Atölye tipi üretimde dinamik çizelgeleme problemi için tezgâh yükleme kurallarının kıyaslanması
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Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında; literatürde en sık kullanılmış olan 30 adet tezgâh yükleme kuralı ve bu kuralları kıyaslayabilmek için 9 adet performans ölçütü tespit edilmiştir. ARENA® paket programıyla dinamik bir atölye ortamının simülasyon modeli hazırlanarak, tespit edilen 30 kuralın performansları bulunmuş ve kıyaslanmıştır. Kıyaslamalar neticesinde, gecikmeleri azaltan kurallar belirlenmiş ve bu kurallar arasından SPRO (slack per remaining operations) kuralının bir adım öne çıktığı görülmüştür. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında; SPRO kuralının çalışma mantığı, EDD (earliest due date) kuralı ile birleştirilmiştir ve bu kurala kısaca EDDPRO adı konulmuştur. EDDPRO kuralı, daha önce belirlenmiş olan 30 kural ile aynı simülasyon modelinde denenmiş ve gecikmeler için olumlu sonuçlar verdiği sayısal veriler ile kanıtlanmıştır.
In the first phase of the study; the most frequently used, 30 dispatching rules and 9 performance criterion were determined in the literature. The simulation model of a dynamic job shop environment was prepared by ARENA® program and the performances of the 30 dispatching rules were found and compared. As a result of the comparison, the rules that reduce the tardiness have been determined and it has been seen SPRO (slack per remaining operations) rule is one step ahead of these rules. In the second phase of the study; the logic of the SPRO rule is combined with the EDD (earliest due date) rule, which is called EDDPRO. The EDDPRO rule has been tested in the same simulation model and has been proven by numerical data that it can perform superior for reduce the tardiness.
In the first phase of the study; the most frequently used, 30 dispatching rules and 9 performance criterion were determined in the literature. The simulation model of a dynamic job shop environment was prepared by ARENA® program and the performances of the 30 dispatching rules were found and compared. As a result of the comparison, the rules that reduce the tardiness have been determined and it has been seen SPRO (slack per remaining operations) rule is one step ahead of these rules. In the second phase of the study; the logic of the SPRO rule is combined with the EDD (earliest due date) rule, which is called EDDPRO. The EDDPRO rule has been tested in the same simulation model and has been proven by numerical data that it can perform superior for reduce the tardiness.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, Industrial and Industrial Engineering, , , , , ,