Attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms in adult migraine patients
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Aim: To screen the symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in adult migraine patients.Material and Methods: Our study included 102 migraine patients and 93 sex- and age-matched healthy volunteers. Gender, age, levelof education and duration of disease were recorded. We used the adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder self-report scale toevaluate the symptoms of adult attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. In addition, the short form-36 and the hospital anxiety anddepression scale were applied to the patients and the healthy controls.Results: The mean scores of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were significantly higher in migraine patients compared to thecontrol group. There was no significant relationship between the Adult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scalescores and the duration of the disease. There was a negative correlation between the SF-36 health questionnaire scores and theAdult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scale scores. There was a positive correlation between the MigraineDisability Assessment scores, the number of migraine attacks and the Adult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Self-ReportScale scores.Conclusion: Attention-deficit and hyperactivity symptoms can develop in adult migraine patients and cause psychosocial morbidityand poor quality of life.
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Annals of Medical Research
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Alpua, M., Say, B., Yavuz, E. T., Ergün, U., Buturak, Ş. V. (2019). Attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms in adult migraine patients. Annals of Medical Research, 26(6), 1029 - 1032.