Kombine spinal-epidural anestezi uygulanan hastalarda epidural volüm genişletilmesinin etkileri
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Epidural volüm genişletilmesi için optimal volüm belirlenmemiştir. Bu çalışmada spinal anesteziden sonra 5, 10, 15 ve 20 ml epidural serum fizyolojik uygulamasının klinik etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Etik komite onayı ile elektif olarak alt abdominal ve ekstremite cerrahisi geçirmesi planlanan 75 sağlıklı erişkin hasta çalışmaya alındı. Ortalama cerrahi süresi 1 saat olarak belirlendi. L3-4 veya L4-5 seviyesinden kombine spinal-epidural anestezi uygulandı. Epidural mesafe asılı damla tekniği ile bulundu. Subaraknoid aralığa 27 G kalem uçlu spinal iğne ile girilerek 10 mg bupivakain %0.5 solüsyonu 60 saniyede verildi. Epidural kateter yerleştirdikten sonra randomize olarak 0 (kontrol), 5, 10, 15 ve 20 ml (her grupta n=15) serum fizyolojik verildi. Motor blok modifiye Bromage skalası ile, sensoryal ve ısı duyumu iğne ucu ve buz kalıbı ile 5 dakikada bir kaydedildi. Epidural salin uygulanan gruplar arasında spinal analjezide maksimum yükselme ve motor blok süresi açısından fark bulunmadı. Her iki değişken kontrol grubunda belirgin olarak azalmıştı. Öte yandan analjezi süresi ve anestezinin L1 düzeyine gerilemesi için geçen süre 15 ve 20 ml salin uygulanan gruplarda belirgin ölçüde uzamıştı. Yan etkiler açısından fark yoktu. Sonuçlarımız düz bupivakain ile yapılan spinal anestezide motor bloğun süresi ve analjezinin maksimum yükselmesi açısından tavan etkisi gözlenmekle birlikte, analjezi süresinin verilen epidural volüme bağlı olarak arttığını göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Anestezi: spinal, epidural volüm ekspansiyon.
The optimal volume for epidural volume expansion is not clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical influences of 5, 10, 15, and 20 ml epidural saline loading after spinal anaesthesia. After obtaining ethics committee approval, seventy-five healthy adult patients undergoing elective lower abdominal and limb surgery were recruited to the study. Average surgical period was 1 hr. Combined spinalepidural anaesthesia was performed at L3-4 or L4-5 inter-space. Epidural space was achieved using hanging drop technique. Plain bupivacaine 10 mg (0.5%) was administered within 60 seconds introducing pencil point spinal needle (27 G) into the subarachnoid space. After advancing epidural catheters patients were randomly received 0 (control) 5, 10, 15, 20 ml saline (n= 15 in each group). The level of motor block was assessed with Bromage's scale and sensory involvement and temperature sensitivity were evaluated using pinpricks and cold mold respectively every 5 min. There was no significant difference between epidural saline groups in the view of the maximum height of spinal analgesia and duration of motor block. Both of these determinants decreased significantly in the control group. On the other hand, duration of analgesia and time to regression to the L1 level were significantly longer in patient receiving 15 and 20 ml saline. Side effect profile was similar. Our results indicate that, while ceiling effect was observed on maximum height and duration of motor block, duration of analgesia increased with epidural saline loading in spinal anaesthesia using plain bupivacaine. Key Words: Anaesthesia: spinal, epidural volume expansion.
The optimal volume for epidural volume expansion is not clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical influences of 5, 10, 15, and 20 ml epidural saline loading after spinal anaesthesia. After obtaining ethics committee approval, seventy-five healthy adult patients undergoing elective lower abdominal and limb surgery were recruited to the study. Average surgical period was 1 hr. Combined spinalepidural anaesthesia was performed at L3-4 or L4-5 inter-space. Epidural space was achieved using hanging drop technique. Plain bupivacaine 10 mg (0.5%) was administered within 60 seconds introducing pencil point spinal needle (27 G) into the subarachnoid space. After advancing epidural catheters patients were randomly received 0 (control) 5, 10, 15, 20 ml saline (n= 15 in each group). The level of motor block was assessed with Bromage's scale and sensory involvement and temperature sensitivity were evaluated using pinpricks and cold mold respectively every 5 min. There was no significant difference between epidural saline groups in the view of the maximum height of spinal analgesia and duration of motor block. Both of these determinants decreased significantly in the control group. On the other hand, duration of analgesia and time to regression to the L1 level were significantly longer in patient receiving 15 and 20 ml saline. Side effect profile was similar. Our results indicate that, while ceiling effect was observed on maximum height and duration of motor block, duration of analgesia increased with epidural saline loading in spinal anaesthesia using plain bupivacaine. Key Words: Anaesthesia: spinal, epidural volume expansion.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anestezi ve Reanimasyon, Anesthesiology and Reanimation