Kırıkkale yöresinde insanlarda chikungunya virüs, dengue virüs ve batı nil virüs seroprevalansının saptanması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Chikungunya virüs (CHIKV), Dengue virüsü (DENV) ve Batı Nil virüsü (BNV) önemli vektör kaynaklı viral hemorajik ateş olarak bilinen, ateş, döküntü, eklem ağrısı, kaseklem ağrıları ve/veya menenjit, ensefalit ve meningoensefalit tablosuna yol açabilen ve önemleri giderek artan etkenlerdir. Ülkemiz, coğrafi konumu ve ekolojik özellikleri nedeniyle vektör kaynaklı pekçok virüs ile vektörlerinin yaşam döngüleri içinde yer almaktadır. Ülkemizde BNV için yapılmış seroprevalans çalışmaları mevcut iken CHIKV ve DENV için yapılmış kapsamlı seroprevalans çalışması mevcut değildir. Bu amaçla ilimizde yaşayan insanlarda CHIKV, DENV ve BNV seroprevalansının saptanmasını amaçladık. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi veri tabanından 2014 Kırıkkale il/ilçe ve belde/köy nüfusuna ulaşıldı. Rastgele örnekleme yönteminden orantılı tabakalı örnekleme yöntemiyle 500 örneklem alınması planlandı. Temmuz- Kasım 2015 tarihleri arasında sahaya çıkılarak kişilere rastgele olarak ulaşıldı. Kişilerden alınan kan örnekleri 10 dakika 4000x g'de santrifüj edilerek serumlar elde edildi. Bu serum örnekleri alikotlanıp çalışma gününe kadar -80°C'lik derin dondurucuda saklandı. İlk olarak tüm serum örneklerinde CHIKV, DENV ve BNV IgG tipi antikorlar enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) yöntemi ile araştırıldı. Sonrasında CHIKV ve BNV IgG tipi antikorları İndirekt İmmunofloresan Test (IIFT) yöntemi ile doğrulandı. CHIKV IgG tipi antikorları ELISA yöntemiyle iki kişide (%0,4) pozitif bulunurken, dört kişide (%0,8) şüpheli pozitiflik tespit edildi. Ancak IIFT ile yapılan doğrulama çalışmasında CHIKV IgG tipi antikorları negatif bulundu. DENV IgG ELISA yöntemi ile pozitif ve şüpheli pozitif örnek saptanmadı. BNV IgG antikorları ELISA yöntemiyle iki kişide (%0,4) pozitiflik tespit edildi. Ancak IIFT ile yapılan doğrulama çalışmasında BNV IgG antikorları negatif olarak bulundu. Kırıkkale ilinde bu seroprevalans araştırmasında hiçbir pozitifliğin tespit edilmemiş olması memnuniyet verici olsa da civar illerde anılan vektörlerin bulunması, viral hemorajik ateşi işaret eden şikayetleri taşıyan insanlar için ayırıcı tanıda mutlaka düşünülmelidir. Bu araştırmanın vektör ve vektör-virüs araştırılması şeklinde genişletilmesi ve periyodik olarak yapılması aşikardır.
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), Dengue virus (DENV) and West Nile virus (BNV) are increasingly importantfactors can lead tomajor viral-induced viral haemorrhagic fever, rash, joint pain, muscle-joint pain and / or meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis. Our country, due to its geographical position and ecological characteristics, is in the life cycle of many vectors and vector-bourne viruses. While seroprevalence studies for BNV are available in our country, comprehensive seroprevalence studies for CHIKV and DENV are not available. For this purpose, we aimed to determine the seroprevalence of CHIKV, DENV and BNV in the people living in our province. Based on TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) addressed based population registration system (ADNKS) database, year 2014 the province / district and village / village population of Kırıkkale were reached. It was planned to take 500 samples by random sampling method with proportional layer sampling method. Between July and November 2015, the figures were reached at random. Blood samples taken from the individuals were centrifuged at 4000 x g for 10 minutes to obtain serum. These serum samples were aliquoted and stored at -80 °C in freezer until working day. First, in all serum samples, CHIKV, DENV and BNV IgG type antibodies were investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For this purpose, a commercial ELISA kit (Anti-Chikungunya Virus ELISA IgG, Euroimun, Germany) was used. Subsequently, CHIKV and BNV IgG type antibodies were confirmed by IIFT (indirect immunofluorescence test) method. For this purpose, a commercial kit (Anti-Chikungunya Virus IIFT, Euroimun, Germany) was used. CHIKV IgG type antibodies were positively detected in two individuals (0,4%) by ELISA method and four (0.8%) were positively suspicious. However, in the confirmation study with IIFT, CHIKV IgG type antibodies were found to be negative. Positive and suspicious positive samples were not detected by DENV IgG ELISA method. BNV IgG antibodies were detected in two individuals (0.4%) by ELISA method. However, in a validation study with IIFT, BNV IgG antibodies were found to be negative. Although it is pleasing that no positivity has been detected in this seroprevalence study in the province of Kırıkkale, the presence of the referred vectors in the vii surrounding provinces must be considered in the differential diagnosis for people who have complaints indicating viral haemorrhagic fever. It is obvious that this research should be extended in the form of vectors and vector-virus search and to be done periodically.
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), Dengue virus (DENV) and West Nile virus (BNV) are increasingly importantfactors can lead tomajor viral-induced viral haemorrhagic fever, rash, joint pain, muscle-joint pain and / or meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis. Our country, due to its geographical position and ecological characteristics, is in the life cycle of many vectors and vector-bourne viruses. While seroprevalence studies for BNV are available in our country, comprehensive seroprevalence studies for CHIKV and DENV are not available. For this purpose, we aimed to determine the seroprevalence of CHIKV, DENV and BNV in the people living in our province. Based on TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) addressed based population registration system (ADNKS) database, year 2014 the province / district and village / village population of Kırıkkale were reached. It was planned to take 500 samples by random sampling method with proportional layer sampling method. Between July and November 2015, the figures were reached at random. Blood samples taken from the individuals were centrifuged at 4000 x g for 10 minutes to obtain serum. These serum samples were aliquoted and stored at -80 °C in freezer until working day. First, in all serum samples, CHIKV, DENV and BNV IgG type antibodies were investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For this purpose, a commercial ELISA kit (Anti-Chikungunya Virus ELISA IgG, Euroimun, Germany) was used. Subsequently, CHIKV and BNV IgG type antibodies were confirmed by IIFT (indirect immunofluorescence test) method. For this purpose, a commercial kit (Anti-Chikungunya Virus IIFT, Euroimun, Germany) was used. CHIKV IgG type antibodies were positively detected in two individuals (0,4%) by ELISA method and four (0.8%) were positively suspicious. However, in the confirmation study with IIFT, CHIKV IgG type antibodies were found to be negative. Positive and suspicious positive samples were not detected by DENV IgG ELISA method. BNV IgG antibodies were detected in two individuals (0.4%) by ELISA method. However, in a validation study with IIFT, BNV IgG antibodies were found to be negative. Although it is pleasing that no positivity has been detected in this seroprevalence study in the province of Kırıkkale, the presence of the referred vectors in the vii surrounding provinces must be considered in the differential diagnosis for people who have complaints indicating viral haemorrhagic fever. It is obvious that this research should be extended in the form of vectors and vector-virus search and to be done periodically.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology, , , , , , , ,