Türkiye Lepus lınnaeus, 1758 cinsinin taksonomik durumu (mammalıa: Lagomorpha)
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bu araştırma, 2006 ve 2010 yılları arasında Türkiye'den elde edilen 129 yaban tavşanı örneğine dayanmaktadır. Örneklerimizin Türkiye'de tek bir türü, Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1758'u temsil ettiği saptanmıştır. Türün ayırıcı özelliği, habitat, yuva yapısı, bazı beslenme ve üreme özellikleri, fallus, kürk rengi, kıl morfolojisi, karyolojisi, diş varyasyonları, dış ve iç karakter ölçüleri kaydedilmiştir. Türkiye'den yaban tavşanı'nın standart, GTC, CTG ve AgNO3 bantlı karyotipleri ilk kez bu çalışma ile yapılmıştır. Bütün örneklerde diploid kromozom sayısı 2n=48 ve otozomal kromozomların kol sayısı ise NFa=88'dir. Kromozom setinde sekiz metasentrik ve submetasentrik çift ile büyükten küçüğe doğru sıralanan 15 subtelosentrik ve akrosentrik çift bulunmaktadır. X kromozomu büyük submetasentrik iken, Y kromozomu küçük bir akrosentriktir. C- bantlı karyotiplerde ve NOR dağılımlarında varyasyon bulunmuştur. Ancak, Kilis-Elbeyli örneklerinde subtelosentrik kromozomunun uzun kolunda bir duplikasyon tespit edilmiştir. Dişlerden P2, P3, P3 ve P4'de 11 yeni varyasyon tespit edilmiştir.Örneklerimiz, literatür verileriyle karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiş ve Türkiye'de Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1758 türünün Lepus europaeus syriacus Ehrenberg, 1883 ve Lepus europaeus philistinus Ferguson, 2005 alttürleriyle temsil edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Lepus europaeus philistinus araştırma alanından ilk kez kaydedilmiştir.
This study is based on 129 specimens of brown hare obtained from Turkey between 2006 and 2010. It is determined that, our specimens represent only Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778. Habitat, burrow type, some feeding and breeding features, phallus, fur colour, hair morphology, karyology, teeth variations, and external and cranial mesaurements of the species were recorded conventional and GTC, CTC and AgNO3 banded karyotypes of hares from Turkey are described for the first time. All specimens have a diploid number 2n= 48 chromosomes and a fundamental autosomal number NFa=88. The chromosome set consisted of eight metacentric and submetacentric pairs, 15 subtelocentric and acrocentric pairs decreasing in size from large to small. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric while the Y was a small acrocentric. The importent variation was found in the C- banded karyotype and the distribution of NORs. On the other hand, Kilis specimens have a duplication in the long arm of one of the subtelocentric chromosome. In teeth, 11 new variation are determined in P2, P3, P3 and P4.Our data were compared to the relevant literatures and as a result Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 was represented by the Lepus europaeus syriacus Ehrenberg, 1983 and Lepus europaeus philistinus Ferguson, 2005 in Turkey. Lepus europaeus philistinus was recorded firstly from the Turkey.
This study is based on 129 specimens of brown hare obtained from Turkey between 2006 and 2010. It is determined that, our specimens represent only Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778. Habitat, burrow type, some feeding and breeding features, phallus, fur colour, hair morphology, karyology, teeth variations, and external and cranial mesaurements of the species were recorded conventional and GTC, CTC and AgNO3 banded karyotypes of hares from Turkey are described for the first time. All specimens have a diploid number 2n= 48 chromosomes and a fundamental autosomal number NFa=88. The chromosome set consisted of eight metacentric and submetacentric pairs, 15 subtelocentric and acrocentric pairs decreasing in size from large to small. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric while the Y was a small acrocentric. The importent variation was found in the C- banded karyotype and the distribution of NORs. On the other hand, Kilis specimens have a duplication in the long arm of one of the subtelocentric chromosome. In teeth, 11 new variation are determined in P2, P3, P3 and P4.Our data were compared to the relevant literatures and as a result Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778 was represented by the Lepus europaeus syriacus Ehrenberg, 1983 and Lepus europaeus philistinus Ferguson, 2005 in Turkey. Lepus europaeus philistinus was recorded firstly from the Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology ; Zooloji, Zoology, , , , , , , ,