Tip 2 diabetes mellituslu hastalarda APO B içeren lipoproteinlerdeki sialik asidin önemi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Karaca Kara F, Tip II Diabetes Mellituslu Hastalarda Apo B İçeren Lipoproteinlerdeki Sialik Asidin Önemi, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale, 2004. Diabetes mellitusta (DM) kardiovasküler hastalıktan ölüm riski normal populasyondan beş kat daha fazladır. Çalışmaların bir kısmında düşük dansiteli lipoproteinlerdeki (LDL) düşük sialik asit (S A) içeriği aterojenite ve koroner arter hastalığı ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Bundan dolayı DM'de kardiovasküler risk yönünden serum proteinlerindeki ve Apo B içeren lipoproteinlerdeki SA seviyelerini ölçüp, çeşitli parametrelerle olan ilişkisini araştırdık. Bu çalışmada 96 Tip II DM'li ve 25 kişilik kontrol grubunda, Apo B içeren lipoproteinlerdeki sialik asidi (Bağlı SA: BSA), total sialik asit (TSA), açlık kan şekeri (AKŞ), trigliserid (TG), total kolesterol, total protein (TPROT), yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein (HDL-K), Apo B ve HbAıc ölçümleri yapıldı. TSA/PROT, BSA/Apo B, BSA/ Apo B içeren lipoproteinlerdeki kolesterol (BSA / ALT-K), TSA/BSA, BSA/LDL ve BSA/TG'de hesaplandı. Diabetik grupta AKŞ, TG ve HbAıc düzeylerinin anlamlı ölçüde yüksek (p< 0,001), BSA/TG değerinin ise düşük olduğu (p=0,014) tespit edildi. Hasta ve kontrol grubunda BSA ile; TSA (r=0,477 p<0,001; r=0.525 p=0,007), TG ( r=0,631 p<0,001; r=0,686 p<0,001), kolesterol (r=0,615 p<0,001; r=0,767 p<0,001) ve LDL- K arasında (r=0,353 p<0,001; r=0,694 p<0,001) anlamlı bir pozitif korelasyon bulunurken, hasta grubunda ise HDL-K ile anlamlı negatif bir korelasyon (r=-0,367 p<0,001) bulundu. Hasta grubunda AKŞ ile TSA arasında, TSA ile hasta yaşı arasında ve HbAıc ile TSA/PROT arasında anlamlı pozitif korelasyon saptandı. BSA/TG değerlerinin, diabetik grupta kontrol grubundan daha düşük olması, açlık kanında TG düzeyinin ana kaynağı olan VLDL'nin SA içeriğinin düşük olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Düşük SA içeriği VLDL'nin daha fazla LDL'ye dönüşümüne neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, tesbit ettiğimiz BSA/TG düzeyindeki düşüklüğün diabetiklerdeki ateroskleroz patogenezinde rol oynayabileceğine inanıyoruz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sialik asit, diabetes mellitus, lipoproteinler.
