Göz Kapağı ve Perioküler Bölge Tümörlerinin Histopatolojik Dağılımı
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Amaç: Kırıkkale ili ve çevresinde biyopsi alınarak histopatolojik değerlendirmesi yapılan göz kapağı ve perioküler bölge tümörlerinin epidemiyolojisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: 2008-2016 yılları arasında 217 hastaya ait 239 lezyonun histopatolojik tanısı, yerleşim yeri ve lateralizasyonu geriye dönük olarak taranmış ve sınıflandırılmıştır. Hastalara ait demografik bilgiler derlenmiştir. Bulgular: 217 hastanın 104' ü erkek (%47.9), 113'ü kadın (%52.1) idi. Hastaların Yaş ortalaması 46.0±2.04 olarak bulundu.Lezyonların 117'si sağ (%48.9) 122'si (%51.1) sol tarafta yerleşmiş idi. Olguların 99'u alt kapaktan (%41.4), 120'si üst kapaktan (%50.2), 17'si (%7.1) medial kantus 3'ü (%1.3) ise dış kantusta idi. 239 olgunun %36.8'i epitelyal tümör (n=88), %5.8'i adneksiyal (n=14), % 3.8'i vasküler (n=9), %5'i ksantomatöz (n=12), %15.8 pigmente - melanositik (n=38), %21.3 inflamatuvar veya enfeksiyöz (n=51) , %11.2 u ise malign (n=27) olarak dağılım göstermekteydi. Sonuç: Yaklaşık olarak yapılan her 10 biyopsiden birinin malignite tanısı aldığı görülmektedir. Bir kısım literatür ile uyumlu olan sonuçlarımızın bazıları ile ise farklılık göstermesinin çevresel faktörlerden kaynaklanabileceği düşünülmüştür
Aim: The aim of the study was to explore the distribution of eyelid and periocular mass lesions in kırıkkale , Middle Anatolia, Turkey, from a histopathological point of view.Methods: Two hundred and thirty nine lesions in 217 patients were classified according to their diagnosis, location and lateralization who admitted between 2008-2016. Demographic data were also reviewed.Results: One hundred and four (47.9%) were female and 113 (52.1%) were female patients. Mean age was 46.0 ±2.04 years. One hundred seventeen (%48.9) of the lesions were on the right side and 122 (%51.1) were on the left. Ninety nine lesions were located at lower eyelid (%41.4) 120 at upper eyelid, 17 (%7.1) at medial canthus (%5.6), 3 (%1.3) at lateral canthus. Two hundred twelve (%88.70) of the lesions were benign. Of these, %36.8 were epithelial (n=88), % 5.85 adnexial (n=14), % 3.7 vascular (n=9), %5 xanthomatous (n=12), %15.9 pigmentary (n=38), and %21.3 inflammatory (n=51) in nature. The rest 27 (%11.29) lesions were malign. Conclusions: Approximately one of every 10 biopsies is diagnosed as malignancy. Some of our results were consistent with literature. We think that inconsistencies were based on as a results of regional differences
Aim: The aim of the study was to explore the distribution of eyelid and periocular mass lesions in kırıkkale , Middle Anatolia, Turkey, from a histopathological point of view.Methods: Two hundred and thirty nine lesions in 217 patients were classified according to their diagnosis, location and lateralization who admitted between 2008-2016. Demographic data were also reviewed.Results: One hundred and four (47.9%) were female and 113 (52.1%) were female patients. Mean age was 46.0 ±2.04 years. One hundred seventeen (%48.9) of the lesions were on the right side and 122 (%51.1) were on the left. Ninety nine lesions were located at lower eyelid (%41.4) 120 at upper eyelid, 17 (%7.1) at medial canthus (%5.6), 3 (%1.3) at lateral canthus. Two hundred twelve (%88.70) of the lesions were benign. Of these, %36.8 were epithelial (n=88), % 5.85 adnexial (n=14), % 3.7 vascular (n=9), %5 xanthomatous (n=12), %15.9 pigmentary (n=38), and %21.3 inflammatory (n=51) in nature. The rest 27 (%11.29) lesions were malign. Conclusions: Approximately one of every 10 biopsies is diagnosed as malignancy. Some of our results were consistent with literature. We think that inconsistencies were based on as a results of regional differences
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Yumuşak M. E., Onaran Z., Örnek K., Oğurel T., Balcı M. (2016). Göz Kapağı ve Perioküler Bölge Tümörlerinin Histopatolojik Dağılımı. ORTADOĞU TIP DERGİSİ, 8(3), 135 - 139.