Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi Esad Efendi Koleksiyonunda bulunan Farsça Münşeât Mecmuaları
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Müderrislik ve kadılık kariyerleri sonrasında va??anüvîslik, Ta?vîm-i Ve?âyi? nâzırlığı, Meclis-i Ma?ârif-i ?Umûmiyye azalığı, Mekâtib-i ?Umûmiyye nâzırlığı ve Meclis-i Ma?ârif-i ?Umûmiyye reisliği gibi pek çok üst düzey ilmî ve idarî görevlerde bulunan Sahaflar Şeyhizâde Esad Efendi (1789-1848), 19. yüzyıl Osmanlı siyasî ve kültürel tarihinin önemli figürlerinden biridir. Bulunduğu görevlere ilâveten yazdığı şiirler, telif ve tercüme ettiği eserlerle tanınan Esad Efendi, nadide eserlerden oluşan koleksiyonuyla da Osmanlı ilim ve kültür hayatına katkı sağlamıştır. Günümüzde Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesinde yer alan Esad Efendi Koleksiyonunda, sonradan yapılan ilâvelerle 3719'u yazma, 555'i basma olmak üzere 4274 cilt eser bulunmaktadır. Tarihî ve edebî eserler açısından zengin ve kıymetli olan koleksiyonda inşâ sanatının inceliklerini öğreten 193 münşeât mecmuasının bulunuyor olması bir tesadüf değildir. 1835-1836 yıllarında bir yılı aşkın bir süre İran'da elçi olarak bulunan Esad Efendi'nin Farsça inşâ geleneğini temsil eden münşeât mecmualarını da koleksiyonuna kattığı görülmektedir. Özellikle Selçuklu, Osmanlı ve Safevî tarihinde önemli roller oynamış pek çok isme ait mektubun yer aldığı bu mecmuaları, talimî (didaktik) ve özel/resmî mektupları içeren münşeâtlar şeklinde iki ana kategoriye ayırmak mümkündür. Bu çalışmada inşâ sanatı, münşîler ve münşeât mecmualarına dair bir girişin ardından Esad Efendi Koleksiyonunda yer alan ve üzerinde henüz detaylı bir çalışma yapılmamış olan yirmi Farsça münşeât mecmuası fizikî ve dil özellikleri ile muhtevaları açısından incelenmiştir. İdrîs-i Bidlîsî, Sarı ?Abdullah Efendi, ?âib-i Tebrîzî, Mîrzâ Mehdî ?ân-ı Esterâbâdî, ?Abdulmumin el-?oyî, Bekr b. Zeki el-?onevî, Na?îruddîn-i ?ûsî, Şeyh Ebu'l-Fa?l, Şeyh Fey?î, Azîz Kûke, Mevlânâ Şemseddîn ?âlid es-Semer?andî, ?azâlî, Şerefeddîn ?Alî b. ?Abdullah el-Yezdî, Mu?ammed Bâ?ır Mîr Dâmâd, ?Abdullah Murvârîd, Büyük İskender, Ni?âmulmulk, Emîr Timur, Yıldırım Bâyezid, II. Murâd, Uluğ Bey, Uzun ?asan, Şâh ?ahmâsb, I. ?Abbâs, III. Murâd, III. Mehmed, III. A?med, Eşref ?ân, Şâhru? Mîrzâ, Cihan Şah, ?useyin Mîrzâ, Mu?ammed Bâ?ır Mîr Dâmâd, ?Abdul-mumin ?ân, Emîr ?Alî Şir, II. ?Abbâs ve Koca Râgıb Paşa gibi İslâm tarihi açısından pek çok önemli isme ait mektubun mecmualarda yer aldığı görülmektedir. Çalışmada, söz konusu mecmualarda kayıtlı mektupların dil ve muhteva özellikleri yanı sıra siyasî ve kültür tarihimizi aydınlatma potansiyeline dikkat çekilmiştir.
