Amanullah Han dönemi Türk-Afgan ilişkileri (1919-1929)
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Afganistan bulunduğu coğrafi konum ve sahip olduğu stratejik önem nedeniyle, tarih sayfalarında kilit ve hedefteki ülke olarak yer almıştır. Bu düşüncenin doğal bir sonucu olarak M.Ö. 500'lü yılardan itibaren İranlılar, Makedonlar, Sakalar, Akhunlar, Araplar, Gazneliler, Harzemşahlar, Moğollar ve Babürler gibi birçok devlet tarafından ele geçirilen günümüzdeki Afganistan toprakları, sarp dağları ve sert coğrafyasıyla 1747 yılında Ahmet Şah Dürrani'nin oluşturduğu siyasi birlik adıyla bilinen Afganistan ve 19.yüzyılın başlarından itibaren İngiltere ve Çarlık Rusyası'nın hegemonya mücadelelerine ev sahipliği yapmış olup emperyalist güçlerle verdiği amansız mücadelelerden başarı ile çıkarak bağımsızlığını kazanmıştır. Babasının vefatından sonra 1919 yılında tahta çıkan Kral Amanullah Han, üçüncü Afgan-İngiliz savaşı sonrası Afganistan'ın bağımsızlığı için çabalarken, aynı tarihlerde Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK de Türkiye'nin bütünlüğü ve bağımsızlığı için Türk ulusu ile beraber Kurtuluş mücadelesinin içindeydi. Bütün bu benzer gelişmeler içinde er ya da geç iki liderin yollarının kesişmesi de sürpriz olmamıştır. 1 Mart 1921 yılında ilk Türk-Afgan antlaşması Moskova'da yapılmış olup bu antlaşmadan sonra Türkiye, Afganistan'a bir temsilci göndermiş ve Afganistan da Türkiye'ye bir temsilci göndererek siyasi ilişkiler başlamıştır. Aynı zamanda Afganistan bağımsızlığını kazandıktan sonra ülkeye yönelik reformlara başlayan Kral Amanullah Han ilk isyanla 1924 yılında karşılamıştır. Türkiye ile Afganistan arasındaki ilişkiler, Kral Amanullah Han'ın Türkiye'yi ziyareti ile daha üst düzeyde yükselmiştir. Kendisi bir asker olan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sahip olduğu ileri görüşlülük ve jeopolitik kültür ile Türkiye'nin konumunu çok iyi değerlendirmiş, ülkeyi o dönemde akıl ve bilimin öncüsü olan batıya doğru götürmeyi hedeflerken bile doğudan ilgisini kesmemiş ve Türkiye'nin doğusunda yer alan Türk ve İslam ülkeleriyle yakından ilgilenmiştir. Orta Asya Türk dünyasının güney ucunda yer alan ve genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ni tüm Müslüman halkların kurtarıcısı olarak gören Afganistan, Türklerin dünyaya açılan kapısı olduğunu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk iyi değerlendirmiş ve bu sebeple Afganistan'a özel bir önem vermiştir. Bu doğrultuda Afganistan ile 25 Mayıs 1928 tarihinde ikinci antlaşmalarını imzalanmış ve Türkiye ile Afganistan iki dost ülke olarak geleceğe doğru daha da ilişkilerini güçlendirerek bir dayanışma içine girmişlerdir. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve Amanullah Han'ın, Afganistan'ın modern bir ülke haline getirme düşüncesi içinde oldukları açıkça anlaşılmaktadır. Ancak Afganistan'ın toplumsal dinamiklerinin katılığı, Amanullah Han ülkenin nabzını iyi tutamaması ve aceleci yaklaşımları sebebiyle büyük bir hayal kırıklığına uğramış ve isyanlar ve ayaklanmalar sebebiyle tahtı bırakarak ülkeden uzaklaşmak zorunda kalmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Afganistan, Amanullah Han, Ankara, Moskova, Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk), Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Afghanistan is due to its geographical position and the strategic importance of having, in the pages of history it has taken place in the country and lock the target. As an outgrowth of this idea B.C. 500's since the year Iranians, Macedonians, Jokes, Akkhunians, Arabs, Gazneinans, Kharazımshas, Mongols and Mughals as seized by many states current Afghan territory, steep mountains and the harsh geograph In 1747 Ahmad Shah Durrani created by the political union known as the Afghanistan and since the early 19th century Britain and Tsarist Russia has hosted the struggle for hegemony given the relentless struggle with the imperialist powers Taking gained independence with success. After his father's death in 1919, the board of King Amanullah Khan, After the third Afghan-British war strive for the independence of Afghanistan, By the same date Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Turkey's integrity and independence of the Turkish nation was in the liberation struggle with. Similar improvements in all this sooner or later the road was not surprised at the intersection of the two leaders. 