Palyatif bakım servisinde yatan 65 yaş ve üzeri hastalarda malnütrisyon ve yaşam kalitesi ile mortalite arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
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Amaç: Geriatri bilim dalı ile palyatif bakımın ortak amaçlarından biri yaşam kalitesini arttırmaktır. Palyatif bakımda yatan yaşlı insanlarda malnütrisyon önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Çalışmamız sonunda, palyatif bakımdaki 65 yaş ve üstü hastalarda malnütrisyonlu kişilerin yaşam kalitesi düşük ve mortalitelerinde yüksek olması beklenmektedir. Materyal ve Metod: Çalışmaya Kasım 2019- Şubat 2020 tarihleri arasında T.C. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Bölümü İbni Sina Palyatif Bakım Servisinde yatmakta olan 65 yaş ve üstü hastalar dahil edildi. Aktif malignite öyküsü olan, son 3 ay içinde hastaneye yatış öyküsü olan, yazılı onam alınmayacak düzeyde demansı olan hastalar ve 65 yaş altı hastalar ise dışlanma kriteri olarak belirlendi. Cinsiyet, yaşı, özgeçmiş, beslenme şekli, hastaneye yatış nedeni, enfeksiyon hastalığının varlığı, onkolojik hastalık varlığı, MNA-SF, boy, kilo, VKİ, ön kol çevresi, baldır çevresi, kilo kaybı, albümin, CRP, D vitamini, yatış süresi, dekübit yara ve mortalite durumu bilgileri incelenmiştir. MNA-SF değerlendirme skoru toplamda 12 puan ve üzeri ise normal beslenenler olarak kabul edildi. Puanı 12'den düşük olanlar GLIM kriterlerine göre fenotipik ve etiyolojik kriterlerden herhangi birisine sahip olanlar malnütre olarak kabul edildi. Yaşam kalitelerini değerlendirmek üzere 13 soruluk OPQOL-brief anketi uygulanmıştır. Çalışkan ve ark. Tarafından Türkçe versiyonu olarak yayınlanan anket kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 68 hastanın %61,8'i erkek, %38,2'si kadındı. GLİM sınıflamaya göre 39 hastada (%57,4) malnütrisyon görülmüştür. GLİM sınıflamaya göre 29 hastada (%42,9) malnütrisyon gözlenmezken 23 hastada (%33,8) hafif ve 16 hastada (%23,5) ağır malnütrisyon belirlenmiştir. . Hastaların QOL toplam skor ortalaması 49,88±8,87 (min:19, maks:64) olarak hesaplanmıştır. Malnütrisyon xi saptanan hastaların kilo (p=0,009), VKİ (p<0,001), kol çevresi (p=0,003) ve albümin düzeyleri (p=0,049) ortalaması görülmeyenlere göre istatistiksel olarak daha düşük bulunmuştur. Malnütrisyonu olan hastalarda onkolojik hastalık bulunma yüzdesi olmayanlara göre daha yüksek gözlenmiştir (p=0,038). Malnütrisyon durumuna göre sıfır (p=0,225) ve bir aylık mortalite (p=0,100) oranları açısından fark bulunmamış, malnütrisyon olanlarda üç aylık mortalite oranı daha yüksek saptanmıştır (p=0,016). Malnütre olan hastalarda ortalama yaşam kalitesi skorununun daha düşük bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Geriatrik palyatif bakım hastalarında ek hastalıklar bulunmaktadır; bu durum hastalarda malnütrisyon sıklığını ve şiddetini arttırmaktadır. Malnütrisyonun eklenmesi ile birlikte bu hasta grubunda hem yaşam kalitesi düşmekte hem de mortalite artmaktadır. Bu hasta grubunda ilk kez çalışmamızda malnütrisyon içim kullanılan GLIM kriterlerinin fenotipik ve etiyolojik yönden hastanın sorgulaması yönüyle hem daha kapsamlı hem de malnütrisyonu saptamada daha duyarlı olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Malnütrisyon, Palyatif bakım, GLIM, Yaşam Kalitesi
Objective: One of the common goals of geriatric and palliative care is to increase the quality of life. Malnutrition has an important place in elderly people hospitalized in palliative care. At the end of our study, it is expected that the quality of life of malnourished people in palliative care patients 65 years and older will be low and their mortality is high. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted between November 2019 and February 2020 by international patients aged 65 and over hospitalized in Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty Internal Diseases Department Ibni Sina Palliative Care Service were included. Patients with a history of active malignancy, a history of hospitalization within the last 3 months, with dementia without written consent, and patients under 65 years of age were determined as exclusion criteria. Gender, age, history, diet, the reason for hospitalization, presence of infectious disease, presence of oncological disease, MNA-SF, height, weight, BMI, forearm circumference, calf circumference, weight loss, albumin, CRP, vitamin D, length of stay, decubitus wound, and mortality status information were examined. If the MNA-SF evaluation score was 12 points or more in total, it was accepted as those with normal nutrition. Those with a score lower than 12 and having any of the phenotypic and etiological criteria according to GLIM criteria were considered malnourished. A 13-question OPQOL-brief questionnaire was applied to evaluate the quality of life. Caliskan et al. The questionnaire published by the Turkish version was used. Results: 61.8% of 68 patients included in the study were male and 38.2% were female. Malnutrition was observed in 39 patients (57.4%) according to GLIM classification. While