Lübnan'da toplumsal yapının siyasete etkisi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Birçok farklı kimliği içerisinde barındırdığı için çok kırılgan bir yapıya sahip olan Lübnan'ın tarih boyunca istikrarı tam anlamı ile yakalayamamış olduğunu görmekteyiz. Buradan hareketle tezimizin konusu; Lübnan'da siyasal istikrarın sağlanmasına engel olan toplumsal yapının incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmada; Ülkedeki yönetimlerin kırılgan yapısı, dış devletlerin müdahale nedenleri ve meydana gelen iç savaşları daha iyi kavrayabilmek adına devletin etnik yapısı verilerek, öne çıkan etnik ve dinsel grupların analiz edilmesi temel amaç olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu konunun seçilmesinin temel nedeni, zaten aşina olduğumuz Müslüman topluluklardan ziyade Lübnan bölgesinde yaşayan, ülke siyasetinde etkili olan farklı toplulukların detaylı bir şekilde ele alınması olmuştur. Ortadoğu ve Siyaset alanında hazırlanan bu yüksek lisans tezi tamamen teorik bir içeriğe sahiptir. Veriler dikkatli bir literatür çalışması yapılarak toplanmıştır. Literatür taramasından sonra toplanan bilgiler değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Bu çerçevede öncelikle tezimizde Lübnan'ın genel özellikleri belirtilmiş, daha sonra siyasi tarihinde yaşanan olaylara vurgu yapılmıştır. Tezimiz konusu gereği, Lübnan'daki belli başlı dini grupların ve düşüncelerinin üzerinde durulmuştur. Sosyal yapının siyasetteki etkisinin mezhep faktörüyle daha da derinleştiği ortamın gösterilmesi aynı zamanda tezimizin sınırlarını da belirlemektedir. Yine tezimizin sınırlarını belirlemek bağlamında ülkenin tarihsel süreçte yaşadığı olaylar ve günümüzdeki etkisi, inceleme alanımız içerisinde yer almıştır. Sonrasında ülkedeki toplumsal yapı dini gruplar ve etkileriyle birlikte ele alınmıştır. Literatürde konumuz alanına giren eserler teker teker incelenmiştir. Yine çalışmamıza benzer bir takım araştırma veya uygulama girişimlerinin olup olmadığı da tespit edilerek çalışmanın özgünlüğü korunmuştur. Veriler doğrultusunda analizlerimiz yapılmıştır. Ülkedeki kaosu tetikleyen toplumsal yapı referanslarla ortaya konulup, objektif bir değerlendirme ile tezle ilgili sonuç elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Lübnan, İç Savaş, Lübnan'ın Toplumsal Yapısı, Teşkilatlı Guruplar, Bütünleşme
We consider that Lebanon, which has a very fragile structure because it consists of many different identities, has not completely maintained stability throughout history. Therefore, the subject of our thesis is to study the social structure that prevents political stability in Lebanon. In this study, the main objective is to research the ethnic and religious groups that are prominent by giving the ethnic structure of the state in order to better understand the fragile structure of the administrations in the country, the reasons for the intervention of the foreign states and the civil wars that are taking place. The main reason for choosing this topic was the detailed research of different communities living in the Lebanese region, influencing country politics, rather than the Muslim communities we are already familiar with. This master thesis about the Middle East and Politics has a completely theoretical content. The data were collected carefully by reviewing the literature. The information collected after the literature review was evaluated. In this framework, firstly, the general characteristics of Lebanon are revealed in our thesis, and then the events in its political history are emphasized. In accordance with the subject of our thesis, the major religious groups and their thoughts in Lebanon are emphasized. Demonstrating the environment in which the impact of social structure on politics deepens with the sectarian factor also determines the scope of our thesis. Again, within the context of determining the boundaries of our thesis, the events experienced by the country in the historical process and its current impact are included in our study area. Afterwards, the social structure in the country was criticized with religious groups and their effects. In the literature, the works in the field of subject are revised one by one. Again, by determining whether there are some research or research initiatives similar to our study, the uniqueness of the study has been assured. Based on the data, our analyzes were made. The social structure that triggers the chaos in the country has been revealed with references and an objective evaluation has been tried to be obtained with an objective evaluation. Keywords: Lebanon, Civil War, Lebanon's Social Structure, Organizational Groups, Integration
We consider that Lebanon, which has a very fragile structure because it consists of many different identities, has not completely maintained stability throughout history. Therefore, the subject of our thesis is to study the social structure that prevents political stability in Lebanon. In this study, the main objective is to research the ethnic and religious groups that are prominent by giving the ethnic structure of the state in order to better understand the fragile structure of the administrations in the country, the reasons for the intervention of the foreign states and the civil wars that are taking place. The main reason for choosing this topic was the detailed research of different communities living in the Lebanese region, influencing country politics, rather than the Muslim communities we are already familiar with. This master thesis about the Middle East and Politics has a completely theoretical content. The data were collected carefully by reviewing the literature. The information collected after the literature review was evaluated. In this framework, firstly, the general characteristics of Lebanon are revealed in our thesis, and then the events in its political history are emphasized. In accordance with the subject of our thesis, the major religious groups and their thoughts in Lebanon are emphasized. Demonstrating the environment in which the impact of social structure on politics deepens with the sectarian factor also determines the scope of our thesis. Again, within the context of determining the boundaries of our thesis, the events experienced by the country in the historical process and its current impact are included in our study area. Afterwards, the social structure in the country was criticized with religious groups and their effects. In the literature, the works in the field of subject are revised one by one. Again, by determining whether there are some research or research initiatives similar to our study, the uniqueness of the study has been assured. Based on the data, our analyzes were made. The social structure that triggers the chaos in the country has been revealed with references and an objective evaluation has been tried to be obtained with an objective evaluation. Keywords: Lebanon, Civil War, Lebanon's Social Structure, Organizational Groups, Integration
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science