Fosfodiesteraz 5 İnhibitörü Kullanan Hastalarda Otoakustik Emisyonlar
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada üroloji bölümünde erektil disfonksiyon (ED) sebebi ile fosfodiesteraz-5 inhibitörü tedavisi verilen hastalarda, Geçici Uyarılmış Otoakustik Emisyonlar (Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission-TEOAE) ve Distorsiyon Ürünü Otoakustik Emisyonlar (Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission-DPOAE)araştırılmıştır. Erektil disfonksiyon sebebi ile Üroloji Bölümü tarafından, Uluslararası Ereksiyon Bozuklukları Değerlendirme İndeksi (International Index of Erectile Function-İİEF) sorgulama formu doldurulup hastalar değerlendirildikten sonra,tedavi öncesi dönemde Kulak Burun Boğaz (KBB) Muayenesi yapılarak, KBB sorgulama formu doldurulup, komple odyolojik tetkik, TEOAE ve DPOAE yapılmıştır. Fosfodiesteraz-5 inhibitörü olarak, Grup 1'de yer alan hastalara Viagra®50 mg (Sildenafil), haftada 2 kez; Grup 2'de yer alan hastalara Cialis® 20mg (Tadalafil) haftada 2 kez; ve Grup 3'te yer alan hastalara ise Levitra® 20mg (Vardenafil) haftada 2 kez verilmiştir. Hastalar, 3 hafta (Haftada 2, toplam 6 doz)ilaç kullanmışlardır. Tedavi için 3 hafta (6 doz) ilaç kullanan hastalar tekrar görülerek komple odyolojik tetkik, TEOAE ve DPOAE tekrarı yapılmıştır. Her 3grubun tedavi öncesi ve sonrası değişiklikleri Kruskal Wallis Varyans Analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Tedavi sonrası dönemde tedavi öncesi döneme göre odyolojiktetkik sonucunda, işitmede Grup 1 (Sildenafil grubu)'de odyometride hava yolu 4000 Hz frekans, Grup 2 (Tadalafil grubu)'de hava ve kemik yolu 4000 Hz frekans; veGrup 3 (Vardenafil grubu)'te hava yolu 2000 frekans ve hava yolu saf ses ortalama(SSO) değerleri ile kemik yolu 500 Hz frekans ve kemik yolu SSO değerlerindedüzelme olduğu saptanmıştır Bu düzelme ise ilaçların koklear kan damarlarında meydana getirdiği vazodilasyon ve sonucunda oluşan kan akımı artışına bağlanmıştır.Anahtar Sözcükler: Erektil disfonksiyon,Transient Evoked Otoakustik
At this study Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissons (TEOAE) andDistortion Product Otoacoustic Emissons (DPOAE) were investigated in the patients who are given phosphodiesteraz-5 inhibitor treatment by urology department due toerectile disfunction. The male adults who are planned to be given phosphodiesteraz-5 inhibitor treatment were consulted to Ear Nose Throat (ENT) department, treatment were performed before the consultation. International Index of Erectile Function- (İİEF) form were performed by Urology department. ENT examination form were performed. They were evaluated by complet audiolojical test, Transient EvokedOtoacoustic Emission (TEOAE) and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE). As phosphodiesteraz-5 inhibitor, Viagra® 50 mg (Sildenafil) was given to the patients in group 1, Cialis® 20mg (Tadalafil) was given to the patients in group 2and Levitra® 20mg (Vardenafil) was given to the patients in group 3 twice a weeks. The patients used medicine for three weeks in totally six dose. After patients useddrug their drug treatment they were met again and İİEF examination form, ENT examination form, complet audiolojical test, TEOAE and DPOAE were repeatedagain. The difference between pre and post treatment period of pure tone hearing thresholds and TEOAE and DPOAE amplitudes were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis Varyans Analylses test. Post treatment audiological test results demonstratedimprovement on hearing in Group 1 (Sildenafil group) in audiological test air conduction 4000 Hz thresholds, in Group 2 (Tadalafil group) air and bone conduction 4000 Hz thresholds; and in Group 3 (Vardenafil group) air conduction2000 Hz thresholds and air conduction pure tone average, bone conduction 500 Hz thresholds and bone conduction pure tone average comparing to the pre treatmentperiod. This improvement in hearing was thought as a result of increase in cochlear blood flow due to vazodilatation caused by drugs.Keywords (Minimum 10, maximum 20): Erectil disfunction, Transient
At this study Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissons (TEOAE) andDistortion Product Otoacoustic Emissons (DPOAE) were investigated in the patients who are given phosphodiesteraz-5 inhibitor treatment by urology department due toerectile disfunction. The male adults who are planned to be given phosphodiesteraz-5 inhibitor treatment were consulted to Ear Nose Throat (ENT) department, treatment were performed before the consultation. International Index of Erectile Function- (İİEF) form were performed by Urology department. ENT examination form were performed. They were evaluated by complet audiolojical test, Transient EvokedOtoacoustic Emission (TEOAE) and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE). As phosphodiesteraz-5 inhibitor, Viagra® 50 mg (Sildenafil) was given to the patients in group 1, Cialis® 20mg (Tadalafil) was given to the patients in group 2and Levitra® 20mg (Vardenafil) was given to the patients in group 3 twice a weeks. The patients used medicine for three weeks in totally six dose. After patients useddrug their drug treatment they were met again and İİEF examination form, ENT examination form, complet audiolojical test, TEOAE and DPOAE were repeatedagain. The difference between pre and post treatment period of pure tone hearing thresholds and TEOAE and DPOAE amplitudes were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis Varyans Analylses test. Post treatment audiological test results demonstratedimprovement on hearing in Group 1 (Sildenafil group) in audiological test air conduction 4000 Hz thresholds, in Group 2 (Tadalafil group) air and bone conduction 4000 Hz thresholds; and in Group 3 (Vardenafil group) air conduction2000 Hz thresholds and air conduction pure tone average, bone conduction 500 Hz thresholds and bone conduction pure tone average comparing to the pre treatmentperiod. This improvement in hearing was thought as a result of increase in cochlear blood flow due to vazodilatation caused by drugs.Keywords (Minimum 10, maximum 20): Erectil disfunction, Transient
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak Burun ve Boğaz, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat), Bayes teorisi, Bayes theory ; Hipertansiyon, Hypertension ; Nefroloji, ,