Absence of human papillomavirus antigens in cutaneous soft fibromas
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Giriş: Derinin yumuşak fibromlarının gerçek nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte deri yaşlanması, şişmanlık, diyabet, gebelik, menopoz, akromegali ve genetik yatkınlık ile ilişkili olabilecekleri ileri sürülmektedir. Son zamanlarda insan papilloma virüsleri de yumuşak fibrom oluşumunda potansiyel etyolojik faktör olarak suçlanmışlardır. Amaç: Bu çalışmada yumuşak fibrom etyopatogenezinde insan papilloma virüslerinin rolünün araştırılması amaçlanmış ve bu lezyonların diyabet ve obezite ile ilşkileri de sorgulanmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla 37 hastanın lezyonel deri örneklerinde immünhistokimyasal metod ile HPV antijenleri çalışılmıştır. Her hastadan açlık ve tokluk kan şekeri ve gayitada gizli kan tetkikleri rutin olarak istenmiştir.Bulgular: Lezyonel deri biyopsilerinden yalnızca birinde (2.7 %) HPV antijen varlığı saptanmıştır. On-üç hastanın (35.1 %) vücut kütle indeksi 30'un üstünde hesaplanmıştır. Açlık ve/ veya tokluk kan şekeri 14 hastada (37.8 %) yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bu bulgular çok sayıda yumuşak fibrom ile başvuran hastalarda karbonhidrat metabolizmasının değerlendirilmesi gerektiğine işaret etmekte ve insan papilloma virüslerinin bu lezyonların etyolojisinde rolü olmadığını düşündürmektedir.
Background: The cause of skin tags is unknown, although aging, obesity, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, menopause, acromegaly and genetic susceptibility have been implicated as potential etiological factors. Recently a role for human papillomaviruses have been postulated in the development of these lesions. Objective: The aim of the present study was to elucidate a role for human papillomaviruses in the etiopathogenesis of skin tags. In addition, the association of skin tags with diabetes mellitus and obesity has been questioned. Methods: For this purpose lesional biopsy samples from 37 patients with skin tags were studied by immunohistochemical method for the expression of HPV antigens. As laboratory evaluation, fasting and postprandial serum glucose and fecal occult blood test were routinely performed for each patient. Results: Immunohistochemical examination showed that all but one (2.7 %) of the 37 lesional biopsy specimens lacked HPV antigens. Thirteen patients (35.1 %) had a body mass index greater than 30 (obese). Fasting and/ or postprandial serum glucose values were abnormal in 14 patients (37.8 %).Conclusion: These findings indicate that routine evaluation of carbohydrate metabolism may be important in patients presenting with multiple skin tags and that HPV can be excluded from the list of potential etiological factors in these lesions.
Background: The cause of skin tags is unknown, although aging, obesity, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, menopause, acromegaly and genetic susceptibility have been implicated as potential etiological factors. Recently a role for human papillomaviruses have been postulated in the development of these lesions. Objective: The aim of the present study was to elucidate a role for human papillomaviruses in the etiopathogenesis of skin tags. In addition, the association of skin tags with diabetes mellitus and obesity has been questioned. Methods: For this purpose lesional biopsy samples from 37 patients with skin tags were studied by immunohistochemical method for the expression of HPV antigens. As laboratory evaluation, fasting and postprandial serum glucose and fecal occult blood test were routinely performed for each patient. Results: Immunohistochemical examination showed that all but one (2.7 %) of the 37 lesional biopsy specimens lacked HPV antigens. Thirteen patients (35.1 %) had a body mass index greater than 30 (obese). Fasting and/ or postprandial serum glucose values were abnormal in 14 patients (37.8 %).Conclusion: These findings indicate that routine evaluation of carbohydrate metabolism may be important in patients presenting with multiple skin tags and that HPV can be excluded from the list of potential etiological factors in these lesions.
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Türkiye Klinikleri Dermatoloji Dergisi
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