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Kırklareli Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada, sahadan toplanan atık su numunelerinin titrimetrik (iyodometrik) ve spektrofotometrik (fenantrolin) yöntem kullanılarak sülfit bileşenlerinin miktar tayinleri ve metot validasyonunun yapılması amaçlandı. Sülfit tayininde çalışması yapılan yöntemlerin farklı derişimlerdeki duyarlılığı (hassasiyeti) ve analitik performanslarına göre doğruluk çalışmaları gerçekleştirildi. İyodometrik ve fenantrolin metodun seçicilik çalışmaları yapılarak sonuçlar Pearson korelasyon katsayısına göre değerlendirildi ve her iki yöntemin de sülfit tayini için kullanılabilir olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca, gerçek örneklerde yapılan sülfit analizi sonucunda spektrometrik ve titrimetrik metotlar arası farkın ortalama %25 olduğu bulundu. Matriks etkisini incelerken sülfitin geri kazanım değeri en az %95,63 oranında tespit edildi. Ayrıca, kullanılan metotlardan düşük derişimlerde fenantrolin, yüksek derişimlerde ise titrimetrik metodun güvenilirliği kanıtlandı.
In this study, it was aimed to determine the amount of sulfide components and validate the method by using titrimetric (iodometric) and spectrophotometric (phenantroline) methods of wastewater samples collected from the field.In the determination of sulfide, accuracy studies were carried out according to the sensitivity, sensitivity and analytical performance of the methods studied at different concentrations. The selectivity studies of the iodometric and phenantroline methods were performed and the results were evaluated according to the Pearson correlation coefficient, and was determined that both methods can be used for sulfite. In addition, as a result of the sulfide analysis performed on real samples, the difference between spectrophotometric and titrimetric methods was found to be 25% on average. When examining the matrix effect, the recovery value of sulfide was determined to be at least 95.63%. In addition, the reliability of phenantroline at low concentrations and the titrimetric method at high concentrations were proven in sulfide determination.
In this study, it was aimed to determine the amount of sulfide components and validate the method by using titrimetric (iodometric) and spectrophotometric (phenantroline) methods of wastewater samples collected from the field.In the determination of sulfide, accuracy studies were carried out according to the sensitivity, sensitivity and analytical performance of the methods studied at different concentrations. The selectivity studies of the iodometric and phenantroline methods were performed and the results were evaluated according to the Pearson correlation coefficient, and was determined that both methods can be used for sulfite. In addition, as a result of the sulfide analysis performed on real samples, the difference between spectrophotometric and titrimetric methods was found to be 25% on average. When examining the matrix effect, the recovery value of sulfide was determined to be at least 95.63%. In addition, the reliability of phenantroline at low concentrations and the titrimetric method at high concentrations were proven in sulfide determination.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry