Kendi kaderini tayin ve Kosova
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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?Kendi Kaderini Tayin ve Kosova? isimli çalışmamız dört bölümdenoluşmaktadır. Birinci ve ikinci bölüm çalışmanın temelini oluşturmakta, üçüncü vedördüncü bölüm bu temel üzerinde yükselmektedir.?Kendi Kaderini Tayin? başlığını taşıyan birinci bölümde kendi kaderinitayinin anlamı, kavramlar, kendi kaderini tayinin tarihçesi ve kavramın diğeruluslararası hukuk ve insan hakları ilkeleriyle ilişkisi ortaya konmaktadır.İkinci bölüm, ?Kendi Kaderini Tayinin Hukuki Boyutu ve Türleri? başlığınıtaşımaktadır. Bu bölümde kendi kaderini tayinin yer aldığı uluslararası hukukbelgeleri ve kavramın ele alınış tarzı incelenmektedir. Kavramın türleri olarak da?dışsal kendi kaderini tayin?, ?içsel kendi kaderini tayin? ve ?ekonomik kendikaderini tayin? ayrıntılı bir şekilde değerlendirilmektedir. ?Ayrılma? mevzusununhassaslığı itibariyle dışsal kendi kaderini tayin üzerinde bilhassa durulmuştur.Üçüncü bölümde, ?Kosova ve Hukuki Temelleri? ele alınmıştır. Kosova'nıntarihi, siyasi ve hukuki yapısı ortaya konmuştur. Son başlıkta Kosova'nıngünümüzdeki durumu incelenerek, kesin statü görüşmelerine başlanabilmesi içinKosova'nın yerine getirmesi gereken ?8 BM Şartı? çerçevesinde değerlendirmelerdeve öngörülerde bulunulmuştur.Çalışmanın ?Kosova'nın Kendi Kaderini Tayini? başlığını taşıyan sonbölümündeyse Kosova'nın içsel, dışsal ve ekonomik kendi kaderini tayine hakkı olupolmadığı, sunulan bilgi ve verilerle okuyucunun takdirine sunulmuştur.
This study which is named ?Self-determination And Kosovo? includes foursections. The first and the second sections are the basic sections of the study and thethird and the fourth sections are built upon the first and the second sections.In the first section which is titled as ?Self-determination?, the meaning ofself-determination, related concepts, history of self-determination and its relationwith other international law and human rights principles are explained.Second section is named ?Judicial Dimension And Types of Self-determination?. In this section international legal instruments which includes self-determination and functioning of this concept are examined. As types of self-determination, ?external self-determination?, ?internal self-determination? and?economic self-determination? are evaluated in detail. Because of the sensibility of?Separation? concept, more emphasis is put on external self-determination.In the third section ?Kosovo And Its Legal Basis? is discussed. Historical,political and legal structure of Kosovo is evaluated. In the last title, current situationof Kosovo is analysed and ?8 UN conditions? which must be fulfilled by Kosovo inorder to commence final statute negotiations are considered and some anticipationsare made.In the last section which is named ?Self-determination of Kosovo?, whetherKosovo has the right to determine its internal, external and economic selfdetermination is presented for the consideration of readers with relevant informationand documents.
This study which is named ?Self-determination And Kosovo? includes foursections. The first and the second sections are the basic sections of the study and thethird and the fourth sections are built upon the first and the second sections.In the first section which is titled as ?Self-determination?, the meaning ofself-determination, related concepts, history of self-determination and its relationwith other international law and human rights principles are explained.Second section is named ?Judicial Dimension And Types of Self-determination?. In this section international legal instruments which includes self-determination and functioning of this concept are examined. As types of self-determination, ?external self-determination?, ?internal self-determination? and?economic self-determination? are evaluated in detail. Because of the sensibility of?Separation? concept, more emphasis is put on external self-determination.In the third section ?Kosovo And Its Legal Basis? is discussed. Historical,political and legal structure of Kosovo is evaluated. In the last title, current situationof Kosovo is analysed and ?8 UN conditions? which must be fulfilled by Kosovo inorder to commence final statute negotiations are considered and some anticipationsare made.In the last section which is named ?Self-determination of Kosovo?, whetherKosovo has the right to determine its internal, external and economic selfdetermination is presented for the consideration of readers with relevant informationand documents.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations