Diz Dejeneraktif artiriti olgularında radyofrekans enerjisi kullanılarak kondroplasti uygulaması
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET Engin Murat, 'Diz dejeneratif artrit olgularında radyofrekans enerjisi kullanarak kondroplasti uygulaması'. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi. Kırıkkale 2005. Diz dejeneratif artriti (osteoartroz) özellikle yaşlı nüfusu etkileyen, en sık görülen eklem hastalığıdır (1). Genetik faktörler önemli rol oynamasına rağmen, şişmanlık aşın kullanma ve yaşlanma önemli nedenlerdendir (1). Eklem kıkırdağında yumuşama, fazla yük taşıyan yüzeylerde zamanla kıkırdağın erozyonu, subkondral kemiğin açığa çıkması, ilerleyen evrelerde subkondral kemikle erozyon ve kalınlaşma gibi patolojik değişiklikler olur. Başlangıçta uzun süre sessiz seyreden hastalık daha sonra devamlı ağrı ve fonksiyon kaybı ile kişinin yaşam kalitesini bozar (1,2). Bu çalışmanın amacı diz dejeneratif artriti olgularında radyofrekans enerjisi ile yapılan kondroplastinin klinik ve radyolojik etkinliğini araştırmaktır. Radyofrekans (RF) enerjisi ile artroskopik kondroplasti yeni ve sağlam bir yüzey yaratarak eklem kıkırdağındaki ilerleyen hasarı durdurur. Bu sayede eklem içine dökülen parçacıklar ve inflamatuar mediatörler azalır, daha etkin ve uzun süreli semptomatik iyileşme sağlanır, tezinden yola çıkıldı. RF enerjisi ile kondroplasti ve diğer artroskopik girişimler (menisektomi, doku ablasyonu, büzüştürme) sıkça kullanılmakla beraber uzun süreli etkileri ve sonuçlan tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada RF enerjisi ile kondroplastinin etkilerini araştınldı. Kliniğimize başvuran 39-70 yaş arası, 6 aydan uzun süre diz ağrısı olan, konservatif tedaviye cevap vermemiş, sistemik hastalığı olmayan, diz dejeneratif artritinin erken radyolojik bulgulan saptanmış, mekanik takılma semptomdan olan, diz içi en az bir kompartımanda Outerbridge evre 2-3 kıkırdak lezyonu olan, alt ekstremite dizilim bozukluğu olmayan 20 olgu çalışmaya alındı. Çalışmamızda, kısıtlı sayıda olguya rağmen RF enerjisi ile Outerbridge evre 2-3 kondral defektlere yapılan artroskopik debridman ve kondroplastinin kısa dönem sonuçlannm klinik ve radyolojik olarak iyi sonuçlar verdiği saptandı. Anahtar kelimeler: Radyofrekans enerjisi, kondroplasti, artroskopi, diz
VI ABSTRACT Engin Murat, 'Chondroplasty using radiofrequency energy in the treatment of knee degenerative arthritis'. University of Kırıkkale, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Travmatology, Thesis, Kırıkkale, 2005. Degenerative knee arthritis (gonarthrosis), especially effects elderly population, is one of the most commonly seen joint disorders. Genetic factors important but also overweight, overuse and older ages are important factors. Softening of the articular cartilage and erosion of the cartilage, at last subchondral bone tissue exposed intraartiküler space. The results of the process are thinning of the cartilage and erosion of the subchondral bone. At the beginning of the disease, the process is slow and silent but later continuous pain, functional loss, lowering life quality are seen (1). There are many middle age and older patients applied to our clinics with knee osteoarthriritis. We consider how we can help these patients of degenerative knee arthritis using knee arthroscopy. Is there any alternative method enhancing arthroscopic debridement to increase its positive effects and decrease the progression of the disease. Chondroplasty with radiofrequency energy (RF) is produced a stable resurfaces and decrease the progressive destruction of articular cartilage. Because of these particles from the cartilage which produces inflammatory reactions reduces inflammatory mediators decrease and long symptomatic relieve is achieved according to our thesis. Chondroplasty with RF and other procedures (menicectomy, tissue ablation and shrinkage) can be applied. But a long term results of this procedure doesn't known exactly. We evaluate the results of chondroplasty with RF energy. 20 patients who have knee pain over 6 months ages between 35-70, with no axis deviation in the lower extremities, with mechanical symptoms of looking, no response to conservative treatment, and diagnosis of knee degenerative arthritis were included to the study. Clinic and radiologic short term results of arthroscopic debridement and chondroplasty with RF energy are sufficient in the treatment of early stages of knee degenerative arthritis. Key Words: Radiofrequency, chondroplasti, arthroscopy, knee.
VI ABSTRACT Engin Murat, 'Chondroplasty using radiofrequency energy in the treatment of knee degenerative arthritis'. University of Kırıkkale, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Travmatology, Thesis, Kırıkkale, 2005. Degenerative knee arthritis (gonarthrosis), especially effects elderly population, is one of the most commonly seen joint disorders. Genetic factors important but also overweight, overuse and older ages are important factors. Softening of the articular cartilage and erosion of the cartilage, at last subchondral bone tissue exposed intraartiküler space. The results of the process are thinning of the cartilage and erosion of the subchondral bone. At the beginning of the disease, the process is slow and silent but later continuous pain, functional loss, lowering life quality are seen (1). There are many middle age and older patients applied to our clinics with knee osteoarthriritis. We consider how we can help these patients of degenerative knee arthritis using knee arthroscopy. Is there any alternative method enhancing arthroscopic debridement to increase its positive effects and decrease the progression of the disease. Chondroplasty with radiofrequency energy (RF) is produced a stable resurfaces and decrease the progressive destruction of articular cartilage. Because of these particles from the cartilage which produces inflammatory reactions reduces inflammatory mediators decrease and long symptomatic relieve is achieved according to our thesis. Chondroplasty with RF and other procedures (menicectomy, tissue ablation and shrinkage) can be applied. But a long term results of this procedure doesn't known exactly. We evaluate the results of chondroplasty with RF energy. 20 patients who have knee pain over 6 months ages between 35-70, with no axis deviation in the lower extremities, with mechanical symptoms of looking, no response to conservative treatment, and diagnosis of knee degenerative arthritis were included to the study. Clinic and radiologic short term results of arthroscopic debridement and chondroplasty with RF energy are sufficient in the treatment of early stages of knee degenerative arthritis. Key Words: Radiofrequency, chondroplasti, arthroscopy, knee.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Orthopedics and Traumatology