Panik bozukluğunda beden duyumlarına odaklanmış dikkatin hiyerarşik görsel uzaysal işlemleme üzerinden aydınlatılması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Panik yaşantısının, felaketleştirme süreçlerini uyaran tehdit ilişkili bedensel duyumların yanlış yorumlanması ve panik hastalarının bedensel durum değişimine dikkatlerini daha çok odaklamaları ile ilişkili olduğu ileri sürülmüştür (Bilişsel-Dikkatsel Model). Bu çalışmada, PB hastalarında dikkatin beden duyumlarına yönelmesinin, ?hedef yönelimli dikkat süreçleri?nde bozulma ve işleyen bellek rezervinde azalmayla ilişki olup olmadığı, görsel-uzaysal hiyerarşik işlemleme ve işitsel sözel öğrenme ödevleri üzerinden değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.PB (n=12) ve kontrol grubu (n=12), el tercihi açısından eşleştirildi. Görsel-uzaysal hiyerarşik işlemlemeyi değerlendirmek amacıyla global ve lokal bileşenleri olan Navon harflerinin 10 santisaniye'lik süre boyunca, arka arkaya ve periferik görme alanından-sağdan veya soldan randomize olarak sunulduğu bir kompüterize ödev verildi. Her katılımcı ve uyaran özelliği için (global/lokal, girişimli/girişimsiz, uyaranın geldiği taraf sağ/sol), hem doğru yanıt oranı, hem de doğru yanıt süresi hesaplandı. Dikkat ve işleyen bellek kapasitesini değerlendirmek amacıyla, İşitsel-Sözel Öğrenme Testi (AVLT) uygulandı. Katılımcıların anksiyete düzeylerini belirlemek üzere, Durumluk-Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri (STAI) I-II ve bedensel belirtiler ile ilgili skorlama için Belirti Tarama Listesi (SCL)-90-R'ın somatik yakınmalar alt ölçeği kullanıldı.PB hastalarının lokal doğru yanıt oranları kontrollerden daha düşük, doğru yanıt süreleri daha uzun (sırasıyla, p=0.006 ve p=0.037), global girişime dirençleri daha kötü (p=0.034), AVLT IV, V, VIII skorları daha düşük ve SCL-90-R SY skorları ise daha yüksek bulundu. Ek olarak, AVLT I skorları ile lokal doğru oranı arasında pozitif ilişki olduğu saptandı (r=0.415, p=0.044).Bulgularımız, Panik Bozukluğu hastalarının görsel uzaysal dikkatin lokale odaklanması süreçlerinde daha başarısız olduklarını; girişim etkisi ile ödev performanslarının daha da kötüleştiğini (bu durum işleyen bellek kapasitesi ile ilişkilendirilebilir.) ve bu başarısızlığın bedensel duyumlara odaklanmayla pozitif bir ilişki gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur.
It has been suggested that panic experience is associated with threat-related somatic sensations which activate catastrophizing processes (Cognitive-Attentional Model). In this study, it was aimed to evaluate whether direction of attention to somatic sensations is related with both impaired ?goal-directed attentional process? and decreased working memory capacity in patients with panic disorder via visuo-spatial hierarchical processing and auditory verbal learning task.Panic Disorder (n=12) and control (n=12) groups were matched according to handedness. To assess visuo-spatial hierarchical processing, we used a computerized test which included Navon letters consisting of global and local components were presented consequtively and randomly, with duration of 10 centisecond in both right and left visual hemifield. For each participants and each characteristics of stimuli (global/local, with interference/without interference, presentation side of stimuli), both the number and time of correct responses were calculated. In addition, the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) were applied to assess working memory capacity. The anxiety levels and somatic symptom severity of the participants were measured with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) I-II and Somatization Subscale of Symptom Check List (SCL)-90-R, respectively.As a result, the patients with PD had lower correct response proportions and higher correct response duration at local level (p=0.006 and p=0.037 ,respectively). In addition, the patients? performance of resistance to global interference was worse compared to controls (p=0.034). The AVLT IV, V and VIII scores were lower and score of SCL-90-R SY was higher than those of controls. There was also positive correlation between AVLT I scores and local correct response proportions (r=0.415, p=0.044).Our findings suggested that, patients with PD experience difficulty in directing visuo-spatial attention to local level, their task performance worsens with interference effect (this may be associated with working memory capacity.) and their failure is positively correlated with focusing bodily sensations.
It has been suggested that panic experience is associated with threat-related somatic sensations which activate catastrophizing processes (Cognitive-Attentional Model). In this study, it was aimed to evaluate whether direction of attention to somatic sensations is related with both impaired ?goal-directed attentional process? and decreased working memory capacity in patients with panic disorder via visuo-spatial hierarchical processing and auditory verbal learning task.Panic Disorder (n=12) and control (n=12) groups were matched according to handedness. To assess visuo-spatial hierarchical processing, we used a computerized test which included Navon letters consisting of global and local components were presented consequtively and randomly, with duration of 10 centisecond in both right and left visual hemifield. For each participants and each characteristics of stimuli (global/local, with interference/without interference, presentation side of stimuli), both the number and time of correct responses were calculated. In addition, the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) were applied to assess working memory capacity. The anxiety levels and somatic symptom severity of the participants were measured with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) I-II and Somatization Subscale of Symptom Check List (SCL)-90-R, respectively.As a result, the patients with PD had lower correct response proportions and higher correct response duration at local level (p=0.006 and p=0.037 ,respectively). In addition, the patients? performance of resistance to global interference was worse compared to controls (p=0.034). The AVLT IV, V and VIII scores were lower and score of SCL-90-R SY was higher than those of controls. There was also positive correlation between AVLT I scores and local correct response proportions (r=0.415, p=0.044).Our findings suggested that, patients with PD experience difficulty in directing visuo-spatial attention to local level, their task performance worsens with interference effect (this may be associated with working memory capacity.) and their failure is positively correlated with focusing bodily sensations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikiyatri, Psychiatry, Elektrokimyasal polimerleşme, Electrochemical polymerization ; Redoks polimerleşme yöntemi, Redox polymerization method ; Seryum, Cerium