Türkiye'deki iş örgütleri ve sendikal yapıların ulusal iş sistemi bileşenleri bağlamında incelenmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Whitley'in yapmış olduğu ulusal iş sistemleri sınıflandırmasında "Devlete bağımlı iş sistemi" kategorisinde yer alan ülkelerden biri olan Türkiye'deki sendikal yapılar ve sivil iş örgütleri ile devlet arasındaki ilişki biçimleri sebep-sonuç bağlamında incelenmiştir. Çalışmaya temel teşkil eden ana sorunsal; sendikal yapıların ve sivil iş örgütlerinin Türkiye'nin devlete bağımlı iş sistemi kategorisinde yer almasında etkisi ve rolü var mıdır? Eğer varsa, Bu etkinin mahiyeti ve tezahürü ne şekilde olmaktadır? Ve gerek devlet işleyişine gerekse piyasa işlemlerine yansımalarına yönelik hayat seyri ne şekilde olmaktadır? Gibi sorulara cevap aranacaktır. Çalışmanın hem iş örgütleri hem de sendikalar gibi birbirinden olabildiğince bağımsız ayrı dinamik organizasyon yapılarında araştırılmak istenmesinin en temel hedefi, devlete bağımlı iş sistemlerinin, devlet-stk ilişki ve işbirliğini kapsamasının, bu iki farklı yapılarda nasıl cereyan ettiğini görebilmek; söz konusu ilişki biçimi (etkenlik-edilgenlik) ile devlet-stk işbirliğinin, iş örgütleri ve sendikalar gibi iki farklı STK türünde de nasıl bir boyuta, içeriğe ve yönelime sahip olduğunu ortaya koyabilmektir. Böylece sadece iş örgütleri ya da sadece sendikal yapıların, devlet ile ilişkili biçimini orta koymanın eksik bir değerlendirme olma riski/ihtimali aşılmış olmaktadır. Literatürde, devlet-stk ilişki ve işbirliğini inceleyerek, "devlete bağımlı iş sistemleri" ile ilgili kapsam, içerik ve analizleri ele alan herhangi bir çalışma yer almamaktadır. Bu yönü, çalışmanın en özgün tarafıdır. Bu çalışma ile Creswell'in tarihsel süreci baz alan yaklaşımı özelinde, Türkiye 'de süreç içerisinde bir kırılma ya da diğer iş sistemlerine doğru bir "evrilme" söz konusu mudur? Bunun da belirtileri varsa tespit edilmesi mümkün olacaktır.
In this study, the relationship between union structures and non-governmental business organizations and the state in Turkey, which is one of the countries in the "State-dependent business system" category in Whitley's classification of national business systems, was examined in the context of cause and effect. The main problematic that forms the basis of the study; Do trade union structures and non-governmental business organizations have an impact and role in Turkey's inclusion in the state-dependent business system category? If so, what is the nature and manifestation of this effect? And what is its life course regarding its reflections on both state functioning and market transactions? Answers to such questions will be sought.The main problematic that forms the basis of the study; Do trade union structures and non-governmental business organizations have an impact and role in Turkey's inclusion in the state-dependent business system category? If so, what is the nature and manifestation of this effect? And what is its life course regarding its reflections on both state functioning and market transactions? Answers to such questions will be sought. The main goal of the study is to investigate both business organizations and unions in separate dynamic organizational structures that are as independent from each other as possible, to see how state-dependent business systems, including state-NGO relations and cooperation, take place in these two different structures; The aim of this study is to reveal what kind of dimension, content and orientation the state-NGO cooperation with the type of relationship in question (activity-passivity) has in two different types of NGOs such as business organizations and unions. Thus, the risk/possibility of presenting only business organizations or only union structures in relation to the state as an incomplete evaluation is overcome. There is no study in the literature that examines the scope, content and analysis of "state-dependent business systems" by examining the State-NGO relationship and cooperation. This aspect is the most original aspect of the work. With this study, in the context of Creswell's approach based on the historical process, is there a break in the process or an "evolution" towards other "business systems" in Turkey? It will be possible to detect this if there are symptoms.
In this study, the relationship between union structures and non-governmental business organizations and the state in Turkey, which is one of the countries in the "State-dependent business system" category in Whitley's classification of national business systems, was examined in the context of cause and effect. The main problematic that forms the basis of the study; Do trade union structures and non-governmental business organizations have an impact and role in Turkey's inclusion in the state-dependent business system category? If so, what is the nature and manifestation of this effect? And what is its life course regarding its reflections on both state functioning and market transactions? Answers to such questions will be sought.The main problematic that forms the basis of the study; Do trade union structures and non-governmental business organizations have an impact and role in Turkey's inclusion in the state-dependent business system category? If so, what is the nature and manifestation of this effect? And what is its life course regarding its reflections on both state functioning and market transactions? Answers to such questions will be sought. The main goal of the study is to investigate both business organizations and unions in separate dynamic organizational structures that are as independent from each other as possible, to see how state-dependent business systems, including state-NGO relations and cooperation, take place in these two different structures; The aim of this study is to reveal what kind of dimension, content and orientation the state-NGO cooperation with the type of relationship in question (activity-passivity) has in two different types of NGOs such as business organizations and unions. Thus, the risk/possibility of presenting only business organizations or only union structures in relation to the state as an incomplete evaluation is overcome. There is no study in the literature that examines the scope, content and analysis of "state-dependent business systems" by examining the State-NGO relationship and cooperation. This aspect is the most original aspect of the work. With this study, in the context of Creswell's approach based on the historical process, is there a break in the process or an "evolution" towards other "business systems" in Turkey? It will be possible to detect this if there are symptoms.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
İşletme, Business Administration