Klivus morfometrisi ve sfenoid sinüs gelişimi ile ilişkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, T1-ağırlıklı sagittal manyetik rezonans (MR) görüntüleme ile ölçülen çeşitli şekillerdeki klivusların alanlarını saptamak; sfenoid sinüs hacmi ile klivus alanı arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmek; ve farklı sfenoid sinüs havalanma tipine (konkal, presellar, sellar) sahip bireylerin klivus alanlarını karşılaştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: 18 yaş üzeri toplam 100 bireyin 5 mm'lik MR kesitleri ile elde edilen T1-ağırlıklı serilerde; sfenoid sinüs hacminin belirlenmesi için, sagittal ve koronal kesitler kullanılarak sfenoid sinüsün en geniş ön-arka, transvers ve kraniokadual çapları alınmış ve hacim manuel olarak hesaplandı. Klivus alanı ise, sagittal kesitler içerisinden klivusun kortikal kemik konturunun en geniş olduğu kesit alınarak, konturları manuel olarak çizildikten sonra alan cihaz tarafından otomatik olarak hesaplandı.Bulgular: Dört farklı şekle sahip klivusların alanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde farklılık vardı (p<0.001). Fasetalı klivus alanları ortalaması, üçgen (p<0.001), tübüler (p<0.001) ve sapan (p=0.001) klivus alanları ortalamasından yüksekti. Sapan klivus alanları ortalaması tübüler klivusların alanları ortalamasından yüksekti (p=0.004). Üçgen klivus alanları ortalaması ile tübüler (p=0.104) ve sapan (p=0.527) klivus alanları ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde fark yoktu.Sfenoid sinüs havalanma tipine göre ayrılan üç grubun klivus alanı ortalamaları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde farklılık göstermekteydi (p<0.001). Presellar grubunun klivus alanları ortalamasının sellar grubunun klivus alanları ortalamasından yüksekti (p<0.001). Konkal grubunun klivus alanları ortalaması ile presellar (p=0.893) ve sellar (p=0.627) gruplarının klivus alanları ortalamaları arasında anlamlı fark yoktu.Klivus alanı değerleri ile sfenoid sinüs hacmi değerleri arasında zayıf negatif ilişki (r=-0.471, p<0.001) saptandıSonuç: Çalışmamız, sınıflandırdığımız klivus alanı ile sfenoid sinüs hacminin ilişkili olduğuna ve sfenoid sinüs havalanmanın bazı tiplerine sahip bireylerin farklı klivus alanları olacağına dair ön veriler sunmaktadır. Klivus alanlarının ve klivus tiplerinin klinik ve cerrahi avantaj/dezavantajlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla yeni çalışmalara gereksinim vardır.Anahtar Sözcükler: klivus şekli, klivus alanı, sphenoid sinus volumü.
Aim: Aims of the study were to determine the areas of various clivus forms measured by T1 weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging; to evaluate relationship between sphenois sinus volume and clivus area; and to compare clivus areas of individuals having different sphenoid sinus pneumatization types (conchal, presellar, sellar).Material and Method: From 100 healthy individual aged 18 years or over, in T1 weighted sequences obtained with MR cross-section, 5 mm in thickness; for calculation of sphenoid sinus volume, largest anteroposterior, transverse and craniocaudal diameters of sphenoid sinus were measured using coronal and sagittal cross-sections and the volume calculated manually. As for clivus area, the sagittal section having thickest clival cortical bone contour was taken and after the contour line was drew manually, clivus area was calculated automatically by MR device.Results: There were statistically significant differences between the areas of four different clivus shapes (p<0.001). The mean of faceted clivus areas was higher compared to the means of triangular clivus (p<0.001), tubular (p<0.001) and sling-shaped (p<0.001) clivus areas. The mean of sling-shaped clivus areas was higher than that of tubular clivus areas (p<0.004). There were no differences between the the mean of triangular clivus areas with the mean of tubular clivus areas (p=0.104) and the mean of sling-shaped clivus areas (p=0.527).There were statistically significant differences in terms of clivus area between the sphenois sinus pneumatization types (p<0.001). The mean clivus area in presellar group was higher compared to that in sellar group (p<0.001). There were no differences between the the mean clivus area of conchal group with the mean of clivus areas of presellar (p=0.893) and sellar groups (p=0.627).There were significant negative correlation between the clivus area and sphenoid sinus volume (r=-0.471, p<0.001).Conclusion: Our study represents preliminary data on relationship between clivus area and sphenoid sinus volume, and difference between the clivus areas of individuals having certain type of sphenois sinus pneumatization. To assess clinical and surgical advantage/disadvantage of clivus areas and/or certain clivus shape, there is a need for further research.Key Words: clivus shape, clivus area, sphenoid sinus volume.
Aim: Aims of the study were to determine the areas of various clivus forms measured by T1 weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging; to evaluate relationship between sphenois sinus volume and clivus area; and to compare clivus areas of individuals having different sphenoid sinus pneumatization types (conchal, presellar, sellar).Material and Method: From 100 healthy individual aged 18 years or over, in T1 weighted sequences obtained with MR cross-section, 5 mm in thickness; for calculation of sphenoid sinus volume, largest anteroposterior, transverse and craniocaudal diameters of sphenoid sinus were measured using coronal and sagittal cross-sections and the volume calculated manually. As for clivus area, the sagittal section having thickest clival cortical bone contour was taken and after the contour line was drew manually, clivus area was calculated automatically by MR device.Results: There were statistically significant differences between the areas of four different clivus shapes (p<0.001). The mean of faceted clivus areas was higher compared to the means of triangular clivus (p<0.001), tubular (p<0.001) and sling-shaped (p<0.001) clivus areas. The mean of sling-shaped clivus areas was higher than that of tubular clivus areas (p<0.004). There were no differences between the the mean of triangular clivus areas with the mean of tubular clivus areas (p=0.104) and the mean of sling-shaped clivus areas (p=0.527).There were statistically significant differences in terms of clivus area between the sphenois sinus pneumatization types (p<0.001). The mean clivus area in presellar group was higher compared to that in sellar group (p<0.001). There were no differences between the the mean clivus area of conchal group with the mean of clivus areas of presellar (p=0.893) and sellar groups (p=0.627).There were significant negative correlation between the clivus area and sphenoid sinus volume (r=-0.471, p<0.001).Conclusion: Our study represents preliminary data on relationship between clivus area and sphenoid sinus volume, and difference between the clivus areas of individuals having certain type of sphenois sinus pneumatization. To assess clinical and surgical advantage/disadvantage of clivus areas and/or certain clivus shape, there is a need for further research.Key Words: clivus shape, clivus area, sphenoid sinus volume.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radyoloji ve Nükleer Tıp, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, , , , , , ,