Adli Tıp Kurumu Ankara Grup Başkanlığı Morg İhtisas Dairesi'nde yapılan adli otopsilerde kardiyak olmayan ölümlerde koroner ateroskleroz sıklığının saptanması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Kalp ve damar hastalıkları, günümüz dünyasında mortalite ve morbidite nedenlerininin en başında bulunmaktadır. Bu durumun temelinde de genel olarak ateroskleroz yatmaktadır. Kardiyak kökenli ölümlerin bir kısmı, hiçbir klinik belirti vermeksizin hayatın herhangi bir anında ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca aterosklerotik hastalıklar; hayatta kalanlarda ülke ekonomisi ve kişinin yaşam kalitesine negatif yönde etki eden bir durumdur. Böylesine önemli bir sağlık sorununda, külfetli tedavi çalışmalarından daha çok koruyucu hekimlik çalışmalarına ağırlık verilmesi gereği açıktır. Otopsi, geçmişten günümüze kadar bir eğitim aracı olarak kullanılmakta ve otopsilerden elde edilen veri ve istatistiki bilgiler birçok bilimsel araştırma için temel oluşturmaktadır. Elde edilen bu istatistiki bilgilerle oluşturulan epidemiyolojik veriler; beklenmedik ölümlerin önlenmesi, hastalığın oluşumu ve ilerleyişinin durdurulabilmesi bakımından önemlidir. Bu tez kapsamında inceleyeceğimiz olgular travmatik nedenlerle meydana gelen nonkardiak ölüm olgularıdır. Adli otopsilerde koroner aterosklerozun sıklığı hakkında otopsi serilerinden elde edilen verilerin, koruyucu hekimlik uygulamaları açısından ipucu olabilecek bilimsel değerler üretilmesine kapı aralayacaktır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Bu çalışma 1 Şubat 2018 ve 15 Nisan 2018 tarihleri arasında Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı ve Ankara Adli Tıp Grup Başkanlığı Morg İhtisas Dairesi bünyesinde yapıldı. Belirtilen tarihler arasında Ankara Adli Tıp Grup Başkanlığı Morg İhtisas Dairesi'nde yapılan adli otopsiler arasından, kardiyak kökenli olmayan travmatik bir nedenle ölenlerden 10 ve 80 yaş arasındaki, çürüme bulguları göstermeyen 133 olgu incelenmiştir. Alınan örnekler AHA koroner ateroskleroz sınıflamasına göre derecelendirildi. Son olarak analizi yapıldı. BULGULAR: Olguların 97'sinin erkek (%72,9), 36'sının (%27,1) kadınlardan oluştuğu saptandı. Olgular arasında en küçük yaş 12 iken, en büyük yaş 80 idi. Erkeklerde 75 (%56,4), kadınlarda 26 (%19,5) toplamda 101 (%75,9) olguda aterosklerotik bulgular tespit edilmiştir. Koroner arterlerdeki ateroskleroz gradelerine bakıldığında; RCA'da ve LAD arterde en sık Grade 1 lezyon görüldüğü (sırasıyla %43,6-%31,6) tespit edilmiştir. Olguların cinsiyet bazlı, semptomatik grup olarak tarif edilen Grade 4 ve üstü ile Grade 4 altı olarak incelenmesinde; Grade ?4 lezyonların en sık LAD arterde olduğu ve her üç koroner arterde de erkeklerde kadınlara nazaran daha sık görüldüğü tespit edilmiştir. Olguların yaş aralığı bazlı, semptomatik grup olarak tarif edilen Grade 4 ve üstü ile Grade 4 altı olarak incelenmesinde; ileri evre lezyonların en sık 34 (%25,6) olgu ile LAD'de, ikinci sıklıkta 14 (%10,5) olgu ile RCA'da en az ise 12 (%9,0) olgu ile Cx'te görülmüştür. SONUÇ: Çalışmamızın sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre, çalışmamıza katılan erkek sayısının kadınlardan fazla olduğu tespit edildi. Olgular yaş aralığına göre değerlendirildiğinde; 21-30 yaş aralığının en sık yaş grubu olduğu görüldü. Olguların yaşları cinsiyete göre değerlendirildiğinde; kadınların en sık oranla 41-50 yaş aralığında, erkeklerin en sık oranla 21-30 yaş arasında olduğu saptandı. Çalışmamızda grade 1-3 lezyonların erken yaşlarda komplike lezyonlar denen grade 4-6 lezyonların ise ileri yaşlarda görüldüğü bulundu. Her iki cinsiyette de en sık aterosklerotik bulguların LAD arterde görüldüğü tespit edildi. Histopatolojik incelemeler ile olgularda görülen aterosklerotik damar sayısına bakıldığında; en sık tek damarda, ikinci sıklıkta çift damarda, en az ise üç damarda lezyon görüldü. Anahtar Kelimeler: Adli Tıp, Adli Otopsi, Ateroskleroz, Koroner Arter, Travmatik Ölüm
OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in today's world. At the base of this situation, atherosclerosis generally lies. Some of cardiac deaths occur at any time in life without any clinical symptoms. Atherosclerotic diseases; it is a situation that has a negative effect on the economy of the country and the quality of life of the survivors. In such an important health problem, it is clear that the focus should be on preventive medicine studies rather than the burdensome treatment studies. Autopsy has been used as an educational tool from the past to the present, and the data and statistical information obtained from autopsies constitute the basis for many scientific researches. Epidemiological data generated by these statistical data; prevention of unexpected deaths is important in terms of stopping the occurrence and progression of the disease. The cases that we will examine in the scope of this thesis are non-cases of death due to traumatic causes. The findings of autopsy series about the incidence of coronary atherosclerosis in forensic autopsies will open the door to the production of scientific values that may be a clue for preventive medicine applications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted between February 1, 2018 and April 15, 2018 in the Department of Medical Pathology of Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine and within the Morgue Department of Council of Forensic Medicine Ankara Regional Office. Among the forensic autopsies performed at the Forensic Medicine Department of the Ankara Forensic Medicine Department between the dates mentioned, 133 patients who did not show any signs of decomposition between 10 and 80 years of age who had died due to a non-cardiac traumatic reason were examined. Samples were graded according to AHA coronary atherosclerosis