Endometrial doku içindeki ağır metallerin elektron mikroskop aracılığı ile tesbiti
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ÖZET Amaç: Endometrium dokusunda çevre kirliliğine yol açan ağır metallerin tesbiti. Materyal ve Metod: 20 adet albino Wistar rat randomize olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Grup l'deki ratlar Ankara'da, Grup 2'deki ratlar Kırıkkale'de 1 ay süresince tutuldular. Genel anestezi altında çıkarılan uteruslar scanning electron mikroskopta incelenerek metal tayinleri yapıldı. Bulgular: Her iki grup karşılaştırıldığında Grup 2'deNikel anlamlı olarak yüksek tesbit edildi (p0.05). Sonuçlar: endometrium dokusundaki yüksek nikel düzeyi endometrial kompozisyonu etkileyerek düşük sebebi olabilir.
Objective: Determination of the heavy metals in endometrial tissue, which cause environmental pollution. Materials and Methods: 20 albino Wistar rats are divided into 2 groups at random. During one month, the rats of Group 1 were held in Ankara, the rats of Group 2 were held in Kirikkale. The uteruses were taken out under general anesthesia and were examined in scanning electron microscope, so their determinations of metal were done. Results: In a comparison between the groups, the quantity of Nickel was determined significantly at high level in Group 2. Conclusions: The etTect of the high level of Nickel in endometrial tissue on endometrial composition may be accepted as the reason ofabortion.
Objective: Determination of the heavy metals in endometrial tissue, which cause environmental pollution. Materials and Methods: 20 albino Wistar rats are divided into 2 groups at random. During one month, the rats of Group 1 were held in Ankara, the rats of Group 2 were held in Kirikkale. The uteruses were taken out under general anesthesia and were examined in scanning electron microscope, so their determinations of metal were done. Results: In a comparison between the groups, the quantity of Nickel was determined significantly at high level in Group 2. Conclusions: The etTect of the high level of Nickel in endometrial tissue on endometrial composition may be accepted as the reason ofabortion.
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Soyer, C., Bayram, M. (2006). Endometrial doku içindeki ağır metallerin elektron mikroskop aracılığı ile tesbiti. Kadın Doğum Dergisi, 4(3), 814 - 817.