İskemik kolon anastomoz iyileşmesinde tramadol hidroklorür'ün etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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İleus, kolorektal kanser, kanama veya travma gibi nedenlerle acil veya elektif şartlarda ameliyat edilen hastalarda segmenter bağırsak rezeksiyonu ile beraber anastamoz sıklıkla yapılmakta olup, yapılan anastamozun postoperatif dönemde ayrılma veya ayrışması kolorektal cerrahide mortalitesi ve morbiditesi yüksek önemli komplikasyonlardandır. Yaptığımızı bu deneysel çalışmada, amacımız rat kolonunda oluşturulan deneysel iskemi reperfüzyon hasarı sonrası reperfüze segmentte yapılan anastomozda opioid analjezik ilaç olan tramadol hidroklorürün anastomoz iyileşmesi ve inflamasyon üzerindeki etkisini göstermektir. Deney modelinde 24 adet aynı özelliklerde aynı çevre koşullarında bulunan ratlar 12'şerli iki gruba ayrıldı. Tüm ratlara anestezi, antisepsi sonrası orta hat insizyonu yapıldı. Süperior mezenterik arter ve kollateral damarlar aortanın distalinden mikrovasküler bir klemp kullanılarak 45 dakika boyunca klemplendi. Bu sürenin sonunda, klemp açılarak 45 dakika boyunca reperfüzyona izin verildi. Tüm ratlara peritoneal refleksiyonun 3 cm proksimalinde sol kolon segmentinde sirküler olarak tam kat insizyon yapıldı. Kolonik uçlar 6/0 monofilaman propilen tekli sütürler ile anastomoz edildi. Postoperatif dönemde 5 gün boyunca birinci gruba günde 1 kez 0,5 cc intraperitoneal serum fizyolojik, ikinci gruba günde 1 kez 30 mg/kg intraperitoneal Tramadol hidroklorür uygulandı. Postoperatif 6. günde daha önce oluşturulan orta hat kesi üzerinden batın içine girilerek anastomoz hattı ikişer santimetre proksimal ve distal bölgesi ile beraber rezeke edildi. İntrakardiyak ponksiyon ile biyokimyasal tetkikleri için kan alınarak tüm ratlar sakrifiye edildi. İskemi-reperfüzyon hasarı sonrası rat kolonundan rezeke edilen anastomoz bölgesindeki klinik iyileşme tayini için patlama basınç ölçümü ve doku/kan (katalaz, nitrik oksit, glutatyon, redüktaz, süperoksit dismutaz, TNF?, IL-6, AST, ALT, hidroksiprolin, miyeloperoksidaz, malondialdehit, kaspaz-3) numuneleri değerlendirmeleri yapıldı. Deney grubunda patlama basınçları kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu. MPO'nun serumda kontrol grubunda anlamlı yüksek bulunması (p=0,001), glutatyon redüktazın doku kontrol grubunda anlamlı yüksek bulunması p:0,006) ve TNF-a'nın deney grubunda anlamlı fark olmamakla beraber düşük görülmesi (p=0,669) literatürü destekler göstergelerdir. AST değerinin anlamlı olmamakla beraber yüksek bulunması (p=0,002) literatür ile uyumlu görülmüştür. Çalışmamızda Tramadol hidroklorür'ün inflamasyon ve yara iyileşmesi üzerindeki etkisinin kullanılan doz ve deney modeliyle ilişkili olabileceği göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu düşünce ışığında Tramadol hidroklorür'ün kolon anastomozu üzerine veya farklı sistemler üzerine etkisi, farklı doz ve farklı deney modelleri kullanılarak yapılacak olan yeni çalışmalar ile araştırılabilir. Halihazırda yaygın kullanım alanı olan Tramadol hidroklorür'ün barsak anastamozu yapılan hastaların medikal tedavi süreçlerindeki yeri daha güvenilir bir şekilde irdelenebilir.
