İki taraflı travmatik patella kırığı: bir olgu sunumu
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Patella kırıkları nadir görülen ve tüm kırıkların yaklaşık %1’ini oluşturan yaralanmalardır. Bu yazıda, araç içi deselerasyon yaralanmasına maruz kalan ve iki taraflı parçalı transvers patella kırığı gelişen 35 yaşında bir erkek hasta sunuldu. Bu hastada her iki patella kırığı için de, açık redüksiyon ve gergi bandı tekniği ile iki adet Kirschner-teli ve serklaj teli kullanılarak internal fiksasyon gerçekleştirildi. Cerrahi sonrası birinci günde izometrik quadriseps ve aktif hareket genişliği egzersizleri başlandı ve hastanın her iki ekstremitesi azami 30 derece fleksiyon yapabilecek şekilde kilitli dizlik ile immobilize edilerek, koltuk değneği ile tam yük vererek yürümesine izin verildi. Ameliyat sonrası dördüncü haftada dizlik ile immobilizasyon sonlandırıldı. Ancak hastaya, kırığın iki taraflı olması nedeniyle yürüme sırasında ortaya çıkabilecek komplikasyonları engellemek için iki hafta daha koltuk değneği kullanması önerildi. Altıncı haftada tam kaynama elde edildi. Ameliyattan iki yıl sonra yapılan son kontrolde hastanın yakınması yoktu ve eklem hareket açıklığı tamdı. Bu yazıda, araç torpidosuna çarpmaya bağlı gelişen iki taraflı patella kırığı olgusu sunuldu ve bu tür yaralanmanın patomekanik ve terapötik yönleri tartışıldı.
Patellar fractures are uncommon injuries and account for approximately 1% of all fractures. In this article, a 35-year-old male patient who sustained a collision deceleration accident with bilateral comminuted transverse patellar fractures is presented. For this patient, open reduction and internal fixation with tension band technique, using two Kirschner wires and cerclage wire was applied for both fractures. At the first postoperative day, isometric quadriceps and active range of motion exercises were begun and the patient was allowed to walk full weight bearing with two crutches while both extremities were immobilized in a hinged brace allowing maximum 30 degrees of flexion. At postoperative fourth week brace immobilization was terminated. However, the patient was advised to use crutches for two weeks more to prevent any complications that may arise during walking because of the bilaterally of the injury. At six weeks solid union was achieved. During the last visit at postoperative second year, the patient had no complaints and the range of motion was full. In this paper a case of bilateral patella fractures is presented as a consequence of a dashboard injury, and the pathomechanical and therapeutical aspects of such an injury is discussed.
Patellar fractures are uncommon injuries and account for approximately 1% of all fractures. In this article, a 35-year-old male patient who sustained a collision deceleration accident with bilateral comminuted transverse patellar fractures is presented. For this patient, open reduction and internal fixation with tension band technique, using two Kirschner wires and cerclage wire was applied for both fractures. At the first postoperative day, isometric quadriceps and active range of motion exercises were begun and the patient was allowed to walk full weight bearing with two crutches while both extremities were immobilized in a hinged brace allowing maximum 30 degrees of flexion. At postoperative fourth week brace immobilization was terminated. However, the patient was advised to use crutches for two weeks more to prevent any complications that may arise during walking because of the bilaterally of the injury. At six weeks solid union was achieved. During the last visit at postoperative second year, the patient had no complaints and the range of motion was full. In this paper a case of bilateral patella fractures is presented as a consequence of a dashboard injury, and the pathomechanical and therapeutical aspects of such an injury is discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Dergisi (Eski Adı: Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi Derg.)
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