Türkiye'de yapılmış acil tıp uzmanlık tezlerinin değerlendirilmesi ve bilimsel literatüre katkıları
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Giriş ve Amaç: Ülkemizde toplam Acil Tıp Uzmanlık (ATU) eğitimi 86 Ana Bilim Dalı ve Klinikte verilmektedir. Verilerin değerlendirildiği Ocak 2015 tarihine kadar 1144 hekim ATU olmuştur. Türkiye'de yapılan ATU tezlerinin genel karakteristikleri, demografik özellikleri, yayınlanma durumları ve ilişkili etkenler analiz edilmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Ulusal Tez Merkezinden ve Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi (EAH) arşivinden elde edilen, 2015 Ocak ayına kadar yapılmış acil tıp uzmanlık tezlerinin başlıkları, özeti ve içeriği incelendi. Tezlerin yayınlanma durumu, tez yazarının ve/veya tezin ismiyle Google Akademik, TR Dizin, PubMed, Web of Science'de arama yapılarak tespit edildi. Tezlerin konu başlıkları, araştırma yöntemleri, danışman öğretim görevlileri, seçilen hasta ve/veya hastalık grupları, yayınlanma durumu ve bilimsel literatüre katkıları değerlendirildi. Elde edilen veriler SPSS for Windows 21.0 istatistik programı ve Microsoft Office Excel 2007 programı kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışma kapsamındaki 782 ATU tezinin %85'i Devlet Üniversitelerinde, %10.7'si EAH'de, %3.3'ü Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisinde (GATA), %1'i Özel Üniversitelerde yapılmıştı. Tezlerin %44'üne doçent, %35'ine yardımcı doçent, %17'sine profesörler danışmanlık etmişti. Tez danışmanlarının %75'i ATU iken, %25'i diğer uzmanlık alanlarında görevliydi. Konusuna göre tez dağılımı incelendiğinde ilk sırada Kardiyovasküler Sistem Acilleri (%14.2) ve ikinci sırada Travma (%13.2) yer almaktaydı. Yapılan tezlerin %76'sı prospektif, %24'ü retrospektif olarak planlanmış; %50'sinde gözlemsel, %28'inde metodolojik, %22'sinde deneysel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştı. Üniversite, EAH ve GATA tezleri karşılaştırıldığında prospektif ile retrospektif tez çalışmalarının sayısı arasında istatiksel anlamlı farklılık saptanmamış (p=0.23); EAH'de daha çok gözlemsel, GATA'da ise daha çok deneysel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılmıştı (p<0.05). v İncelenen tezlerin %37'si makale olarak yayınlanmış, tüm tezlerin %18'i, makale olarak yayınlananların ise %48.6'sı SCI'de dizinlenmişti. Yayınlanmış tezlerin %98'i Google Akademik'te dizinlenmişti. Üniversite, EAH ve GATA'da yapılmış tezlerin yayınlanma oranları arasında istatistiksel anlamlı farklılık saptanmış olup, en çok üniversitelerde (%38.8) yapılan tezler yayın haline getirilmişti. Ancak SCI'de dizinlenme oranına bakıldığında, en çok GATA'da (%86) yapılan tezlerin SCI dergilerde dizinlendiği saptanmıştır (p<0.05). Profesör ve yardımcı doçentlerin danışmanlık yaptığı tezlerin (sırasıyla %42;%40) daha fazla yayın olduğu tespit edildi (p=0.745). ATU'nın danışmanlığını yürüttüğü tezlerde yayınlanma oranı %32.9 iken, ATU dışındaki bilim dallarındaki uzmanların danışmanlığını yürüttüğü tezlerde yayınlanma oranı %47.4'dü (p<0.05). Prospektif planlanan tezlerin genel yayınlanma oranları (%38.9) ve SCI dergilerde yayınlanma oranları (%52.2) yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç: Prospektif planlanan, iyi dizayn edilmiş, profesör danışmanlığında, üniversitelerde yürütülen çalışmaların yayınlanma oranının daha yüksek olduğu saptandı. ATU tezlerinin yayınlandığı dergiler incelendiğinde genel yayınlanma oranının en yüksek olduğu ilk iki dergi TJEM ve JAEM iken, SCI dergilerde yayınlanma oranı en yüksek iki dergi ise TJTES ve AJEM'di. Genel ve SCI dergilerde yayınlanma oranı, Türkiye ortalamasına göre yüksek olup, uluslararası literatüre bakıldığında başarılı kabul edilebilir.
