Kolonik hiperplastik ve adenomatöz polipler ile kolonik karsinomlarda immünhistokimyasal olarak CD44 ve LGR5 ekspresyonu ve karsinogenezisdeki rolü
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Kolorektal karsinomalar dünyada 4.sıklıkta görülen, özellikle endüstriyel ülke-lerde 40'lı yaşlardan sonra görülme sıklığı iki kat artan neoplazmlardır. İyi tanımlanmış olan familyal sendromlarda görülen kolorektal karsinomalar olabileceği gibi, çoğu sporadik olup mekanizması kesin olarak anlaşılamamış, ancak genetik değişikliklerin akümülasyonu ile adenoma-karsinoma sekansı sonucu multistep bir proçesi izleyerek gelişir; bu açıdan oluşumlarında sıklıkla prekürsör lezyon adenomatöz poliplerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kolonik hiperplastik ve adenomatöz polipler İle kolonik adenokarsinomda CD44 ve LGR5 ekspresyon paternlerinin ve aralarındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmamızda 15 hiperplastik polip,15 tübüler adenoma,15 villöz adenoma ve kalan 15 taneside kolon adenokarsinoma örneklerini dahil ettik ; nükleer LGR5 ve membranöz CD44 immünhistokimyasal ekspresyonlarının hiperplastik po-lip,adenomatöz polipler ve kolon adenokarsinomunda ve karsinogenezis aşamala-rındaki rollerini inceledik. Çalışmamızda CD44 sitoplazmik membran, LGR5 nükleer boyamasınının hiperplastik polipten , adenomaya ; adenomadan , adenokarsinomaya ilerledikçe olan değişik boyanma paternlerini istatistiksel olarak inceledik. Patoloji spesmenleri CD44 ve LGR5 immünboyamaları ile H-skoru(0-300) kullanılarak skorlandı.Villöz adenom LGR5 immün boyasıyla değerlendirildiğinde,hiperplastik po-lip(p=0.038),tübüler adenoma(p=0.008) ve kolon adenokarsinomasından(p=0.034) çok daha fazla eksprese edildiği görülmüştür. CD44 immün boyası hiperplastik po-lip'te tübüler adenoma(p=0.001),villöz adenoma(p=0.001) ve kolon adenokarsinomaya(p=0,026) oranla artmış ekspresyon göstermiştir. Sonuçlarımız artmış CD44 ekspresyonlarının kolorektal karsinogenezle ilişkili olduğunu fakat LGR5 ekspresyonlarının adenomatöz değişikliğin erken evrelerinde etkili olduğuyönündedir. Bu çalışmada CD44 ekspresyonunun prognostik açıdan bize daha fazla bilgi verebileceği anlaşılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler:Kolorektal adenom,kolorektal adenokarsinom
Colorectal cancer is the fourth ranking cancer worldwide and exhibits two-fold increase in industrialized countries after the age of 40s. Although there are well defined colorectal carcinomas associated with familial syndromes, most of them are sporadic cancers occur with an unclear mechanism but supposed to develop by following a multistep process which is the result of an adenoma-carcinoma sequence consists of accumulation of genetical changes; so that mostly the precursor lesions are adenomatous polyps. The aim of this study is to examine the distribution and interrelation between the expression paterns of CD44 and LGR5 in hyperplastic polyp,adenomatous and carcinomatous areas of the colorectal tissue In our study,we have included 15 hyperplastic polyp,15 tubular adenoma,15 vıllous adenoma and 15 unit colonic adenocarcinoma samples.We analyzed the immunhistochemical expression of nuclear LGR5 and membranous CD44 in carcinogenesis with in colonic hyperplastic,adenomatous polyps and colonic adenocarcinoma . In our study, we analyzed the progression from hyperplastic polyp to adenocarcinoma, which was statistically different staining pattern with membranous CD44 and nuclear LGR5.Pathology specimens were scored by using HSCORE with CD44 and LGR5 immunstaining. Villous adenomas have evaluated with the other specimens by LGR5 immune paint; hyperplastic polyps (p = 0.038), tubular adenoma (p = 0.008) and colon adenocarcinoma (p = 0.034),which were found to be much more express. Hyperplastic polyps compared wtih tubular adenoma (P = 0.001), villous adenoma (P = 0.001) and colon adenocarcinoma (p = 0.026),which showed rise expression with CD44 immune paint. Our results associate with colorectal carcinogenesis of increased expression of CD44 ,but expressions of LGR5 effective in the early stages in adenomatous changes.İn this study which may provide more information for us in terms of understanding the prognostic value of CD44 expression. Key words:Colorectal adenoma,colorectal adenocarsinoma,CD44,LGR5
Colorectal cancer is the fourth ranking cancer worldwide and exhibits two-fold increase in industrialized countries after the age of 40s. Although there are well defined colorectal carcinomas associated with familial syndromes, most of them are sporadic cancers occur with an unclear mechanism but supposed to develop by following a multistep process which is the result of an adenoma-carcinoma sequence consists of accumulation of genetical changes; so that mostly the precursor lesions are adenomatous polyps. The aim of this study is to examine the distribution and interrelation between the expression paterns of CD44 and LGR5 in hyperplastic polyp,adenomatous and carcinomatous areas of the colorectal tissue In our study,we have included 15 hyperplastic polyp,15 tubular adenoma,15 vıllous adenoma and 15 unit colonic adenocarcinoma samples.We analyzed the immunhistochemical expression of nuclear LGR5 and membranous CD44 in carcinogenesis with in colonic hyperplastic,adenomatous polyps and colonic adenocarcinoma . In our study, we analyzed the progression from hyperplastic polyp to adenocarcinoma, which was statistically different staining pattern with membranous CD44 and nuclear LGR5.Pathology specimens were scored by using HSCORE with CD44 and LGR5 immunstaining. Villous adenomas have evaluated with the other specimens by LGR5 immune paint; hyperplastic polyps (p = 0.038), tubular adenoma (p = 0.008) and colon adenocarcinoma (p = 0.034),which were found to be much more express. Hyperplastic polyps compared wtih tubular adenoma (P = 0.001), villous adenoma (P = 0.001) and colon adenocarcinoma (p = 0.026),which showed rise expression with CD44 immune paint. Our results associate with colorectal carcinogenesis of increased expression of CD44 ,but expressions of LGR5 effective in the early stages in adenomatous changes.İn this study which may provide more information for us in terms of understanding the prognostic value of CD44 expression. Key words:Colorectal adenoma,colorectal adenocarsinoma,CD44,LGR5
Anahtar Kelimeler
Patoloji, Pathology, , , , ,