Yedigün dergisi üzerine bir inceleme
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu tez çalışmasında 15 Mart 1933 ile 12 Mart 1949 tarihleri arasında 836 sayı yayımlanan Sedat Simavi'nin genel yayın müdürü ve sahibi olduğu Yedigün dergisi incelenmiştir. Derginin, yayın tarihimiz açısından yeri ve önemi; edebiyatımıza katkıları ortaya konulmuştur. İlk olarak Türkiye'de dergicilik faaliyetlerine göz attıktan sonra Yedigün dergisinin genel özellikleri ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra Yedigün dergisinde yayımlanan ''Hikâyeler, Anılar, Biyografiler, Tiyatrolar, Edebi Tahliller, Fikir Yazıları, Kitap Tanıtımları, Şiirler, Röportajlar tek tek ele alınarak yalnız dergi sayfaları arasına sıkışmış olan eserlerinin edebiyat literatürüne kazandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yedigün dergisinin daha ayrıntılı bir değerlendirilmesinin yapıldığı bölüm ''Sonuç'' kısmı olarak yer almıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: 1. Yedigün Dergisi 2. Dergicilik 3. Şiir 4. Nesir Yazıları 5. Sedat Simavi
In this thesis study, Yedigun journal published as 836 issues between march 15 1933 and march 12 1949 years, possessed by general manager Sedat Simavi, has been investigated in that thesis in detail. The place, importance of magazine as publication date and his contributions to our literature has been displayed in that examination… First of all, after considering the facilities of magazine business in Turkey, general feature of Yedigun journal has been evaluated… later the stories, memories, biografies, theatres, literary analysis, articles, book presentations, poems, reportages, published in Yedigun magazine have been looked over in that thesis elaborately…his literary Works stucked into magazine pages has been purposed to be includedin literature world… The section in which the Yedigun magazine was assessed in details has been partly touched on and it has been evaluated as conclusion section… Key Words: 1. Yedigun Journal 2. Magazine Business 3. Poem 4. Prose Writings 5. Sedat Simavi
In this thesis study, Yedigun journal published as 836 issues between march 15 1933 and march 12 1949 years, possessed by general manager Sedat Simavi, has been investigated in that thesis in detail. The place, importance of magazine as publication date and his contributions to our literature has been displayed in that examination… First of all, after considering the facilities of magazine business in Turkey, general feature of Yedigun journal has been evaluated… later the stories, memories, biografies, theatres, literary analysis, articles, book presentations, poems, reportages, published in Yedigun magazine have been looked over in that thesis elaborately…his literary Works stucked into magazine pages has been purposed to be includedin literature world… The section in which the Yedigun magazine was assessed in details has been partly touched on and it has been evaluated as conclusion section… Key Words: 1. Yedigun Journal 2. Magazine Business 3. Poem 4. Prose Writings 5. Sedat Simavi
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature