Klinik ve radyolojik olarak tüberküloz öntanısı konulan hastalarda direkt mikroskobi ve kültür yöntemlerinin ELISA sonuçları ile kıyaslanması
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis infeksiyonlarının son yıllarda gittikçe artış göstermesi nedeniyle hastalığın kontrolünde hızlı tanı yöntemlerine gereksinim artmıştır. Bu çalışmada, tüberkülozun bakteriyolojik tanı ile ELISA ile yapılan serolojik tanısının karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Prospektif olarak yapılan çalışma ile bir yıl içinde Kırıkkale Verem Savaş Dispanseri'ne başvuran 6897 kişinin (4868 erkek 2029 kadın) balgamlarında Ehrlich-Ziehl-Neelsen (EZN) boyama yöntemi ile tüberküloz basillerine bakıldı. Radyolojik inceleme, boyama ve klinik bulgularına göre tüberküloz olduğu düşünülen 51 kişi ile 84 kişilik kontrol grubunun Lowenstein-Jensen besiyerinde kültürleri yapılarak alınan kanlarından da ELISA yöntemi ile M. tuberculosis'e ait IgG ve IgM antijen 38'e bakıldı. Çıkan sonuçlar birbirleri ile kıyaslandı, tüberküloz öntanılı 51 hastadan Tüberküloz ELISA Antijen 38 ile 37 kişide (%72.5) IgG, 11 kişide (%21.2) IgM antikorları saptandı. Bu 51 hastanın EZN boyama sonuçları, kültür sonuçları ve Tüberküloz ELISA Antijen 38 sonuçlarının birbiri ile uyumlu oldukları görüldü. Tüberküloz ELISA Antijen 38'in IgM veya IgG antikorları birlikte değerlendirildiğinde; duyarlılığı %87.5, özgüllüğü %100 ve pozitif prediktif değerini %93.5 olarak bulundu. Sonuç olarak; tüberküloz ELISA Antijen 38'in hızlı, güvenilir bir test olduğu ve diğer laboratuvar bulgularını desteklediği, verem savaş dispanserleri gibi tüberkülozun araştırıldığı laboratuvarlarda kullanılmasının yararlı olacağı belirlendi.
Due to the increasing rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections, the need for rapid diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of the disease has emerged. The purpose of this study was to compare the bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis with its serological diagnosis using ELISA. In the current prospective study, sputum specimensof 6897 patients (4868 males and 2029 females) who attended Tuberculosis Control Dispensary, Kırıkkale, in one year were examined for the presence of tubercule bacilli using Ehrlich-Ziehl Neelsen (EZN) staining method. Sputum specimens of the control group which consisted of 84 individuals and 51 individuals suspected to have tuberculosis in view of specimen staining, radiological examination, and clinical findings were cultured using Lbwensteifi-Jensen method. Moreover, blood samples of these patients were collected and examined with ELISA for the presence öf IgG and IgM antibodies against antigen 38 which is an indicator of tuberculosis. Findings were compared with eachother. Of 51 patients prediagnosed as tuberculosis, 37 (72.5%) were IgG positive and 11 (21.2%) were IgM positive serologically and results of EZN staining method, sputum culture, and antigen 38 were in congruence with each other. When evaluated together with IgG or IgM, Tb. ELISA Ag. 38 had a sensitivity of 87.5 %, specificity of 100% and positive predictivity of 93.5%. It is concluded that tuberculosis ELISA antigen 38 is a fast and reliable test supporting other laboratory findings and could be used at tuberculosis dispensaries.
Due to the increasing rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections, the need for rapid diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of the disease has emerged. The purpose of this study was to compare the bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis with its serological diagnosis using ELISA. In the current prospective study, sputum specimensof 6897 patients (4868 males and 2029 females) who attended Tuberculosis Control Dispensary, Kırıkkale, in one year were examined for the presence of tubercule bacilli using Ehrlich-Ziehl Neelsen (EZN) staining method. Sputum specimens of the control group which consisted of 84 individuals and 51 individuals suspected to have tuberculosis in view of specimen staining, radiological examination, and clinical findings were cultured using Lbwensteifi-Jensen method. Moreover, blood samples of these patients were collected and examined with ELISA for the presence öf IgG and IgM antibodies against antigen 38 which is an indicator of tuberculosis. Findings were compared with eachother. Of 51 patients prediagnosed as tuberculosis, 37 (72.5%) were IgG positive and 11 (21.2%) were IgM positive serologically and results of EZN staining method, sputum culture, and antigen 38 were in congruence with each other. When evaluated together with IgG or IgM, Tb. ELISA Ag. 38 had a sensitivity of 87.5 %, specificity of 100% and positive predictivity of 93.5%. It is concluded that tuberculosis ELISA antigen 38 is a fast and reliable test supporting other laboratory findings and could be used at tuberculosis dispensaries.
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