1 March 1921 In the first Turkish-Afghan agreement is made in Moscow after this treaty Turkey has sent a representative to Afghanistan Afghanistan and political relations began sending a representative to Turkey. At the same time after winning the independence of Afghanistan began to reform the country for the first revolt was met King Amanullah Khan in 1924. The relations between Turkey and Afghanistan, King Amanullah Khan's visit to Turkey has risen to a higher level. He is a soldier, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk owned foresight and culture of Turkey's geopolitical position has been very well evaluated, at that time the country's leading science and reason, which aims to bring even been cutting interest westward from the east and the east of Turkey and Turkey has been concerned with Islamic countries. Central Asian Turks to located and young Republic of Turkey on the southern end of the world all the Islamic nations of the Savior in seeing Afghanistan evaluated the Turks is the gateway to the world of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk well and has a special importance, therefore, of Afghanistan. In this regard, they entered the second agreement signed on 25 May 1928 and the two friendly countries as Afghanistan and Turkey and Afghanistan into further strengthening the solidarity relationship into the future. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and Amanullah Khan, in Afghanistan it is clear that the idea of making a modern country. However, the social dynamic stiffness of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan was forced to escape the country's pulse and AMAS good pinch hasty approach due undergone a major disappointment and rebellion and revolt due to the country flowing throne here. Key Words: Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan, Ankara, Moskova, Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk), Turkish National Assamble, Turkish Repablic.
Afghanistan is due to its geographical position and the strategic importance of having, in the pages of history it has taken place in the country and lock the target. As an outgrowth of this idea B.C. 500's since the year Iranians, Macedonians, Jokes, Akkhunians, Arabs, Gazneinans, Kharazımshas, Mongols and Mughals as seized by many states current Afghan territory, steep mountains and the harsh geograph In 1747 Ahmad Shah Durrani created by the political union known as the Afghanistan and since the early 19th century Britain and Tsarist Russia has hosted the struggle for hegemony given the relentless struggle with the imperialist powers Taking gained independence with success. After his father's death in 1919, the board of King Amanullah Khan, After the third Afghan-British war strive for the independence of Afghanistan, By the same date Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Turkey's integrity and independence of the Turkish nation was in the liberation struggle with. Similar improvements in all this sooner or later the road was not surprised at the intersection of the two leaders. 1 March 1921 In the first Turkish-Afghan agreement is made in Moscow after this treaty Turkey has sent a representative to Afghanistan Afghanistan and political relations began sending a representative to Turkey. At the same time after winning the independence of Afghanistan began to reform the country for the first revolt was met King Amanullah Khan in 1924. The relations between Turkey and Afghanistan, King Amanullah Khan's visit to Turkey has risen to a higher level. He is a soldier, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk owned foresight and culture of Turkey's geopolitical position has been very well evaluated, at that time the country's leading science and reason, which aims to bring even been cutting interest westward from the east and the east of Turkey and Turkey has been concerned with Islamic countries. Central Asian Turks to located and young Republic of Turkey on the southern end of the world all the Islamic nations of the Savior in seeing Afghanistan evaluated the Turks is the gateway to the world of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk well and has a special importance, therefore, of Afghanistan. In this regard, they entered the second agreement signed on 25 May 1928 and the two friendly countries as Afghanistan and Turkey and Afghanistan into further strengthening the solidarity relationship into the future. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and Amanullah Khan, in Afghanistan it is clear that the idea of making a modern country. However, the social dynamic stiffness of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan was forced to escape the country's pulse and AMAS good pinch hasty approach due undergone a major disappointment and rebellion and revolt due to the country flowing throne here. Key Words: Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan, Ankara, Moskova, Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk), Turkish National Assamble, Turkish Repablic.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations