İshalli çocukların dışkılarından izole edilen enterokoklarda vankomisin direnci ve yüksek seviyede aminoglikozit direncinin araştırılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacımız; ishalli çocukların feceşlerinden izole edilen enterokokların vankomisine ve yüksek seviyede aminoglikozitlere direncini incelemekti. Gereç ve yöntem: Enterokoklar geleneksel yöntemlerle tanımlandı. Suşların vankomisine direnci (VD) ve yüksek seviyede aminoglikozitlere direnci (YSAD) agar tarama metodu ile test edildi. VD ve YSAD suşlar, ticari identifikasyon kiti ile tiplendirildi. Bunların ampisilin (A), eritromisin (E), tetrasiklin (T), rifampin (R),e kloramfenikol (C)'e dirençleri standart disk düffüzyon yöntemi ile araştırıldı. Sonuçlar: Toplam 379 enterokok izole edildi. Kırk üç enterokok (%11), vankomisin ve/veya yüksek seviyede aminoglikozitlere dirençliydi. Vankomisine dirençli enterokokların (VRE) %4,4'ü ishalli dışkılardan, %2,3'ü sağlıklı dışkılardan saptandı. Streptomisine yüksek seviyede direnç (%8) ve gentamisinde yüksek seviyede direnç (%4) arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı. (P=0.008). Tüm YSAD'li suşlar A, R, C, E, T'ye yüksek oranlarda dirence sahipti. VR ve/veya HLRA E. faecalis'lar ishalli feceşlerde sağlıklı feceşlerden daha sıklıkla izole edildi. İshalli hastalarda ciddi bir patojen olan E. faecalis türü nadiren patojenite gösteren E. casseliflavus'lara göre daha sık gözlendi. Sonuç olarak ishalli dışkılar, vankomisin ve/veya YSA'lere dirençli E. faecalis'lerin toplumda kontrolsüzce yayılımında önemli bir risk faktörüdür.Anahtar Sözcükler: Vankomisin dirençli enterokok, yüksek seviyede aminoglikozit direnci, ishalli çocuk, VRE, YSADDestekleyen kurum: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi (proje no: 2006/49)
Aim: In this study, our aim was to investigate the resistance to vancomycin (VR) and high-level resistance to aminoglicosides (HLRA) of enterococci isolated from feces of diarheal children. Material(s) and Method(s): The enterococci were described by traditional methods. The VR and HLRA of strains were tested by agar scaning method. VR and HLRA strains were typed by commercial identification kit and they were tested for their sensitivity to ampicillin (A), erythromycin (E), rifampin (R), chloramphenicol (C), tetracycline (T) using the Standard disk-diffusion method. Results: Totally 379 enterococci were isolated. Fourty three (%11) enterococci were resistant to vancomicine and/or highly resistant to aminoglicosides. 4.4% of vancomycin-resistant-enterococci (VRE) was from diarheal feces, and %2.3 was from healthy feces. There was a statistically significant difference between high level resistance to streptomycin (%8) and gentamicin (%4) ( P= 0.008). All HLRA strains had high resistance to A, R, C,E and T. The VRE and HLRA E. faecalis were more frequently isolated in diarheal feces than in healthy feces. E. faecalis, which is a pathogenic strain, was found more frequent than seldom pathogenic E. casseliflavus in diarheal samples. In conclusion, diarheal feces is an important risk factor on uncontrolled spread of VR and/or HLRA, E. faecalis in the community.Key words: Vancomycin resistant enterococci, high level aminoglycoside resistance, diarheal child. VRE, HLRASupported by: Kırıkkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (proje number: 2006/49)
Aim: In this study, our aim was to investigate the resistance to vancomycin (VR) and high-level resistance to aminoglicosides (HLRA) of enterococci isolated from feces of diarheal children. Material(s) and Method(s): The enterococci were described by traditional methods. The VR and HLRA of strains were tested by agar scaning method. VR and HLRA strains were typed by commercial identification kit and they were tested for their sensitivity to ampicillin (A), erythromycin (E), rifampin (R), chloramphenicol (C), tetracycline (T) using the Standard disk-diffusion method. Results: Totally 379 enterococci were isolated. Fourty three (%11) enterococci were resistant to vancomicine and/or highly resistant to aminoglicosides. 4.4% of vancomycin-resistant-enterococci (VRE) was from diarheal feces, and %2.3 was from healthy feces. There was a statistically significant difference between high level resistance to streptomycin (%8) and gentamicin (%4) ( P= 0.008). All HLRA strains had high resistance to A, R, C,E and T. The VRE and HLRA E. faecalis were more frequently isolated in diarheal feces than in healthy feces. E. faecalis, which is a pathogenic strain, was found more frequent than seldom pathogenic E. casseliflavus in diarheal samples. In conclusion, diarheal feces is an important risk factor on uncontrolled spread of VR and/or HLRA, E. faecalis in the community.Key words: Vancomycin resistant enterococci, high level aminoglycoside resistance, diarheal child. VRE, HLRASupported by: Kırıkkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (proje number: 2006/49)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology