Liken planus etyopatogenezinde apoptozisin rolü
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Saylam Kurtipek G. Liken planus etyopatogenezinde apopitozisin rolü. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dermatoloji Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık tezi 2005. Liken planusun sebebi henüz tam olarak açık olmamasına rağmen patogenezde altta yatan mekanizmanın immünolojik olduğuna dair önemli kanıtlar vardır. Bu çalışmada liken planus patogenezinde rol oynadığı düşünülen apopitotik markırların düzeylerini belirlemeyi amaçladık. Klinik ve histopatolojik olarak liken planus tanısı konmuş yaşları 20 ile 81 arasında değişen 21 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Kontrol grubuna ise yaşlan 27 ile 55 arasında değişen 12 sağlıklı birey dahil edildi. Hasta ve sağlıklı bireylerden 4 mm panç biyopsi aleti ile deri örnekleri alındı. Hastalarda deri biyopsi örnekleri hem lezyonlu hem de sağlam deri bölgelerinden alındı. Daha sonra bu örnekler sıvı nitrojen ile dondurularak - 70°C'de saklandı. Tüm bireylerden serum örnekleri de alındı ve 70°C'de saklandı. Doku ve serum TNF-a, IFN-y ve Fas/APO-1 düzeyleri ELİSA ile ölçüldü. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 50.33±13.61 idi. Ortalama hastalık süresi 7.76±9.40 ay idi ve 1 ile 36 ay arasında değişiyordu. Hasta ve kontrol grupları arasında yaş ve cinsiyet dağılımı bakımından fark yoktu (sırasıyla p=0.358 ve p=0.465). Liken planuslu hastalarda serum TNF-a seviyeleri kontrol bireylerden daha düşüktü (13.86±2.92'ye karşılık 16.89±13.35 pg/ml, p= 0.653). Serum Fas antijeni düzeyleri hasta ve kontrol bireyler arasında benzerdi (sırasıyla 2.14±0.57 ve 2.26±0.36, p=0.303) ve serum IFN-y düzeyleri ise hastalarda anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü (6.97±1.37'ye karşılık 8.60±1.16, p=0.003). TNF-a ve IFN-y düzeyleri hastaların lezyonel doku örnekleri ile kontrol grubunun doku örnekleri arasında farklılık göstermedi (sırasıyla p=0.178 ve p=0.190). Hastaların Fas antijeni lezyonel doku düzeyleri kontrol grubunun doku düzeylerinden anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (4.91±1.77'ye karşılık2.30±1.72, p=0.001). TNF-a, Fas antijeni ve IFN-y düzeyleri hastaların lezyonsuz doku örnekleri ile kontrol bireylerin doku örnekleri arasında farklı değildi (sırasıyla p=0.575, p=0.238 ve p=0.085). Hasta grubunda lezyonlu ve lezyonsuz doku örnekleri karşılaştırıldığında; TNF-a düzeylerinde anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmedi (p=0.448), Fas antijeni düzeyleri lezyonlu dokularda anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (4.91±1.77'ye karşılık 2.88±1.76 pg/mg; p=0.000), IFN-y düzeyleri ise lezyonlu dokuda anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü (33.77±19.25'e karşılık 50.69±20.27 pg/mg, p=0.014). Sonuç olarak, liken planusta IFN- y doku düzeylerini düşük ve Fas antijen doku düzeylerini yüksek olarak bulduk. Bu çalışmada serum TNF-a düzeylerinin düşük saptanmasına rağmen, diğer parametreler hastalığın patogenezini ve önceki yapılan çalışmaları desteklemekteydi. Apopitotik belirleyicilerin çok daha sensitif yöntemlerle ölçüldüğü daha geniş çalışmaların sağlıklı sonuçlar verebileceği inancındayız. VII
ABSTRACT Şayiam Kurtipek G. The Role of Apopitosis in Etiopathogenesis of Lichen Planus. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Dermatology Department. Speciality Thesis, Kırıkkale 2005. Although the etiology of lichen planus is not yet clear there is significant evidence that the underlying mechanism in the pathogenesis of the disease is immunologic. In this study we aimed to determine the levels of apopitotic markers that have been suggested to have role in the pathogenesis of lichen planus. Twenty-one patients aged between 20-81 years and had a clinical and histopathological diagnosis of lichen planus were included in the study. The control group was composed of 12 healthy individuals aged between 27-51 years. Skin biopsy samples were taken from patients and control subjects with a 4 mm punch biopsy tool. In patients, skin biopsy samples were obtained from the lesional and non-lesional areas of the skin. Then these samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70. Serum samples from ail subjects were also obtained and stored at -70 °C. Tissue and serum TNF- a, IFN-y and Fas/APO-1 antigen levels were measured by ELISA. The mean age of the patients were 50.33±13.61 years. The mean duration of disease was 7.76±9.40 months ranging between 1-16 months. There was no statistically significant difference in age and sex distribution between patient and control groups (p=0.358 and p=0.465, respectively). Serum TNF-a levels were lower in patients with lichen planus than in control subjects (13.86±2.92 pg/ml versus 16.89±13.35 pg/ml, p= 0.653). Serum Fas