Multipl Servikal Foraminal Perinöral Kistler. Olgu Sunumu
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Perinöral kistler içi beyin omurilik sıvısıyla dolu olup epinörium ve perinöriumda kistik dilatasyonlar sonucu oluşur. En sık sakral bölgede görülen perinöral kistler nadiren servikal bölgede görülür. Çoğunlukla asemptomatiktir fakat sinir kökü veya spinal kord basısı meydana gelirse semptomatik hale dönüşebilir. Bir yıldır devam eden boyunda ağrı ve kasılma şikayetleri ile başvuran hastanın muayenesinde boyun hareketleriyle mevcut şikayetlerinin artığı fakat herhangi bir nörolojik defisitin olmadığı saptandı. Servikal manyetik rezonans görüntülemede multipl servikal foraminal perinöral kistler gözlendi. Elektromyelografisi normal gelen hastaya medikal tedavi ve istirahat önerildi. Üç ay sonrasında hastanın aktif şikayetlerinin tama yakın azaldığı gözlendi. Sonuç olarak, günümüzde nadir saptanan servikal perinöral kistlerin asemptomatik olmakla beraber spinal kord ve / veya kök basısı nedeniyle semptomatik hale dönebileceği akılda tutulmalı ve hastalar takip edilmelidir.
Perineural cysts are filled with intravenous cerebrospinal fluid and cystic dilatations occur in the epineurium and perineum. Perineural cysts are most commonly seen in the sacral region and rarely in the cervical region. They are mostly asymptomatic but may become symptomatic if the nerve root or spinal cord is under pressure. The patient who had complaints of pain and contraction continued for one year. Neck movements, the current complaints increased, but noneurological deficit wa sdetected. Multiple cervical foraminal perineural cysts were observed on cervical magnetic resonance imaging. Medical treatment and rest were given electromyelography. Three months later, the patient's active complaints were observed to diminish. As a result, rarely detected cervical perineural cysts are usually asymptomatic. However, it should be kept in mind that patients with spinal cord and / or root pressure may become symptomatic and patients should be followed up.
Perineural cysts are filled with intravenous cerebrospinal fluid and cystic dilatations occur in the epineurium and perineum. Perineural cysts are most commonly seen in the sacral region and rarely in the cervical region. They are mostly asymptomatic but may become symptomatic if the nerve root or spinal cord is under pressure. The patient who had complaints of pain and contraction continued for one year. Neck movements, the current complaints increased, but noneurological deficit wa sdetected. Multiple cervical foraminal perineural cysts were observed on cervical magnetic resonance imaging. Medical treatment and rest were given electromyelography. Three months later, the patient's active complaints were observed to diminish. As a result, rarely detected cervical perineural cysts are usually asymptomatic. However, it should be kept in mind that patients with spinal cord and / or root pressure may become symptomatic and patients should be followed up.
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