In patients who are operated under emergency or elective conditions for reasons such as ileus, bleeding, colorectal malignancy or trauma, bowel anastomosis can be performed together with segmental bowel resection. Separation or dehiscence of this anastomosis in the postoperative period is one of the important complications with high mortality and morbidity. Our aim in this study is to show the effect of tramadol hydrochloride, an opioid analgesic drug, on inflammation and colon anastomosis healing in a reperfused rat model after ischemia / reperfusion injury. According to the experimental model, 24 rats with the same characteristics kept in the same environmental conditions were divided into two groups of 12. All rats underwent midline incision after anesthesia and antisepsis. The superior mesenteric artery and collateral vessels were clamped from the distal aorta for 45 minutes using a microvascular clamp. Then the clamps were released and reperfusion was allowed for 45 minutes. A full-thickness incision was made in the left colon segment 3 cm proximal to the peritoneal reflection in all rats, and anastomosis was performed using interrupted 6/0 monofilament propylene sutures. The first group (control group) was administered 0.5 cc intraperitoneal saline once a day, and the second group (experimental group) was administered 30 mg/kg intraperitoneal Tramadol hydrochloride once a day for 5 days. On the 6th postoperative day, the anastomosis line was resected together with the proximal and distal regions of 2 cm each, by entering the abdomen through the median incision created earlier. All rats were sacrificed by intracardiac blood puncture. Burst pressure measurement of the anastomosis and tissue/blood analysis for catalase, nitric oxide, glutathione, reductase, superoxide dismutase, TNF?, IL-6, AST, ALT, hydroxyproline, myeloperoxidase, malondialdehyde, caspase-3for the determination of clinical healing in the anastomosis area resected from the rat colon after ischemia-reperfusion injury , sample evaluations were made. Burst pressures in the experimental group were found to be significantly higher than in the control group. There were significantly higher levels of MPO in the serum in the control group (p=0.001), significantly higher levels of glutathione reductase in the tissue control group, p:0.006), and low levels of TNF-a (p=0.669) in the experimental group, although there was no significant difference, are indicators that support the literature. Although the AST value was not significant, it was found to be high (p=0.002), which is consistent with the literature. In our present study, it should not be overlooked that the effect of Tramadol hydrochloride on inflammation and wound healing may be related to the dose and the experimental model used. In the light of this thought, the effect of Tramadol hydrochloride on colon anastomosis or on different systems can be investigated with new studies using different doses and different experimental models. The place of Tramadol hydrochloride, which is currently widely used, in the medical treatment processes of patients with intestinal anastomosis can be more reliably examined.
In patients who are operated under emergency or elective conditions for reasons such as ileus, bleeding, colorectal malignancy or trauma, bowel anastomosis can be performed together with segmental bowel resection. Separation or dehiscence of this anastomosis in the postoperative period is one of the important complications with high mortality and morbidity. Our aim in this study is to show the effect of tramadol hydrochloride, an opioid analgesic drug, on inflammation and colon anastomosis healing in a reperfused rat model after ischemia / reperfusion injury. According to the experimental model, 24 rats with the same characteristics kept in the same environmental conditions were divided into two groups of 12. All rats underwent midline incision after anesthesia and antisepsis. The superior mesenteric artery and collateral vessels were clamped from the distal aorta for 45 minutes using a microvascular clamp. Then the clamps were released and reperfusion was allowed for 45 minutes. A full-thickness incision was made in the left colon segment 3 cm proximal to the peritoneal reflection in all rats, and anastomosis was performed using interrupted 6/0 monofilament propylene sutures. The first group (control group) was administered 0.5 cc intraperitoneal saline once a day, and the second group (experimental group) was administered 30 mg/kg intraperitoneal Tramadol hydrochloride once a day for 5 days. On the 6th postoperative day, the anastomosis line was resected together with the proximal and distal regions of 2 cm each, by entering the abdomen through the median incision created earlier. All rats were sacrificed by intracardiac blood puncture. Burst pressure measurement of the anastomosis and tissue/blood analysis for catalase, nitric oxide, glutathione, reductase, superoxide dismutase, TNF?, IL-6, AST, ALT, hydroxyproline, myeloperoxidase, malondialdehyde, caspase-3for the determination of clinical healing in the anastomosis area resected from the rat colon after ischemia-reperfusion injury , sample evaluations were made. Burst pressures in the experimental group were found to be significantly higher than in the control group. There were significantly higher levels of MPO in the serum in the control group (p=0.001), significantly higher levels of glutathione reductase in the tissue control group, p:0.006), and low levels of TNF-a (p=0.669) in the experimental group, although there was no significant difference, are indicators that support the literature. Although the AST value was not significant, it was found to be high (p=0.002), which is consistent with the literature. In our present study, it should not be overlooked that the effect of Tramadol hydrochloride on inflammation and wound healing may be related to the dose and the experimental model used. In the light of this thought, the effect of Tramadol hydrochloride on colon anastomosis or on different systems can be investigated with new studies using different doses and different experimental models. The place of Tramadol hydrochloride, which is currently widely used, in the medical treatment processes of patients with intestinal anastomosis can be more reliably examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel Cerrahi, General Surgery