Investigation of mast cell distribution in the ovine oviduct during oestral and luteal phases of the qestrous cycles
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Mast hücreleri birçok organ ve sistemdeki çeşitli fizyolojik süreçlerde önemli rolleri bulunan heterojen hücre topluluğudur. Bu çalışmada koyun ovidukt mukozasındaki mast hücrelerini boyanma özellikleri ve ince yapı düzeyinde incelemeyi amaçladık. Mezbahanede kesim sırasında östral ve luteal dönemleri Akkaraman koyunlarının oviduct örnekleri alındı. Alınan örnekler %10 formol ve IFAA ile tespit edilerek Toluidin blue ve Alcian blue-Safranin O (Ab/SO) ile boyandı. Mast hücrelerinin, kan damarlarının ve ovidukt epitelinin bazal membranına yakın olarak yerleştiği görüldü. IFAA ile tespit edilen dokulardaki mast hücre sayısının %10 formolle tespit edilen dokulara göre daha fazla olduğu belirlendi (P0.003). Dikkat çekici olarak mast hücrelerinin tamamının Ab() ve SO(-) olduğu görüldü. Luteal ve östral dönemler arasında mast hücre sayısı yönünden fark bulunamadı (P0.05). Fakat ovidukt bölgeleri arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli fark vardı ve mast hücre sayısı istmusta daha azdı (P0.006). Elektron mikroskobik incelemelerde mast hücrelerinin elektron açık ve elektron koyu olmak üzere iki tip granül içerdiği ortaya konuldu. Bazı elektron açık granüllerde eksantrik yerleşimli elektron koyu kristal benzeri bir yapının varlığı gözlendi. İstmusta mast hücrelerinin daha az sayıda görülmesinin ve granüllerdeki eksantrik yerleşimli kristal benzeri yapının daha sonraki çalışmalarda araştırılması önemlidir.
Mast cells are heterogeneous cell populations that play significant roles in many organs and systems and involve various physiological processes. We aimed to evaluate mast cells in the ovine oviduct mucosa by means of their staining and ultrastructural characteristics. The ovine oviduct samples of Akkaraman breed were collected from the slaughterhouse and they are categorized as luteal and oestral phases. They were fixed either with 10% formalin or IFAA and stained with Toluidine blue and Alcian blue and Safranin O (Ab/SO). Mast cells were located near blood vessels and basal membrane. Compared to 10% formalin fixed tissues, the number of mast cells were higher in IFAA fixed tissues (P0.003). Importantly all mast cells Ab() and SO(-) so that they were categorized as mucosal type. The number of mast cells did not difer between luteal and oestral phases (P>0.05). However, there were significant diferences among diferent regions of the oviduct with a less count in the isthmus regions (P0.006). Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the oviduct mast cells contained two types of granules: an electron lucent, electron dense. Some electron lucent granules contained an eccentrically located crystal-like structure. The significance of less mast cell counts in the isthmus and the eccentrically located single crystal-like structure should be further investigated in future studies.
Mast cells are heterogeneous cell populations that play significant roles in many organs and systems and involve various physiological processes. We aimed to evaluate mast cells in the ovine oviduct mucosa by means of their staining and ultrastructural characteristics. The ovine oviduct samples of Akkaraman breed were collected from the slaughterhouse and they are categorized as luteal and oestral phases. They were fixed either with 10% formalin or IFAA and stained with Toluidine blue and Alcian blue and Safranin O (Ab/SO). Mast cells were located near blood vessels and basal membrane. Compared to 10% formalin fixed tissues, the number of mast cells were higher in IFAA fixed tissues (P0.003). Importantly all mast cells Ab() and SO(-) so that they were categorized as mucosal type. The number of mast cells did not difer between luteal and oestral phases (P>0.05). However, there were significant diferences among diferent regions of the oviduct with a less count in the isthmus regions (P0.006). Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the oviduct mast cells contained two types of granules: an electron lucent, electron dense. Some electron lucent granules contained an eccentrically located crystal-like structure. The significance of less mast cell counts in the isthmus and the eccentrically located single crystal-like structure should be further investigated in future studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kürüm, A., Özen, A., Karahan, S., Özcan, Z. (2014). Investigation of mast cell distribution in the ovine oviduct during oestral and luteal phases of the qestrous cycles. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(6), 915 - 920.