Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kuruluş döneminde din-devlet ilişkisi modelinin kurumlaşması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın ana konusu, Cumhuriyet'in kuruluş döneminde din-devlet ilişkisi modelinin kurumlaşmasını incelemektir. Çalışma imkanlar elverdiği ölçüde birincil kaynaklara dayanılarak yapılmıştır. Ana konuya geçmeden önce birinci bölümde; Osmanlı Devleti'ndeki din- devlet ilişkisi modelini kısaca tanıtmak amacıyla hilafet ve şeyhülislamlık kurumlan hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. îkinci bölümde, Birinci Meclis'in faaliyetleri, üçüncü bölümde de ikinci Meclis'in faaliyetleri konumuz açısından incelenmiştir. Ayrıca "milli devlet" olgusu ve inkılabın ideolojisi üzerinde kısaca durulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonunda, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kuruluş dönemindeki din- devlet ilişkisi modelinin; Osmanlı Devleti'ndeki modelden ciddi bir farklılık arzetmediği, bu dönemde de din işlerinin; devletin bir idari organı tarafından, devletin kontrolü altında yürütüldüğü kanaatine varılmıştır. Ayrıca; yenilik hareketleri yapılırken dine, bir meşruiyet aracı olarak başvurulduğu gözlemlenmiştir. n
ABSTRACT The main subject of this study is to analyse the institutionalization of religion-state relationship model in the immediate years following the establishment of the Turkish Republic. I've tried to rely on primary materials in this study as much as possible. To provide the necessary historical background to the main issue, the First Chapter offers general information about the caliphate and the office of sheikhulislam". The Second Chapter considers the activities of the First Grand National Assembly, whereas Chapter Three considers those of the Second Grand National Assembly. Chapter Three also investigates the notion of "nation-state" and the ideology of the Turkish revolution. Two main conclusions of this study are as follows: First, the model of relationship between religion and the state during the early years of the Turkish nation-state did not differ considerably from that which had established during the Ottoman State. Indeed religious affairs continued to be administered and controlled by the state during this Secondly, the nationalist leadership frequently resorted to religion to legitimate its reform programmes. m
ABSTRACT The main subject of this study is to analyse the institutionalization of religion-state relationship model in the immediate years following the establishment of the Turkish Republic. I've tried to rely on primary materials in this study as much as possible. To provide the necessary historical background to the main issue, the First Chapter offers general information about the caliphate and the office of sheikhulislam". The Second Chapter considers the activities of the First Grand National Assembly, whereas Chapter Three considers those of the Second Grand National Assembly. Chapter Three also investigates the notion of "nation-state" and the ideology of the Turkish revolution. Two main conclusions of this study are as follows: First, the model of relationship between religion and the state during the early years of the Turkish nation-state did not differ considerably from that which had established during the Ottoman State. Indeed religious affairs continued to be administered and controlled by the state during this Secondly, the nationalist leadership frequently resorted to religion to legitimate its reform programmes. m
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kamu Yönetimi, Public Administration, , , ,