classification. Finally, the analysis was performed. RESULTS: 97 of the cases were male (72.9%) and 36 (27.1%) were female. The smallest age was 12 years, and the largest age was 80 years. Atherosclerotic findings viii were detected in 75 (56.4%) men and 26 (19.5%) women in 101 (75.9%). When atherosclerosis grading in coronary arteries is considered; Grade 1 lesion was most frequently seen in RCA and LAD artery (43.6%-31.6%). In the evaluation of the cases as Grade 4 and above and Grade 4, which were described as gender-based, symptomatic group; Grade ?4 lesions were most frequently seen in the LAD artery and it was found that it was more common in men than in women in all three coronary arteries. In the evaluation of the cases with Grade 4 and above and Grade 4 as a symptom group based on the age range; the most common lesions were CLA with 34 (25.6%) cases, LAD with second, 14 (10.5%) cases with RCA and 12 (9.0%) cases with RCA. CONCLUSSION: According to the data obtained from our study, it was determined that the number of men participating in our study was higher than women. When the cases were evaluated according to the age range; The 21-30 age group was the most frequent age group. When the ages of the cases were evaluated according to gender; women were most frequently in the age range of 41-50 years, and men were most frequently in the 21-30 age range. In our study, it was found that grade 1-3 lesions were seen in advanced ages and grade 4-6 lesions called as complicated lesions in older ages. The most common atherosclerotic findings were observed in the LAD artery in both genders. When we look at the number of atherosclerotic vessels seen in histopathological examination; the most common one vessel, the second most frequently seen in the double vessel, and the third one in the three vessels. Key words: Forensic Medicine, Forensic Autopsy, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery, Traumatic Death
OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in today's world. At the base of this situation, atherosclerosis generally lies. Some of cardiac deaths occur at any time in life without any clinical symptoms. Atherosclerotic diseases; it is a situation that has a negative effect on the economy of the country and the quality of life of the survivors. In such an important health problem, it is clear that the focus should be on preventive medicine studies rather than the burdensome treatment studies. Autopsy has been used as an educational tool from the past to the present, and the data and statistical information obtained from autopsies constitute the basis for many scientific researches. Epidemiological data generated by these statistical data; prevention of unexpected deaths is important in terms of stopping the occurrence and progression of the disease. The cases that we will examine in the scope of this thesis are non-cases of death due to traumatic causes. The findings of autopsy series about the incidence of coronary atherosclerosis in forensic autopsies will open the door to the production of scientific values that may be a clue for preventive medicine applications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted between February 1, 2018 and April 15, 2018 in the Department of Medical Pathology of Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine and within the Morgue Department of Council of Forensic Medicine Ankara Regional Office. Among the forensic autopsies performed at the Forensic Medicine Department of the Ankara Forensic Medicine Department between the dates mentioned, 133 patients who did not show any signs of decomposition between 10 and 80 years of age who had died due to a non-cardiac traumatic reason were examined. Samples were graded according to AHA coronary atherosclerosis classification. Finally, the analysis was performed. RESULTS: 97 of the cases were male (72.9%) and 36 (27.1%) were female. The smallest age was 12 years, and the largest age was 80 years. Atherosclerotic findings viii were detected in 75 (56.4%) men and 26 (19.5%) women in 101 (75.9%). When atherosclerosis grading in coronary arteries is considered; Grade 1 lesion was most frequently seen in RCA and LAD artery (43.6%-31.6%). In the evaluation of the cases as Grade 4 and above and Grade 4, which were described as gender-based, symptomatic group; Grade ?4 lesions were most frequently seen in the LAD artery and it was found that it was more common in men than in women in all three coronary arteries. In the evaluation of the cases with Grade 4 and above and Grade 4 as a symptom group based on the age range; the most common lesions were CLA with 34 (25.6%) cases, LAD with second, 14 (10.5%) cases with RCA and 12 (9.0%) cases with RCA. CONCLUSSION: According to the data obtained from our study, it was determined that the number of men participating in our study was higher than women. When the cases were evaluated according to the age range; The 21-30 age group was the most frequent age group. When the ages of the cases were evaluated according to gender; women were most frequently in the age range of 41-50 years, and men were most frequently in the 21-30 age range. In our study, it was found that grade 1-3 lesions were seen in advanced ages and grade 4-6 lesions called as complicated lesions in older ages. The most common atherosclerotic findings were observed in the LAD artery in both genders. When we look at the number of atherosclerotic vessels seen in histopathological examination; the most common one vessel, the second most frequently seen in the double vessel, and the third one in the three vessels. Key words: Forensic Medicine, Forensic Autopsy, Atherosclerosis, Coronary Artery, Traumatic Death
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adli Tıp, Forensic Medicine, , , , , , , , , , ,