Benign ve malign meme lezyonlarında: HER2/Neu, P27 (Kip1), P57 (Kip2) ekspresyonları ve önemi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bakır Çetin B, Meme Karsinomunda HER2/neu, p27 Kipi ve p57 Kip2 Ekspresyonlan, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Patoloji Ânabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, KIRIKKALE, 2004. Çok sayıda çalışmada, meme kanserli hastaların %20-30'unda HER2/neu overekspresyon ve amplifikasyonu izlenmektedir. Ayrıca HER2/neu'nun yükselmiş ekspresyonu, kötü prognoz ve klinikle de ilişkilidir. Son yıllarda hücre siklusu mekanizmasının aydınlatılması yönünde gelişmeler, hücre siklus düzensizliğinin tümör gelişiminde sıklıkla izlendiğini göstermiştir. Hücre siklusunda siklin bağımlı kinaz inhibitörleri tarafından yapılan negatif düzenlenmenin bozulması, anormal hücre büyümesi ve belki de onkogenezis ile sonuçlanacaktır. HER2/neu gibi büyüme faktör reseptörleri ile hücre siklusunu düzenleyen genler arasında, bir kısmının mekanizması aydmlatılabilen, pozitif ve negatif ilişki olduğu bilinmektedir Bu çalışmanın amacı; malign ve benign meme dokularında HER2/neu ile p27 Kipi ve p57 Kip2'yi içeren siklin bağımlı kinaz inhibitörlerinin ekspresyon patentlerinin incelenmesi ve aralarındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada 30 infiltratif duktal karsinoma-NOS, 1 1 duktal karsinoma in situ ve 20 benign meme dokusu, formalin fikse dokularda; HER2/neu, p27 ve p57 ekspresyonlan immünohistokimyasal olarak değerlendirildi. Yüksek HER2/neu Hercep Test skoru; yüksek histolojik grade (p=0,001) ve düşük p27 H-SKOR (p=0,043) ile ilişkiliydi. Bundan başka düşük p27 H-SKOR ile yüksek histolojik grade (p=0,001) ve düşük p57 H-SKOR (p=0,014) ilişkisi de vardı. Aynca, duktal karsinoma in situ olgularında HER2/neu Hercep Test ile p57 H-SKOR arasında pozitif ilişki (p=0,012) saptadık. P27 H-SKOR değerlerinde infiltratif karsinom olgulan ile in situ karsinom olgulan arasında (p=0,031), duktal epitelyal hiperplazi olgulan arasında (p=0,001) ve fibrokistik değişik gösteren dokular arasında (p=0,001) anlamlı fark izledik. Bizim sonuçlarımız, meme dokusunda HER2/neu gen ürünlerinin, p27 ekspresyonunda azalma yönünde düzenlenme yaptığını gösterdi. Artık değeri kabul görmüş, rutin olarak bakılan HER2/neu HercepTest'in yamnda p27 H-SKOR'un da tedavi yanıtını değerlendirmede, ayıncı tam ve prognozda çok değerli olduğunu düşünüyoruz. HerVI ne kadar p57, p27 ile korelasyon gösterse de, p57'nin HER2/neu tarafından aynı düzenlenmeyi göstermediği dikkatimizi çekti. Meme karsinomunda p57 hakkında yapılacak yeni çalışmalar bu konuyu aydınlatacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Meme karsinomu, HER2/neu, p27, p57.
vıı ABSTRACT Bakır Cetin B, HER2/neu, p27 Kipl and p57 Kip2 Expression in Breast Cancer. University of KIRIKKALE, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Specialization Thesis, KIRIKKALE, 2004. Numerous studies have shown that, the overexpression and amplification of HER2/neu are observed in 20-30% of patients with breast cancer. It has also been observed that the elevated expression of HER2/neu correlates with poor prognosis and clinical outcome. In the recent years, the characterization of cyclin-dependent kinases which are the core of the cell cycle have advanced our understanding of the cell cycle. Interruption of the negative regulation of the CDK's might unreval the mechanism of cancer. Both positive and negative correlation has been found between growth factor line HER2/neu and genes that regulate the cell cycle. In this study we searched a correlation between HER2/neu expression and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, including p27 Kipl and p57 Kip2, in patients with and without breast cancer, including the examination of the expression patterns. Cases of 30 infiltrating ductal carsinoma-NOS, cases of 1 1 ductal carsinoma in situ, 20 slides of benign breast tissue, were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in formalin fixed tissues. High HER2/neu Hercep Test score was correlated with high histological grade (p=0,001) and low p27 H-SCORE (p=0,043). Furthermore low p27 H-SCORE was correlated with high histological grade (p=0,001) and low p57 H-SCORE (p=0,014). In addition, we found a direct correlation between HER2/neu Hercep Test and p57 H-SCORE in cases of ductal carsinoma in situ. The p27 H-SCORE evaluation was carried out of for infiltrative ductal carcinoma against cases of in situ carcinoma, ductal epithelial hyperplasia and fibrocystic benign tissues. Our results suggest that the HER2/neu gene product down-regulates p27 expression in breast tissue. We now feel that, in addition to routine HER2/neu HercepTest, p27 H-SCORE should be searched in order to evaluate the response to therapy as it is very precious in differential diagnosis and diagnosis. Even though we observed a corelation between p57 and p27, there was not evidence for regulation of p57 by HER2/neu, therefore we believe further researches on p57 are needed.vııı Key words: Breast cancer, HER2/neu, p27, p57.
vıı ABSTRACT Bakır Cetin B, HER2/neu, p27 Kipl and p57 Kip2 Expression in Breast Cancer. University of KIRIKKALE, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Specialization Thesis, KIRIKKALE, 2004. Numerous studies have shown that, the overexpression and amplification of HER2/neu are observed in 20-30% of patients with breast cancer. It has also been observed that the elevated expression of HER2/neu correlates with poor prognosis and clinical outcome. In the recent years, the characterization of cyclin-dependent kinases which are the core of the cell cycle have advanced our understanding of the cell cycle. Interruption of the negative regulation of the CDK's might unreval the mechanism of cancer. Both positive and negative correlation has been found between growth factor line HER2/neu and genes that regulate the cell cycle. In this study we searched a correlation between HER2/neu expression and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, including p27 Kipl and p57 Kip2, in patients with and without breast cancer, including the examination of the expression patterns. Cases of 30 infiltrating ductal carsinoma-NOS, cases of 1 1 ductal carsinoma in situ, 20 slides of benign breast tissue, were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in formalin fixed tissues. High HER2/neu Hercep Test score was correlated with high histological grade (p=0,001) and low p27 H-SCORE (p=0,043). Furthermore low p27 H-SCORE was correlated with high histological grade (p=0,001) and low p57 H-SCORE (p=0,014). In addition, we found a direct correlation between HER2/neu Hercep Test and p57 H-SCORE in cases of ductal carsinoma in situ. The p27 H-SCORE evaluation was carried out of for infiltrative ductal carcinoma against cases of in situ carcinoma, ductal epithelial hyperplasia and fibrocystic benign tissues. Our results suggest that the HER2/neu gene product down-regulates p27 expression in breast tissue. We now feel that, in addition to routine HER2/neu HercepTest, p27 H-SCORE should be searched in order to evaluate the response to therapy as it is very precious in differential diagnosis and diagnosis. Even though we observed a corelation between p57 and p27, there was not evidence for regulation of p57 by HER2/neu, therefore we believe further researches on p57 are needed.vııı Key words: Breast cancer, HER2/neu, p27, p57.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Patoloji, Pathology