Dişlerin kalsifikasyon evrelerinin el bilek ve lateral sefalometrik radyografilerdeki maturasyon yöntemleriyle retrospektif olarak karşılaştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma büyüme safhalarının belirlenmesinde maksiller kanin, mandibular ikinci premolar ve mandibular ikinci molar kalsifikasyon evrelerinin yararlı olup olmadığını belirlemek ve bu dişlerin kalsifikasyon evrelerinin iskeletsel gelişim safhaları ile arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmamız yaşları 7-18 yıl arasında değişen 1000 bireyden (540 kadın, 460 erkek) oluşmaktadır. Ortodontik tedavi öncesi teşhis ve tedavi planlaması için alınan lateral sefalometrik, panoramik ve el bilek radyografileri değerlendirilmiştir. Maksiller kanin mandibular ikinci premolar ve mandibular ikinci molar dişler kullanılmıştır. El bilek radyografileri Björk, Grave ve Brown yöntemine göre, lateral sefalometrik radyografiler CVM yöntemine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Dişlerin kalsifikasyon evreleri Demirjian yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. İskeletsel gelişim dönemleriyle dişlerin kalsifikasyon evreleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur (P<0,05). Dişlerin kalsifikasyon evreleri, el bilek gelişim dönemlerine (0,645>W kat sayısı>0,051) kıyasla CVM dönemleriyle daha yüksek korelasyon (1> W kat sayısı> 0,989) göstermiştir. Demirjian yönteminin F safhası çoğunlukla el bilek radyografilerinde S safhasına kadar, lateral sefalometrik radyografilerde CVM 3 safhasına kadar görülmüştür. İskeletsel gelişim dönemleriyle en yüksek korelasyonu maksiller kanin, en düşük korelasyonu ise mandibular ikinci molar dişler göstermiştir. Bütün bu değerlendirilmeler sonucunda dişlerin kalsifikasyon evrelerinin iskelet gelişim dönemlerine birebir karşılık gelmediği, ancak bireyin pubertal büyüme periyodunun başlayıp başlamadığı konusunda oldukça anlamlı bilgiler verdiği görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla dişlerin kalsifikasyon evreleri ortodontiste ortopedik tedaviyi uygulama zamanını belirlemek için yeterli bilgiler verebilmektedir.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the maxilla canine, mandibular second premolar and mandibular second molar calcification stages were useful in determining the growth stages and to evaluate the relationship between the calcification stages of these teeth and the skeletal developmental stages of these teeth. Our study consisted of 1000 individuals (540 women, 460 men) aged between 7 and 18 years. Lateral cephalometric, panoramic and hand wrist radiographs which are used for diagnosis and treatment planning before orthodontic treatment were evaluated. The maxillary canine, mandibular second premolar and mandibular second molar teeth were used. Hand wrist radiographs were evaluated based on Björk, Grave and Brown method, lateral cephalometric radiographs were evaluated based on the CVM method. The calcification stages of the teeth were evaluated using the Demirjian method. A statistically significant correlation was found between the skeletal developmental stages and the calcification stages of the teeth (P<0,05). The calcification stages of the teeth showed a higher correlation (1>W coefficient >0.989) with the CVM stages compared to the hand wrist development stages (0,645>W coefficient >0,051). Stage F of the Demirjian method was mostly seen on the hand wrist radiographs until the S stage and on the lateral sefalometric radiographs until the CVM 3 stage. The highest correlation with skeletal developmental periods was maxillary canine and the lowest correlation showed mandibular second molar teeth. As a result of all these evaluations, it is seen that the calcification stages of the teeth do not correspond to the skeletal developmental periods individually, but they give very meaningful information about whether the individual starts the pubertal growth period. Therefore, the calcification stages of the teeth can give enough information to determine the time to apply orthopedic treatment to the orthodontic. Key words: Teeth calcification, Demirjian method, maxillary canine, mandibular second premolar, mandibular second molar, pubertal growth period, skeletal development, Björk, Grave and Brown method, CVM method.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the maxilla canine, mandibular second premolar and mandibular second molar calcification stages were useful in determining the growth stages and to evaluate the relationship between the calcification stages of these teeth and the skeletal developmental stages of these teeth. Our study consisted of 1000 individuals (540 women, 460 men) aged between 7 and 18 years. Lateral cephalometric, panoramic and hand wrist radiographs which are used for diagnosis and treatment planning before orthodontic treatment were evaluated. The maxillary canine, mandibular second premolar and mandibular second molar teeth were used. Hand wrist radiographs were evaluated based on Björk, Grave and Brown method, lateral cephalometric radiographs were evaluated based on the CVM method. The calcification stages of the teeth were evaluated using the Demirjian method. A statistically significant correlation was found between the skeletal developmental stages and the calcification stages of the teeth (P<0,05). The calcification stages of the teeth showed a higher correlation (1>W coefficient >0.989) with the CVM stages compared to the hand wrist development stages (0,645>W coefficient >0,051). Stage F of the Demirjian method was mostly seen on the hand wrist radiographs until the S stage and on the lateral sefalometric radiographs until the CVM 3 stage. The highest correlation with skeletal developmental periods was maxillary canine and the lowest correlation showed mandibular second molar teeth. As a result of all these evaluations, it is seen that the calcification stages of the teeth do not correspond to the skeletal developmental periods individually, but they give very meaningful information about whether the individual starts the pubertal growth period. Therefore, the calcification stages of the teeth can give enough information to determine the time to apply orthopedic treatment to the orthodontic. Key words: Teeth calcification, Demirjian method, maxillary canine, mandibular second premolar, mandibular second molar, pubertal growth period, skeletal development, Björk, Grave and Brown method, CVM method.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, , , , , , , ,