antigen levels were similar between patients and control subjects (2.14±0.57 and 2.26±0.36, respectively, p=0.303) and the IFN-y levels were significantly lower inpatients (6.97±1.37 versus 8.60Ü.16, p=0.003). VIIITNF-a and IFN-y levels were not different between lesional tissue samples of the patients and tissue samples of the control subjects (p=0.178 and p=0.190 respectively). The lesional tissue levels of Fas antigen in patient group were significantly higher when compared with tissue levels in control group (4.91±1.77 versus 2.30±1.72, p=0.001). TNF-a, Fas antigen and INF-y levels were not different between non-lesional tissue samples of the patients and tissue samples of control subjects (p=0.575, p=0.238, and p=0.085, respectively). When we compare the lesional and non-lesional tissue samples of the patients, TNF-a levels were not significantly different (p=0.448), but Fas antigen levels of lesional tissues were significantly higher (4.91±1.77 versus 2.88±1.76 pg/mg; p=0.000), and IFN- y levels of lesional tissues were significantly lower (33.77±19.25 versus 50.69±20.27 pg/mg; p=0.014). In conclusion, tissue levels of IFN- y decrease and of Fas antibody increase in lichen planus. Although serum TNF-a levels were unexpectantly found to be lower in this study, the levels of other parameters supported the pathogenesis and previous similar studies We believe that the larger studies in which measurement of the levels of apoptotic markers is performed with more sensitive methods may provide more significant results. IX
ABSTRACT Şayiam Kurtipek G. The Role of Apopitosis in Etiopathogenesis of Lichen Planus. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Dermatology Department. Speciality Thesis, Kırıkkale 2005. Although the etiology of lichen planus is not yet clear there is significant evidence that the underlying mechanism in the pathogenesis of the disease is immunologic. In this study we aimed to determine the levels of apopitotic markers that have been suggested to have role in the pathogenesis of lichen planus. Twenty-one patients aged between 20-81 years and had a clinical and histopathological diagnosis of lichen planus were included in the study. The control group was composed of 12 healthy individuals aged between 27-51 years. Skin biopsy samples were taken from patients and control subjects with a 4 mm punch biopsy tool. In patients, skin biopsy samples were obtained from the lesional and non-lesional areas of the skin. Then these samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70. Serum samples from ail subjects were also obtained and stored at -70 °C. Tissue and serum TNF- a, IFN-y and Fas/APO-1 antigen levels were measured by ELISA. The mean age of the patients were 50.33±13.61 years. The mean duration of disease was 7.76±9.40 months ranging between 1-16 months. There was no statistically significant difference in age and sex distribution between patient and control groups (p=0.358 and p=0.465, respectively). Serum TNF-a levels were lower in patients with lichen planus than in control subjects (13.86±2.92 pg/ml versus 16.89±13.35 pg/ml, p= 0.653). Serum Fas antigen levels were similar between patients and control subjects (2.14±0.57 and 2.26±0.36, respectively, p=0.303) and the IFN-y levels were significantly lower inpatients (6.97±1.37 versus 8.60Ü.16, p=0.003). VIIITNF-a and IFN-y levels were not different between lesional tissue samples of the patients and tissue samples of the control subjects (p=0.178 and p=0.190 respectively). The lesional tissue levels of Fas antigen in patient group were significantly higher when compared with tissue levels in control group (4.91±1.77 versus 2.30±1.72, p=0.001). TNF-a, Fas antigen and INF-y levels were not different between non-lesional tissue samples of the patients and tissue samples of control subjects (p=0.575, p=0.238, and p=0.085, respectively). When we compare the lesional and non-lesional tissue samples of the patients, TNF-a levels were not significantly different (p=0.448), but Fas antigen levels of lesional tissues were significantly higher (4.91±1.77 versus 2.88±1.76 pg/mg; p=0.000), and IFN- y levels of lesional tissues were significantly lower (33.77±19.25 versus 50.69±20.27 pg/mg; p=0.014). In conclusion, tissue levels of IFN- y decrease and of Fas antibody increase in lichen planus. Although serum TNF-a levels were unexpectantly found to be lower in this study, the levels of other parameters supported the pathogenesis and previous similar studies We believe that the larger studies in which measurement of the levels of apoptotic markers is performed with more sensitive methods may provide more significant results. IX
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dermatoloji, Dermatology
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