Ratlarda laminektomi sonrası gelişen peridural fibroziste biyofiziksel bariyerlerin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Spinal cerrahi sonrası oluşan peridural fibrozis nöral elemanların ve özellikle spinal sinirlerin etrafını sıkıca sarıp baskı bulgularına yol açabilmekte cerrahi öncesi klinik bulgulara benzer bulguların tekrarına neden olabilmektedir. Tüm bu nedenlerle bu inflamatuvar süreci durdurmaya ya da en azından azaltmaya yönelik medikal literatürde çalışmalar halen devam etmekte olup henüz ekonomik ve faydalı bir metot, teknik ya da farmakolojik ajan ortaya konamamıştır. Bu deneysel çalışma "hyaluronik asit (HAS)", "polietilen glikol ve polietilen imine (PEG)" ve "trombositten zengin plazma (PRP)" kullanılarak peridural fibrozisi azaltmada etkin bir çözüm bulmaya yönelik olarak planlanmıştır. Bu deneysel çalışmada 34 adet Wistar albino rat randomize şekilde DONÖR; KONTROL; SHAM; HAS; PEG ve PRP grubuna ayrılmıştır. Daha sonra DONOR ve KONTROL grubu hariç deneklere spinal korda zarar vermeden L3-L4-L5 aralığından laminektomi uygulandı ve yukarıda tarif edilen ilgili gruplara ilgili farmakolojik ajan uygulandı. Altı haftanın sonunda tüm deneklerin spinal vertebral kolonu çıkarılıp histopatolojik incelemeye ve polimerize zincir reaksiyon gen ekspresyon analizine tabi tutuldu. Polietilen glikol ve polietilen imine dural bariyer ve trombositten zengin plazma isimli farmakolojik ajanların ratlarda oluşturulan laminektomi modelinde peridural fibrozis oluşumunu salt cerrahi yapılan dokuya göre belirgin ve benzer düzeyde azalttığı gözlendi. Bu bulgularla bu etken maddelerin klinikte hastalar üzerinde kullanımının faydalı olabileceği düşünüldü. Anahtar kelimeler: Spinal cerrahi, peridural fibrozis, hyalüronik asit, polietilen glikol ve polietilen imine, trombositten zengin plazma (PRP), dural bariyer.
Peridural fibrosis which is an inflammatory response developed after the spinal surgery could adhere the neural tissue closely and may cause to the neural entrapment symptoms. This experimental study was conducted to solve this problem efficiently by investigating the effects of the hyaluronic acide dural barrier (HAS), polyethylene glycol and polyethilene imine dural barrier (PEG) and platelet rich plasma (PRP) to the peridural fibrosis in laminectomy model in rat. İn this study, 34 male Wistar albino rats were divided into 5 groups randomly as following: DONOR; CONTROL; SHAM; HAS; PEG and PRP groups. Then except the DONOR and CONTROL groups, L3-4-5 laminectomywas performed to the animals and all experimental drugs were administered to the selective groups mentioned above. Six weeks later the spinal colons were removed and investigated histopathologically and using the real time polimerase chain reaction to obtain the collagen type-1 and -3, transfroming growth factor-1ß, tumor necrosis factor- ?, and interferon-? gene expressions. All results demonstrated that polyethylene glycol and polyethilene imine dural barrier; and platelet rich plasma could decrease the peridural fibrosis. As conclusion, these results also suggested that these pharmacological agents could be used in human subjects after they will be investigated future detailed studies. Key words: Spinal surgeryi, peridural fibrosis, hyalüronic acide, poliethylene glycol ve poliethylene imine, platelet rich plasma, PRP, dural barrier.
Peridural fibrosis which is an inflammatory response developed after the spinal surgery could adhere the neural tissue closely and may cause to the neural entrapment symptoms. This experimental study was conducted to solve this problem efficiently by investigating the effects of the hyaluronic acide dural barrier (HAS), polyethylene glycol and polyethilene imine dural barrier (PEG) and platelet rich plasma (PRP) to the peridural fibrosis in laminectomy model in rat. İn this study, 34 male Wistar albino rats were divided into 5 groups randomly as following: DONOR; CONTROL; SHAM; HAS; PEG and PRP groups. Then except the DONOR and CONTROL groups, L3-4-5 laminectomywas performed to the animals and all experimental drugs were administered to the selective groups mentioned above. Six weeks later the spinal colons were removed and investigated histopathologically and using the real time polimerase chain reaction to obtain the collagen type-1 and -3, transfroming growth factor-1ß, tumor necrosis factor- ?, and interferon-? gene expressions. All results demonstrated that polyethylene glycol and polyethilene imine dural barrier; and platelet rich plasma could decrease the peridural fibrosis. As conclusion, these results also suggested that these pharmacological agents could be used in human subjects after they will be investigated future detailed studies. Key words: Spinal surgeryi, peridural fibrosis, hyalüronic acide, poliethylene glycol ve poliethylene imine, platelet rich plasma, PRP, dural barrier.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroşirürji, Neurosurgery, , , , , ,