Magnetik poli (gma-ko-mma) mikroküreleri ile invertaz immobilizasyonu
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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ÖZETMAGNETİK POLİ (GMA-ko-MMA) MİKROKÜRELERİ İLE İNVERTAZİMMOBİLİZASYONUBAŞBUĞA, AysunKırıkkale ÜniversitesiFen Bilimleri EnstitüsüBiyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans TeziDanışman: Prof. Dr. M.Yakup ARICAOrtak Danışman: Doç.Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLUAralık, 2006, 62 SayfaAktive edilmiş magnetik poli(glisidilmetakrilat-ko-metilmetakrilat)[poli(GMA-ko-MMA)] mikroküreleri üzerine invertaz enziminin immobilizasyonuçalışıldı. Magnetik poli(GMA-ko-MMA) mikroküreleri, süspansiyon polimerizasyon ilehazırlandı ve hazırlanan bu magnetik poli(GMA-ko-MMA) mikrokürelerinin yüzeymodifikasyonunda glutaraldehit, aktivasyon ajanı olarak kullanıldı. Aktive edilenmagnetik mikrokürelerin yüzeyine, invertaz enzimi kovalent bağlama yöntemi ileimmobilize edildi. Serbest ve immobilize enzim için Michaelis-Mentem kinetiksabitleri (Km ve Vmax) tayin edildi. İmmobilize enzimin aktifliğine etki eden sıcaklık, pH,depolama kararlılığı gibi parametrelerin etkisi kesikli sistemde incelendi. İmmobilizeenzimin serbest enzime göre daha geniş pH ve sıcaklık aralığında aktivitesininçoğunu koruduğu gözlendi. Serbest enzim 4 hafta içinde bütün aktivitesinikaybederken, immobilize invertaz bu süreç içerisinde aktivitesinin yaklaşık % 86'sınıkorumuştur.Anahtar Kelimeler: Süspansiyon polimerizasyonu, İmmobilizasyon, İnvertaz
ABSTRACTIMMOBILIZATION OF INVERTASE ONTO MAGNETIC POLI(GMA-ko-MMA)MICROBEADSBAŞBUĞA, AysunKırıkkale UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesDepartmant of Biology, M. Sc. ThesisSupervisor: Prof. Dr. M.Yakup ARICAAsist. Prof. Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLUDecember, 2006, 62 PagesImmobilization of invertase onto actived magnetic poli(GMA-ko-MMA)microbeads was studied. Magnetic poli(GMA-ko-MMA) microbeads were prepared bysuspension polymerisation and glutaric dialdehyde as a coupling agent was used formodification. Invertase was then covalently immobilised on surface of magneticmicrobeads. The Michaelis-Menten kinetics constants (Km ve Vmax), optimum pH,optimum temperature and stability of storage for the free and immobilised enzymeswere investigated. Immobilised invertase preparation retained much of their activity inwider ranges of temperature and pH than that of the free form. The free enzyme lostall its activity within 4 weeks. The immobilise invertase preserved about % 86 of itsinitial activity during this time.Key Words: Suspension polymerisation, Immobilisation, Invertase
ABSTRACTIMMOBILIZATION OF INVERTASE ONTO MAGNETIC POLI(GMA-ko-MMA)MICROBEADSBAŞBUĞA, AysunKırıkkale UniversityGraduate School of Natural and Applied SciencesDepartmant of Biology, M. Sc. ThesisSupervisor: Prof. Dr. M.Yakup ARICAAsist. Prof. Dr. Gülay BAYRAMOĞLUDecember, 2006, 62 PagesImmobilization of invertase onto actived magnetic poli(GMA-ko-MMA)microbeads was studied. Magnetic poli(GMA-ko-MMA) microbeads were prepared bysuspension polymerisation and glutaric dialdehyde as a coupling agent was used formodification. Invertase was then covalently immobilised on surface of magneticmicrobeads. The Michaelis-Menten kinetics constants (Km ve Vmax), optimum pH,optimum temperature and stability of storage for the free and immobilised enzymeswere investigated. Immobilised invertase preparation retained much of their activity inwider ranges of temperature and pH than that of the free form. The free enzyme lostall its activity within 4 weeks. The immobilise invertase preserved about % 86 of itsinitial activity during this time.Key Words: Suspension polymerisation, Immobilisation, Invertase
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry ; Biyoloji, Biology