Sahaflar Şeyhizâde Esad Efendi (1789–1848) was a prominent figure in Ottoman political and cultural history during the 19th century. After establishing himself as a scholar and jurist, he held numerous positions of influence, including Official Historian, Chief Judge of the Army, Minister of the Imperial Printing House, Member of the Assembly of Justice, Member of the Assembly of Education, and Head of the Assembly of Education. In addition to his high-ranking positions, Esad Efendi is renowned for his poems, books, and translations. He also contributed to the cultural life of his time with his book collection. The Esad Efendi Collection, housed in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library today, comprises 4,274 volumes (of which 3,719 are manuscripts and 555 are printed), with some additions after his death. It is not coincidental that the collection, which is rich and valuable in terms of historical and literary works, contains 193 munshe?t compilations/books that elucidate the intricacies of the art of construction (insh?). Esad Efendi, who served as ambassador to Iran for over a year in 1835–1836, also included Persian munshe?t collections representing the Persian construction tradition in his collection. These books, which contain letters from numerous individuals who played pivotal roles in Seljuk, Ottoman, and Safavid history, can be generally divided into two categories: didactic and private/official letters. This study commences with an introduction to the art of construction, munshis, and munshe?t compilations. The study then proceeds to analyze twenty Persian munshe?t compilations in the Esad Efendi Collection, which have not yet been studied in detail, in terms of their physical and linguistic characteristics and content. It is evident that the letters of numerous significant figures in the history of Islam are included in the collections. The list of names includes, but is not limited to, Idr?s-i Bidl?s?, Sarı ?Abdullah Efendi, ??ib-i Tabr?z?, M?rz? Mahd? Khan-i Es?ar?b?d?, ?Abd al-Mum?n al-?oy?, Baqr b. Zaki al-Qonaw?, Na??r al-D?n al-??s?, Shaykh Ab? al-Fa?l, Shaykh Fey??, Az?z K?ke, Mawl?n? Shamsedd?n ??lid es-Samar?and?, Gaz?l?, Sharafedd?n ?Alî b. ?Abdullah al-Yazd?, Muhammad B??ir M?r D?m?d, ?Abdullah Murw?r?d, Ni??m al-Mulk, Amir Timur, Yildirim Bâyezid, Murâd II, Ulugh Beg, Uzun ?asan, Shah ?ahm?sb, ?Abb?s I, Murâd III, Mehmed III, Ahmad III, Ashraf Khan, Sh?hru? M?rz?. The study highlights the literary characteristics of the letters documented in these collections, demonstrating their capacity to illuminate both political and cultural history. Keywords: Sahaflar Şeyhizâde Esad Efendi, Esad Efendi Collection, the art of creative composition (insh?), Persian Munshe?ts, manuscripts.
Sahaflar Şeyhizâde Esad Efendi (1789–1848) was a prominent figure in Ottoman political and cultural history during the 19th century. After establishing himself as a scholar and jurist, he held numerous positions of influence, including Official Historian, Chief Judge of the Army, Minister of the Imperial Printing House, Member of the Assembly of Justice, Member of the Assembly of Education, and Head of the Assembly of Education. In addition to his high-ranking positions, Esad Efendi is renowned for his poems, books, and translations. He also contributed to the cultural life of his time with his book collection. The Esad Efendi Collection, housed in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library today, comprises 4,274 volumes (of which 3,719 are manuscripts and 555 are printed), with some additions after his death. It is not coincidental that the collection, which is rich and valuable in terms of historical and literary works, contains 193 munshe?t compilations/books that elucidate the intricacies of the art of construction (insh?). Esad Efendi, who served as ambassador to Iran for over a year in 1835–1836, also included Persian munshe?t collections representing the Persian construction tradition in his collection. These books, which contain letters from numerous individuals who played pivotal roles in Seljuk, Ottoman, and Safavid history, can be generally divided into two categories: didactic and private/official letters. This study commences with an introduction to the art of construction, munshis, and munshe?t compilations. The study then proceeds to analyze twenty Persian munshe?t compilations in the Esad Efendi Collection, which have not yet been studied in detail, in terms of their physical and linguistic characteristics and content. It is evident that the letters of numerous significant figures in the history of Islam are included in the collections. The list of names includes, but is not limited to, Idr?s-i Bidl?s?, Sarı ?Abdullah Efendi, ??ib-i Tabr?z?, M?rz? Mahd? Khan-i Es?ar?b?d?, ?Abd al-Mum?n al-?oy?, Baqr b. Zaki al-Qonaw?, Na??r al-D?n al-??s?, Shaykh Ab? al-Fa?l, Shaykh Fey??, Az?z K?ke, Mawl?n? Shamsedd?n ??lid es-Samar?and?, Gaz?l?, Sharafedd?n ?Alî b. ?Abdullah al-Yazd?, Muhammad B??ir M?r D?m?d, ?Abdullah Murw?r?d, Ni??m al-Mulk, Amir Timur, Yildirim Bâyezid, Murâd II, Ulugh Beg, Uzun ?asan, Shah ?ahm?sb, ?Abb?s I, Murâd III, Mehmed III, Ahmad III, Ashraf Khan, Sh?hru? M?rz?. The study highlights the literary characteristics of the letters documented in these collections, demonstrating their capacity to illuminate both political and cultural history. Keywords: Sahaflar Şeyhizâde Esad Efendi, Esad Efendi Collection, the art of creative composition (insh?), Persian Munshe?ts, manuscripts.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Fars Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatı, Eastern Linguistics and Literature