malnutrition was not observed in 29 patients (42.9%) according xiii to GLIM classification, 23 patients (33.8%) had mild malnutrition and 16 patients (23.5%) had severe malnutrition. . The mean QOL total score of the patients was calculated as 49.88 ± 8.87 (min: 19, max: 64). The mean weight (p = 0.009), BMI (p <0.001), arm circumference (p = 0.003), and albumin levels (p = 0.049) of patients with malnutrition were found to be statistically lower than those who were not observed. The percentage of having an oncological disease was higher in patients with malnutrition than those without an oncological disease (p = 0.038). According to the malnutrition status, there was no difference in terms of zero (p = 0.225) and one month mortality (p = 0.100) rates, and the three-month mortality rate was found to be higher in those with malnutrition (p = 0.016). The average quality of life score was found to be lower in malnourished patients. Conclusion: Geriatric palliative care patients have additional diseases; This situation increases the frequency and severity of malnutrition in patients. With the addition of malnutrition, both quality of life decreases and mortality increases in this patient group. In our study for the first time in this patient group, we think that the GLIM criteria used for malnutrition are both more comprehensive and more sensitive in detecting malnutrition in terms of the patient's questioning in terms of phenotypic and etiology. Keywords: Malnutrition, Palliative care, GLIM, Quality of Life
Objective: One of the common goals of geriatric and palliative care is to increase the quality of life. Malnutrition has an important place in elderly people hospitalized in palliative care. At the end of our study, it is expected that the quality of life of malnourished people in palliative care patients 65 years and older will be low and their mortality is high. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted between November 2019 and February 2020 by international patients aged 65 and over hospitalized in Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty Internal Diseases Department Ibni Sina Palliative Care Service were included. Patients with a history of active malignancy, a history of hospitalization within the last 3 months, with dementia without written consent, and patients under 65 years of age were determined as exclusion criteria. Gender, age, history, diet, the reason for hospitalization, presence of infectious disease, presence of oncological disease, MNA-SF, height, weight, BMI, forearm circumference, calf circumference, weight loss, albumin, CRP, vitamin D, length of stay, decubitus wound, and mortality status information were examined. If the MNA-SF evaluation score was 12 points or more in total, it was accepted as those with normal nutrition. Those with a score lower than 12 and having any of the phenotypic and etiological criteria according to GLIM criteria were considered malnourished. A 13-question OPQOL-brief questionnaire was applied to evaluate the quality of life. Caliskan et al. The questionnaire published by the Turkish version was used. Results: 61.8% of 68 patients included in the study were male and 38.2% were female. Malnutrition was observed in 39 patients (57.4%) according to GLIM classification. While malnutrition was not observed in 29 patients (42.9%) according xiii to GLIM classification, 23 patients (33.8%) had mild malnutrition and 16 patients (23.5%) had severe malnutrition. . The mean QOL total score of the patients was calculated as 49.88 ± 8.87 (min: 19, max: 64). The mean weight (p = 0.009), BMI (p <0.001), arm circumference (p = 0.003), and albumin levels (p = 0.049) of patients with malnutrition were found to be statistically lower than those who were not observed. The percentage of having an oncological disease was higher in patients with malnutrition than those without an oncological disease (p = 0.038). According to the malnutrition status, there was no difference in terms of zero (p = 0.225) and one month mortality (p = 0.100) rates, and the three-month mortality rate was found to be higher in those with malnutrition (p = 0.016). The average quality of life score was found to be lower in malnourished patients. Conclusion: Geriatric palliative care patients have additional diseases; This situation increases the frequency and severity of malnutrition in patients. With the addition of malnutrition, both quality of life decreases and mortality increases in this patient group. In our study for the first time in this patient group, we think that the GLIM criteria used for malnutrition are both more comprehensive and more sensitive in detecting malnutrition in terms of the patient's questioning in terms of phenotypic and etiology. Keywords: Malnutrition, Palliative care, GLIM, Quality of Life
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hospis ve palyatif bakım hemşireliği = Hospice and palliative care nursing ; Okul yaşam kalitesi = Quality of school life ; Protein enerji malnütrisyonu = Protein-energy malnutrition