Allerjik rinit tedavisinde kullanılan topikal nazal kortikosteroidlerin göz içi basıncına etkisi
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Allerjik rinit sık tekrarlayan ve tedavisi uzun sürebilen bir hastalıktır. Allerjik rinit tedavisinde topikal nazal kortikosteroidler önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Son yıllarda inhaler/nazal kortikosteroidlerin göz içi basıncında artmaya yol açabildiğine yönelik çalışmalar yayınlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada aller/ik rinit tedavisinde yeni bir seçenek olarak sunulan mometazon furoat ile daha önce piyasaya sürülmüş olan budesonidin göz içi basıncı üzerindeki kısa ve uzun dönem etkileri araştırılmıştır. Allerjik rinit nedeniyle, 6 hafta süre ile mometazon furoat tedavisi verilen 29 olgu ile budesonid tedavisi verilen 20 olgu göz içi basıncı değişiklikleri yönünden ortalama 50 gün ( 40-58 gün) izlendi. Her iki gruptaki olguların göz içi basınçları ilaç tedavisi başlanmadan önce, 6 haftalık tedavi bitiminde ve tedavi bitiminden sonraki 1. ayda ölçüldü. Her iki grupta (Mometazon furoat ve budesonid) tedavi öncesi ve sonrası; ve tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası 1. aydaki kontrolde; ve gruplar arasında tedavi öncesi, sonrası ve tedavi sonrası 1. ayda ölçülen göz içi basınçları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı.Bu bulgular ışığında, allerjik rinit tedavisinde 6 hafta süre ile uygulanan topikal nazal kortikosteroidlerin, göz içi basıncında artışa yol açmadıkları düşünüldü.
Allergic rhinitis is characterized by recurrent episodes. Long duration of treatment is often needed. The topical nasal corticosteroids are important in the management of allergic rhinitis. Recently, it was reported some studies that topical nasal corticosteroids may cause to increase in the intraocular pressure (IOP). The aim of this study is to evaluate the short and long time effects of momethasone, which is a new drug used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and budesonid, on the intraocular pressure. Twenty nine patients were treated with momethasone furoate and 20 patients were treated with budesonid for 6 weeks. The mean follow-up time to evaluate the changes in the IOP was 50 days ( 40-58 days). There was no difference between the groups with regard to age, gender and pretreatment IOP. Just after the treatment of allergic rhinitis and one month later, the lOPs were compared to pretreatment lOP's in both groups and no statistically significant differences were found. We also, compared the pretreatment, just after the treatment and one month later after the treatment IOP values between the groups; and no statistically significant differences were found. We concluded that the steroids used nasally as long as one month during allergic rhinitis did not cause to increase in the IOP.
Allergic rhinitis is characterized by recurrent episodes. Long duration of treatment is often needed. The topical nasal corticosteroids are important in the management of allergic rhinitis. Recently, it was reported some studies that topical nasal corticosteroids may cause to increase in the intraocular pressure (IOP). The aim of this study is to evaluate the short and long time effects of momethasone, which is a new drug used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and budesonid, on the intraocular pressure. Twenty nine patients were treated with momethasone furoate and 20 patients were treated with budesonid for 6 weeks. The mean follow-up time to evaluate the changes in the IOP was 50 days ( 40-58 days). There was no difference between the groups with regard to age, gender and pretreatment IOP. Just after the treatment of allergic rhinitis and one month later, the lOPs were compared to pretreatment lOP's in both groups and no statistically significant differences were found. We also, compared the pretreatment, just after the treatment and one month later after the treatment IOP values between the groups; and no statistically significant differences were found. We concluded that the steroids used nasally as long as one month during allergic rhinitis did not cause to increase in the IOP.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz
Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Taner, P., Muluk, N. B., Akarsu, C., Koç, C. (2001). Allerjik rinit tedavisinde kullanılan topikal nazal kortikosteroidlerin göz içi basıncına etkisi. Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi, 9(1), 21 - 24.