VI ABSTRACT Karaca Kara F, The Importance of Sialic Acid at Lipoproteins Containing Apo B in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, University of Kirikkale, Faculty of Medicine, Departman of Biochemistry, Specialization Thesis, Kirikkale, 2003. It has been suggested that the risk of death from coroner artery heart disease (CAHD) in diabetic patients is five times higher than normal population. Several researchers have reported relation between sialic acid (SA) content of LDL and atherosclerosis and CAHD. For this reason, we investigated SA levels of sera proteins and lipoproteins containing ApoB, we also investigated relationship between SA levels and several parameters. Samples were obtained from 96 type II diabetic and 25 control subjects. Sialic acid in lipoproteins containing Apo B (Bound SA: BSA), total serum sialic acid (TSA), fasting glucose (FG), trigliserid (TG), total kolesterol, total protein, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), Apo B and HbAic levels were measured and TSA/TPROT, BSA /ApoB, BSA/Cholesterol in Lipoproteins Containing Apo B (BSA/C-LpApo B), TSA/BSA, BSA/Low Density Lipoproteins Cholesterol (BSA/LDL-C), BSA/TG were calculated in these patients and results were compared to those of controls, who were chosen among healthy subjects. Results suggested that, FG,TG and HbAic levels are significantly higher (p<0,001) but BSA/TG ratio is lower (p=0,014) in diabetic patients compared to nondiabetics. In study and control groups, significant positive corelations were found between BSA and TSA, (r=0,477 p<0,001; r=0,525 p=0,007), TG ( r=0,631 p<0,001; r=0,686 p<0,001), cholesterol (r=0,615 p<0,001; r=0,767 p<0,001) and LDL-C level (r=0,353 p<0,001; r=0,694 p<0,001) but in the study group significant negative correlation was found between BSA and HDL-C levels (r=-0,367 p<0,001). There were also significant positive correlations between FG and TSA, TSA and age of patients, HbAic and TSA/PROT in the patient group. The BSA/TG ratio is decreased in the diabetic group. This lower level of this ratio suggest that S A content of the VLDL the major source of the fasting blood TG level is decreased. Decreased SA content leads to increased transformation of VLDL to LDL, so wevıı believe that decreased BSA/TG ratio may have a role in pathogenesis of diabetic atherosclerosis. Keywords: Sialic acid, diabetes mellitus, lipoproteins
VI ABSTRACT Karaca Kara F, The Importance of Sialic Acid at Lipoproteins Containing Apo B in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, University of Kirikkale, Faculty of Medicine, Departman of Biochemistry, Specialization Thesis, Kirikkale, 2003. It has been suggested that the risk of death from coroner artery heart disease (CAHD) in diabetic patients is five times higher than normal population. Several researchers have reported relation between sialic acid (SA) content of LDL and atherosclerosis and CAHD. For this reason, we investigated SA levels of sera proteins and lipoproteins containing ApoB, we also investigated relationship between SA levels and several parameters. Samples were obtained from 96 type II diabetic and 25 control subjects. Sialic acid in lipoproteins containing Apo B (Bound SA: BSA), total serum sialic acid (TSA), fasting glucose (FG), trigliserid (TG), total kolesterol, total protein, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), Apo B and HbAic levels were measured and TSA/TPROT, BSA /ApoB, BSA/Cholesterol in Lipoproteins Containing Apo B (BSA/C-LpApo B), TSA/BSA, BSA/Low Density Lipoproteins Cholesterol (BSA/LDL-C), BSA/TG were calculated in these patients and results were compared to those of controls, who were chosen among healthy subjects. Results suggested that, FG,TG and HbAic levels are significantly higher (p<0,001) but BSA/TG ratio is lower (p=0,014) in diabetic patients compared to nondiabetics. In study and control groups, significant positive corelations were found between BSA and TSA, (r=0,477 p<0,001; r=0,525 p=0,007), TG ( r=0,631 p<0,001; r=0,686 p<0,001), cholesterol (r=0,615 p<0,001; r=0,767 p<0,001) and LDL-C level (r=0,353 p<0,001; r=0,694 p<0,001) but in the study group significant negative correlation was found between BSA and HDL-C levels (r=-0,367 p<0,001). There were also significant positive correlations between FG and TSA, TSA and age of patients, HbAic and TSA/PROT in the patient group. The BSA/TG ratio is decreased in the diabetic group. This lower level of this ratio suggest that S A content of the VLDL the major source of the fasting blood TG level is decreased. Decreased SA content leads to increased transformation of VLDL to LDL, so wevıı believe that decreased BSA/TG ratio may have a role in pathogenesis of diabetic atherosclerosis. Keywords: Sialic acid, diabetes mellitus, lipoproteins
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Kırıkkale, Kırıkkale ; Siyasal katılma, Political participation ; Siyasal sistem, Political system ; Siyasal toplumsallaşma, Political socialization ; Siyaset, Politics ; Siyasi kültür, Political culture ; Sosyolojik özellik, Sociological characteristic