Hacı Taşan türkülerinin viyolonsel ile çalımına yönelik eğitim materyallerinin hazırlanması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Abdallar çok eski dönemlerden beri yazılı kaynaklara göre Türkmen aşireti olarak bilinmektedir. Abdallar Anadolu'ya başlayan göç dalgalarından sonra yaşadığımız topraklara gelmiş ve birçok farklı mesleklerle uğraşsalar da daha çok düğünlerde davul-zurna çalıp müzisyenlik yaparak geçimlerini günümüze dek sürdürmüşlerdir. Abdallar olarak adlandırılan bu Türkmen aşiretinde birçok aşık-ozan yetişmiştir. Bu ozanlardan biri de Hacı Taşan'dır. Bu araştırmada Hacı Taşan'a ait kırık hava formunda 5 türkünün viyolonsele aktarımı yapılmış ve bu aktarımı yapılan türkülerin çalımında ortaya çıkan karakteristik kazanımlara yönelik eğitim amaçlı örnek çalışmalar (dizi, alıştırma ve etütler) hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma, nitel veri toplama tekniklerinin kullanıldığı betimsel bir çalışmadır. Veri toplama yöntemlerinden de doküman analizi tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Türkülerin viyolonsele aktarımında ve eğitim amaçlı örnek çalışmaların hazırlanması sırasında uzman görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Örneklemi oluşturan 5 türkü için birer makamsal dizi, karakteristik kazanımlarına yönelik birçok alıştırma ve bu kazanımların hepsini içeren birer etüt hazırlanmıştır. Bu araştırma Kırıkkale'nin kültürel bir değeri olan Hacı Taşan ve türkülerinin ulusal-uluslararası platformlarda tanınması ve bu türkülerin viyolonsel repertuvarına kazandırılması bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Ayrıca gerek viyolonsel gerekse başka çalgılara halk ezgilerinin uyarlanması ile ilgili yapılacak olan çalışmalara ışık tutması bu araştırmanın başka bir önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hacı Taşan, viyolonsel eğitimi, Kırıkkale türküleri, uyarlama.
Abdals have been known as the Turkmen tribe according to written sources since ancient times. Abdals have come to the lands we live in with the waves of immigration that started to Anatolia, although they deal with many different professions, they have sustained their livelihood by working as musicians and playing drums-zurna at weddings until today. There were many aşık and ozan in this Turkmen tribe called Abdals. One of these ozans is Hacı Taşan. In this research, 5 folk songs in kırık hava form belonging to Hacı Taşan were transferred to cello and sample studies (scale, exercises and etudes) for educational purposes were prepared for the characteristic learning outcome that arise during the performance of these songs. The research is a descriptive study in which qualitative data collection techniques are used. Document analysis technique was used among the data collection methods. Expert opinions were consulted during the transfer of folk songs to cello and during the preparation of samples studies for educational purposes. A modal (maqam) scales for each of the 5 folk songs that make up the sample, many exercises for their characteristic learning outcome and a etudes including all of these learning outcome were prepared. This research is of great importance in terms of introducing Hacı Taşan and his folk songs, which are a cultural value of Kırıkkale, in national and international platforms and adding these folk songs to the cello repertoire. In addition, the fact that it sheds light on the studies about the adaptation of folk melodies to both cello and other instruments reveals another importance of this research. Key Words: Hacı Taşan, violoncello education, Kirikkale folk songs, arrangement.
Abdals have been known as the Turkmen tribe according to written sources since ancient times. Abdals have come to the lands we live in with the waves of immigration that started to Anatolia, although they deal with many different professions, they have sustained their livelihood by working as musicians and playing drums-zurna at weddings until today. There were many aşık and ozan in this Turkmen tribe called Abdals. One of these ozans is Hacı Taşan. In this research, 5 folk songs in kırık hava form belonging to Hacı Taşan were transferred to cello and sample studies (scale, exercises and etudes) for educational purposes were prepared for the characteristic learning outcome that arise during the performance of these songs. The research is a descriptive study in which qualitative data collection techniques are used. Document analysis technique was used among the data collection methods. Expert opinions were consulted during the transfer of folk songs to cello and during the preparation of samples studies for educational purposes. A modal (maqam) scales for each of the 5 folk songs that make up the sample, many exercises for their characteristic learning outcome and a etudes including all of these learning outcome were prepared. This research is of great importance in terms of introducing Hacı Taşan and his folk songs, which are a cultural value of Kırıkkale, in national and international platforms and adding these folk songs to the cello repertoire. In addition, the fact that it sheds light on the studies about the adaptation of folk melodies to both cello and other instruments reveals another importance of this research. Key Words: Hacı Taşan, violoncello education, Kirikkale folk songs, arrangement.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Müzik Ana Bilim Dalı, Müzik Bilimleri Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Müzik, Music