Dikey bir levhada laminer şartlarda doğal ısı taşınımının incelenmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Bir levha sıcaklığı kendi sıcaklığından farklı olan bir akışkan içinde bulunuyorsa ısı geçişinden dolayı levhaya dik doğrultuda sıcaklık basamağı meydana gelir. Bu sıcaklık basamağı yoğunluk farkına, yoğunluk farklılığı da doğal ısı taşınımına sebep olur. Doğal taşınımda yüzeyle akışkan arasında sınır tabaka oluşur. Sınır tabaka denklemlerinin çözümü sonucunda sıcaklık ve hız dağılımı elde edilir. Bu çalışmada dikey bir levhada meydana gelen doğal taşınım sınır tabakası incelenmiştir. Bu sınır tabakaya ait süreklilik, momentum ve enerji denklemlerinin çözümünü yapılmıştır. Çözümleri yaparken analitik olarak benzerlik ve integral metodları, sayısal olarak sonlu farklar metodu kullanılmıştır. Üç yöntemle elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırmalı olarak gösterilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Doğal taşınım, dikey levha, benzerlik, integral, sonlu ( farklar
As a plate comes to contact with a fluid at a different temperature, it experiences heat gradient in the vertical direction to the plane due to their temperature difference. This gradient depends on density variation of the fluid which, in fact, causes natural heat convection. During this process, a boundary layer occurs between the plate and the fluid. The solution of the boundary layer equations provides the temperature and velocity variations in space. In this study, the boundary layer of the natural heat convection on a vertical plate was investigated. For the boundary layer, the continuity, momentum and energy equations were solved using both analythical and numerical methods. For the analythic solutions the similitude and integral methods were employed and for the numerical solutions finite difference techniques were used. The three different solutions were studied comparatively. Key words: Natural heat convection, vertical plate, similitude, integral method, finite difference techniques. 11
As a plate comes to contact with a fluid at a different temperature, it experiences heat gradient in the vertical direction to the plane due to their temperature difference. This gradient depends on density variation of the fluid which, in fact, causes natural heat convection. During this process, a boundary layer occurs between the plate and the fluid. The solution of the boundary layer equations provides the temperature and velocity variations in space. In this study, the boundary layer of the natural heat convection on a vertical plate was investigated. For the boundary layer, the continuity, momentum and energy equations were solved using both analythical and numerical methods. For the analythic solutions the similitude and integral methods were employed and for the numerical solutions finite difference techniques were used. The three different solutions were studied comparatively. Key words: Natural heat convection, vertical plate, similitude, integral method, finite difference techniques. 11
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering, , , , , ,