Introduction and Aim: In our country, Emergency Medicine Specialist training is provided in total 86 deparments and clinics. Since January 2015, 1144 physicians have been emergency medicine specialists. The purpose of this study was to analyze general characteristics, demographics, publication status and associated factors of emergency medicine specialty theses made in Turkey. Materials and Methods: We examined emergency medicine theses' title, summary and contents obtained from Higher Education Council of the National Thesis Center and six Training and Research Hospitals archives that were made until January 2015. Publication status was determined by searching for the author and/or thesis title on Google Scholar, TR Dizin, PubMed, and Web of Science. Topics, research methods, faculty advisors, selected patient - disease groups, publication status and contributions to scientific literature of theses were assessed. The data obtained were analyzed on SPSS for Windows 21.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 software. Results: Eighty-five percent of the 782 emergency medicine specialty theses that received in the study were prepared at State Universities, 10.7% at Training and Research Hospitals, 3.3% at the Gulhane Military Medicine Academy (GATA) and 1% at Private Universities. Associate professors acted as advisors in 44% of theses, assistant professors in 35% and full professor doctors in 17%. Seventy-five percent of advisors were emergency medicine specialists and 25% were working in other areas of specialization. The most common subject matter was Cardiovascular System Emergencies" (14.2%) followed by Trauma (13.2%). Seventy-six percent of the theses were planned prospectively and 24% retrospectively. Fifty percent represented observational, 28% methodological and 22% experimental research. No difference was determined between numbers of prospective and retrospective studies performed in Universities, Training and Research Hospitals and GATA (p=0.23). Observational vii methods were more commonly employed in Training and Research Hospitals and experimental research methods in GATA (p<0.05). Thirty-seven percent of the theses examined were subsequently published as papers, and 18% of these were indexed in SCI journals (48.6% of those published). Ninety-eight percent of published theses were indexed on Google Scholar. A statistically significant difference was determined between publication rates of theses performed at Universities, Training and Research Hospitals and GATA, with those from universities attracting the highest level of publication (38.8%). In terms of publication in SCI journals, theses prepared at GATA (86%) attracted the highest level of publication in SCI journals, and this was also statistically significant. Theses performed with professors and assistant professors as advisors had higher rates of publication (42% and 40%, respectively). The publication rate among theses written with emergency medicine specialists as advisors was 32.9%, compared to 47.4% for those written with specialists from other branches as advisors (p<0.05). The publication rate for prospectively planned theses was 38.9%, of which 52% were published in SCI journals. These rates were statistically significant compared to those for retrospectively planned theses (p<0.05). Conclusion: The theses was found to be higher the rate of publication that planned prospective, well-designed, prepared with professor advisers at universities. When analyzed that theses of ATU are published in which journals, the highest general publication status of first two journals were TJEM and JAEM whileamong SCI-expanded journals were TJTES ve AJEM. The level of publication of theses in general and/or SCI journals is higher than the mean level for Turkey, and comparable to the international average.
Introduction and Aim: In our country, Emergency Medicine Specialist training is provided in total 86 deparments and clinics. Since January 2015, 1144 physicians have been emergency medicine specialists. The purpose of this study was to analyze general characteristics, demographics, publication status and associated factors of emergency medicine specialty theses made in Turkey. Materials and Methods: We examined emergency medicine theses' title, summary and contents obtained from Higher Education Council of the National Thesis Center and six Training and Research Hospitals archives that were made until January 2015. Publication status was determined by searching for the author and/or thesis title on Google Scholar, TR Dizin, PubMed, and Web of Science. Topics, research methods, faculty advisors, selected patient - disease groups, publication status and contributions to scientific literature of theses were assessed. The data obtained were analyzed on SPSS for Windows 21.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 software. Results: Eighty-five percent of the 782 emergency medicine specialty theses that received in the study were prepared at State Universities, 10.7% at Training and Research Hospitals, 3.3% at the Gulhane Military Medicine Academy (GATA) and 1% at Private Universities. Associate professors acted as advisors in 44% of theses, assistant professors in 35% and full professor doctors in 17%. Seventy-five percent of advisors were emergency medicine specialists and 25% were working in other areas of specialization. The most common subject matter was Cardiovascular System Emergencies" (14.2%) followed by Trauma (13.2%). Seventy-six percent of the theses were planned prospectively and 24% retrospectively. Fifty percent represented observational, 28% methodological and 22% experimental research. No difference was determined between numbers of prospective and retrospective studies performed in Universities, Training and Research Hospitals and GATA (p=0.23). Observational vii methods were more commonly employed in Training and Research Hospitals and experimental research methods in GATA (p<0.05). Thirty-seven percent of the theses examined were subsequently published as papers, and 18% of these were indexed in SCI journals (48.6% of those published). Ninety-eight percent of published theses were indexed on Google Scholar. A statistically significant difference was determined between publication rates of theses performed at Universities, Training and Research Hospitals and GATA, with those from universities attracting the highest level of publication (38.8%). In terms of publication in SCI journals, theses prepared at GATA (86%) attracted the highest level of publication in SCI journals, and this was also statistically significant. Theses performed with professors and assistant professors as advisors had higher rates of publication (42% and 40%, respectively). The publication rate among theses written with emergency medicine specialists as advisors was 32.9%, compared to 47.4% for those written with specialists from other branches as advisors (p<0.05). The publication rate for prospectively planned theses was 38.9%, of which 52% were published in SCI journals. These rates were statistically significant compared to those for retrospectively planned theses (p<0.05). Conclusion: The theses was found to be higher the rate of publication that planned prospective, well-designed, prepared with professor advisers at universities. When analyzed that theses of ATU are published in which journals, the highest general publication status of first two journals were TJEM and JAEM whileamong SCI-expanded journals were TJTES ve AJEM. The level of publication of theses in general and/or SCI journals is higher than the mean level for Turkey, and comparable to the international average.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İlk ve Acil Yardım, Emergency and First Aid, , , , , , , ,