus in the International Law of Treaties" is the first study in Turkey about the principle's place in international law.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations, , , ,